this image contains text
60th Release Party!
.o0o. I C E A D V E R T I S E M E N T S .o0o.
.o0o. M A S T E R M E M B E R L I S T .o0o.
.o0 A 0o.
AADA o1.92 - o4.93 ansi
Aeon Flux 1o.92 - o4.93 distribution
Ageless Prophet o8.93 - 11.93 word
Air Evil o8.93 - o9.93 ansi
Airborn o4.95 - o9.95 11.95 - o1.97 member
Alpha Spin 1o.93 - 11.93 o4.94 - o6.94 vga
Amnesia 12.96 - codez
Amorphis 11.95 - o5.96 ansi
Amroth 1o.92 - o2.93 o7.93 - o4.94 ansi
Anarchy o4.94 - o9.95 o1.96 - vga
Aneurysm o7.96 - member
Annihilatus o6.96 - o2.97 vga
Animal o9.94 o6.95 - o9.95 ansi
Aphex Twin o4.94 - o6.95 aka ellis dee / aka aphid twix artist.ansi.staff
Aphid Twix o1.96 - aka aphex twin artist.vga.staff.logomafia.advisor
Apox 11.95 - ansi.logomafia
Argon o2.95 - o7.95 ansi.logomafia
Asphixia o4.95 - o3.96 ansi
Aviator o9.92 - 11.92 distribution
Azagoth o4.95 - 1o.96 vga
Azrael 11.96 - o1.97 vga
.o0 B 0o.
Bad Karma o2.94 ansi
Banana Basher o7.93 - o2.94 o4.94 - o8.94 vga
Bane 12.93 - o2.94 director
Basehead 12.94 - vibes
Beastie O4.97 - ansi.logomafia
Ben Hurry o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.coder
Biscuit o1.95 - o3.95o5.95 - o9.95o2.96 - o3.96o7.96 - 1o.96 ansi
Black Ire o3.94 - o5.94 member
Black Lion o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.music
Black Lightning o6.97 - ansi
Black Mass o1.93 - o4.93 distribution
Black Sabbath 1o.93 - 12.93 ansi
Black Spyrit o8.92 founder
Black Sheep o2.94 - o3.94 distribution
Black Viper o9.96 - o6.97 ansi
Black Wolf o8.92 - o7.93 ansi.vga
Blade o7.94 - 11.94 communications
Blade Runner o1.93 - o3.931o.93 - o2.94o4.94 - o5.94 ansi.vga
Blazer o6.95 - aka st. blazer coder
Blenderhed 12.96 - vga.rip
BoA 12.93 - o3.94 o2.95 - ansi.logomafia.advisor.consigliere
Bodycount o1.95 - o4.95 aka fistandantilus / aka highness ansi
BoniJoni o5.94 - o9.94 coder
Borian o8.94 - o6.96o4.97 - vga.coordinator
Bozak 11.92 - o4.93 distribution
Brian the Axe o3.93 - o1.94 coder
Byron o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.coder
.o0 C 0o.
C.C.Catch 12.93 - groove future crew.renaissance
C.Curve 12.93 - o2.94 coder
C.Perspective o5.94 vga
Capn Crunch o9.94 - 12.94 coder
Captain Kaos 12.92 - o3.93 12.94 member
Cardiac Arrest o8.92 - o2.93 o3.94 - o4.94 ansi
Cardinal o4.94 - o6.94 vga
CatBones o8.95 - 12.95 vga.logomafia
Cavalier o4.93 - o8.93 o6.96 - 04.97 staff.member
CeeDee o7.96 - o4.97 vga
Cephalon TsurphR o2.94 aka cool t ansi
Cetis o6.94 o5.95 - o7.95 member.director
Charon o5.93 - 1o.93 word
Cheese Grater o9.94 - ansi.vga.staff
Chromatik o4.95 - o1.96 ansi.logomafia
Chuck Biscuits o2.94 - o1.95 music
Cid Vicious o7.93 - o8.94 vga
Citizen Blue o7.96 - 12.96 member
Civil Disobedient o9.92 - 12.93 vga
Cold and Ugly 1o.95 - ansi.advisor.staff
Compumaniac 12.93 - o2.94 distribution
Cool T o4.93 - o7.93 11.93 aka cephelon tsurphr ansi
Cooly o7.94 - o9.95 ansi
Corigan 12.92 - o2.93 o4.93 - o6.94 vga.director
Corpulent Cow o2.96 - ansi
Count Drakula o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
Cray o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
Crewel Blade o6.93 - o9.93 o3.94 - o5.94 artist
Critical Sabotage o7.94 - o8.94 member
Crow o6.94 - 11.94 vga
Crushed ACiD 12.92 member
Culture Shock 12.94 - o4.95 aka nttk / aka nartteik vga
Cutthroat o6.96 aka cold and ugly ansi
Cyanide o9.92 - 11.92 member
Cyber Christ o9.93 - o7.94 aka toon goon / aka jae artist.director
Cyber-X o4.93 ansi
CyberChrist o5.93 - o7.93 member
Cyberise o6.97 - vga
Cyclonus o8.92 - 11.92 o1.93 ansi
Cynic Cipher o6.94 - o7.94 distribution
.o0 D 0o.
Danzig o4.93 - o4.94 aka white devil / aka el jaffe ansi.vga.director
Dark Knight o7.93 vga
Dark Mage o1.93 - o3.93 distribution
Dark Spyre o8.92 - o3.93 director
Dark Wolf o2.94 - o3.94 ansi
Darksider o9.92 - o9.93 vga
Deadbolt o4.93 - o9.93 coder
Deathknight o8.93 - 11.93 vga
Death Adder o7.95 - o9.95 rip
Deep Freezer o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel..oder
Deeply Disturbed o7.94 - 1o.96o1.95 - o4.95o7.96 - o9.96 artiste.staff
Defective Mind o7.95 - o3.96 distribution
Defiant o7.96 ansi
Degenerit 11.96 - ansi
Delsion o5.95 - o7.95 vga
Denizen o4.93 - o7.93 director
Desolated Dream o7.94 - o8.94 director
Destroyer 1o.92 - 11.92 distribution
Devastator 1o.95 - aka Dev / aka Vlad the Magnificent web.member
Devastator 1o.92 - 11.92 distribution
Devils Spawn o8.93 - o2.94 director
Dieznyik o6.96 - o8.96 artist.ansi.logomafia
Digital Force o8.92 ansi
Digital Interface o9.95 - vga
Dikarpo o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
DiscoDan o2.94 - o4.94 vga
Divine Styler 1o.95 - 11.95 aka tical ansi
Dorian Hawkmoon o8.92 - o9.92 distribution
Dr.Death 12.93 - o2.94 distribution
Dr.Tongueo4.94 - o5.95 ansi
Draeden o1.93 - o3.93 vga.coder
Drakkhar o9.92 - 11.92 distribution
Dreadnought o5.97 - ansi
Dreamevil 12.92 - o3.93 ansi
Dual Standard o4.94 - o8.94 vga
Dyna Byte o8.92 member
Dyninhell o5.93 - o6.93 vga
.o0 E 0o.
Easel o7.96 - o8.96 vga
Eerie Smith o1.93 - o4.93 distribution
Egghead o7.94 - aka eggy communications.member
Egoteq o7.96 - 1o.96 ansi
Eight Ball o8.92 - 1o.93 o8.97 - vga
El Jaffe o5.94 aka danzig / aka white devil ansi.vga.director
Elastic 1o.96 - ansi
Ellis Dee o5.94 aka aphex twin / aka aphid twix artist.staff
Elminster o7.93 - 1o.93 o4.94 - 12.94 11.95 ansi.vga
Elysius o7.95 - o3.96 ansi
Epoch o3.97 - vga
Eporue o7.96 - o1.97 vga
Epsilon Process o9.93 music
Eternal Chaos o3.95 distribution
Eternal Darkness o8.92 - o6.94 ansi.music.vga
Exquisite Corpse o7.93 vga
.o0 F 0o.
Faded Whisper o7.93 - 1o.93 ansi
Falic o4.95 - o7.95 vga
Farmicus o4.97 - member
Fatal Error o1.95 - o2.95 distribution
Felonious Monk o1.95 distribution
Fenris Wolf o6.93 - o9.93 coder
Final Descendant o9.92o5.93 - o7.93o2.94 - o3.94o7.96 - o4.97 ansi
Fistandantilus o6.94 - 12.94 aka bodycount / aka highness ansi
Flashback o2.94 - o8.94 vga
Flick o7.94 - o8.94 ansi
Fluor o4.96 - o7.96 ansi.logomafia
Forbidden Image o7.93 - 11.93 ansi
Force Ten o9.92 - staff
Ford Prefect o2.93 - o8.94 israeli.coder
ForgeMaster o7.93 - 1o.93 music
Formic Acid 11.94 - 12.94 vga
Fractal o6.97 - ansi
Fred o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.music
Fred Byrd 1o.94 - o7.95 vga
Friar Tuck o4.94 - codemaster.director.staff.ansi.logomafia
Frog o2.95 - o9.95 coder
Frozen Tormentor o8.92 - o2.93 aka many axe founder
Future Assassin o2.95 - o6.96 vga
Fugazi o2.94 ansi
.o0 G 0o.
G-Spot o1.93 - o4.93 distribution
G-Man 1o.93 - 12.93 o1.95 - o4.95 o7.96 - ansi
G.Washington o5.94 - o6.94 o6.96 - ansi
Gaijin o4.95 - o6.95 aka hfaze vga
Galactus 11.92 - 12.92 member
Gandalf 11.92 - 12.92 member
Gankmaster 1o.92 - 11.92 member
Gatekeeper o8.92 - 12.92 director
Gator 11.92 member
Generation X o4.93 o7.93 - 1o.93 member
Genesis o2.93 - o2.94 artist.euro director
Godlike o9.92 - 12.92 member
Golgotha o6.93 - 1o.93 o1.95 - o3.95 canadian.ansi
Gorechild o5.97 - ansi
Grateful Dead o4.95 ansi
Greater Evil o5.95 - coder.coordinator
Grendel o3.96 - o7.96 ansi
Grimace o4.95 - o8.95 ansi
Grim o8.92 - o1.93 ansi
Grindstone o3.96 - o9.96 ansi
Groo o1.93 ansi
Gwah 11.94 - o3.96 aka gwar ansi
Gwar o3.94 - 1o.94 aka gwah ansi
.o0 H 0o.
Handyman o1.95 - o3.96 ansi
Hannibal Lecter o5.93 o3.95 - o6.96 aka mca ansi.logomafia.phunk
Heat 1o.96 - vga
Hell Raiser o2.94 ansi
Hellfire o7.94 - 12.94 member
HellRazor o7.93 - o2.94 vga
Hfaze o2.95 - o3.95 o6.95 - o3.96 o7.96 - aka gaijin vga
Hideous Spawn 12.93 - o2.94 distribution
Highness o5.95 - o9.95o2.96 - o7.96 aka fistandantilus / bodycount ansi
High Voltage o9.92 - 1o.92 vga
Hoaks o2.94 - o5.94 o7.94 - o8.94 ansi
HOOPTiE o6.93 ansi
Hornet o7.96 - music
Humanoid o7.96 - o4.97 coder
.o0 I 0o.
IBMMAN o2.93 o4.93 coder
Iceman o1.93 - o2.93 distribution
Icepick o6.95 - 12.95 coder
ICL o7.94 - 12.94 coder
Icto 11.95 - 12.95 vga.artiste
Icy o1.93 - o3.93 aka icy ice baby ansi
Iodine o8.97 - aka posyden ansi
Image o5.95 - o7.95 vga
ImageX o9.94 - 11.94 o2.95 - o9.95 o3.97 - aka ImageSex vga
Inazone o3.97 - ansi
iNCUBUS o2.94 - o9.95 aka iNKY ansi.huffasaurus
Ink 12.94 vga
Inner Vision o4.96 - ansi
Inquisitor o2.94 - o5.94 director
Insidious 12.93 distribution
Iridium o4.93 - o2.94 aka quick silver coder thg/fx
Iron Man o5.94 - 11.94 ansi
Isosceles 11.94 - o9.95 o1.96 - aka lithium ansi.vga
Israfel o4.93 - 12.93 word
.o0 J 0o.
Jae o1.96 - aka cyber christ / aka toon goon artist.vga.ansi
Jaguar o2.94 - o3.94 word
Jailbird o4.96 - o7.96 fuel/ice.euro.ansi
James Bond o1.93 - o4.93 o1.95 distribution
Jamie McCarter o4.95 - vga
Jester o7.93 - 1o.93 vga
Jocko o2.94 - o3.94 ansi
Joker o5.93 - 12.93 o2.94 o7.96 - ansi
Juice o5.95 - 07.97 ansi
Juice o2.93 vga
.o0 K 0o.
Kabal-13 o1.96 - vga
Kadaver 11.95 - ansi.coordinator
Kamikazee o6.95 - artiste.ansi.logomafia
Kaska F. Kaska 12.92 - o1.93 o3.94 - o5.94 ansi
Khyron o8.94 coder
Killean the Red o1.95 - o5.95 coder
Killer o1.93 - o2.93 aka kleeb ansi
King Arthur o8.93 - 11.93 word
King Midas o6.94 - o7.94 o1.95 ansi
Kitiara o3.97 - ansi
Kovax! o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.music
Kyp 11.96 - ansi.vga
.o0 L 0o.
Led 11.92 - 12.92 distribution
Lemming o4.93 - o7.93 iceuro.ansi
Lemonade o7.95 - aka abomination ansi.coordinator
Leonardo o1.95 - o6.96 aka leo / aka excalibur ansi.vga
Leper Messiah o2.93 - o3.93 ansi
Leviathan 11.92 - 12.93 aka prolog coder
Lintec o3.96 - o4.97 member
Liquid Air o8.93 - 1o.93 vga
Liquid Image 12.92 - o3.93 o7.93 - 1o.93 o8.97 - artist
Lithium o9.94 - 1o.94 aka isosceles vga
Logan o1.93 - o3.93 ansi
Lord Carnuss o7.93 - 1o.93 o5.94 o3.95 - o7.96 artiste.ansi.logomafia
Lord Drakul o1.95 - 12.96 ansi
Lord Exodus o1.93 - o3.93 distribution
Lord Mischief o8.92 - o3.94 vga.staff
Lord Soth 1o.93 - aka slothy / sir slothenheimer artiste.logomafia.staff
Lord Tiamat o8.92 member
Lyfe o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
.o0 M 0o.
M. Slasher o3.94 member
Mabuse o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.coder
Mace o1.93 - o3.93 distribution
Maelstrom o3.94 - o5.94 word
Maestro o6.95 - o8.95 12.95 - o6.96 ansi.logomafia
Magnetic Rage o2.97 - logomafia
MagneticM o2.95 - aka pookins artiste.ansi.logomafia.advisor
Magnus o2.94 - o5.94 ansi
Mahbell o5.95 aka spirit of illusion ansi
Manslayer o9.92 - o1.93 ansi
Mantis o7.96 - vga
Marshal Law o9.92 - o4.94 artiste
Mascot o8.93 - o7.96 ansi.vga
Mason o2.94 - o3.94 aka snoop dog vga
Mass Delusion o8.95 - member.artist.advisor.staff
Mass Murderer 1o.96 - logomafia
Master Com 11.92 - 12.93 vga
Master Ken o7.94 - o9.94 o1.95 - o6.95 ansi.rip
Master Koresh o2.94 - 11.94 vga
Master of Puppets o1.93 - o3.93 music
Maul ASM o8.92 - o9.92 vga
MCA o8.94 - o2.95 aka hannibal lecter artist.big daddy maq
Megalith o6.96 - vga
Megaton Rush o8.94 communications
Mellow-D o3.94 - music
Mental Floss o8.92 - 11.92 distribution
Mephitopeles o6.95 - o7.96 aka mp ansi
Mephistopholes o9.94 - 11.94 communications
Metal Head 12.92 - o3.94 aka shaggy ansi.rip.vga.staff
MicroFarad 1o.92 - 11.92 vga
Midnight Falcon 1o.92 - 12.92 vga
Midnight Sorrow o9.92 - 11.92 o1.93 - o5.93 music.staff
Mind Bomb 12.91 - o7.92 courier.member.coordinator.staff
Misfit 12.95 - o3.96 11.96 - ansi
Mongi o5.97 - vga
Moonraker o3.93 distribution
Morbid o5.93 - o9.93 ansi
Morbid Angel 1o.92 - o1.93 staff
Morfeas o8.93 - o9.93 ansi
Morpheus o4.93 - o9.93 vga
Mosaic o1.93 o4.93 - o6.93 o9.94 - music
Mr.Bug o4.93 - o5.93 coder
Mr.Man 1o.93 member
Mr.Mister o8.92 1o.92 - o3.93 o5.93 - o9.93 vga
Mushroom o9.92 - o3.93 o5.93 - 12.93 vga
Musicphreak o5.95 - o7.96 coolness
.o0 N 0o.
Nailz o5.93 - 12.93 artiste
Napalm 11.92 - o1.93 ansi
Nartteik 12.94 - 04.95 aka nttk / aka culture shock vga
Nasty Child o8.92 staff
Natex o2.94 - o6.94 ,o9.94 - o1.95 ,o7.96 - coder
Nautilus o8.92 - 1o.92 ansi
Nazgul 1o.92 ansi
Necrofiliac o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
Necros 11.93 - music
Nemesis o9.92 - o7.93 ansi.director
Nemesis o5.94 - music
Nemo o2.94 coder
Neuro Psychosis o7.94 - o8.94 communications
Neurotic o2.95 - o5.95 ,o3.96 aka neurotica artiste.rave magnet
Night Angel o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
Night Daemon o8.97 - vga
Night Shade o9.93 - 12.93 music
Nightfire o9.94 - 12.94 coder
Nitrous o2.94 - o5.94 aka special ed ansi
Nixus o7.96 - vga
Nocturnus o1.93 - o2.93 music
Noodles 11.96 - ansi
Nuclear Postman 11.92 - o4.93 distribution
Nuke Dawg o9.94 - o7.96 vga
.o0 O 0o.
Obsidian 1o.95 - o8.96 vga
Obsidian Knight 1o.92 distribution
Omega Redd 1o.94 - 11.94 member
Opiate o6.94 - o8.94 director
Optimum Byte o8.92 member
Overbored o8.96 - o5.97 coder
.o0 P 0o.
P-Chan 11.96 - o4.97 o8.97 -ansi
Par-Salian 11.93 - o2.94 word
Paradigm o2.94 ansi
Parasite 11.95 - ansi.logomafia
Pestilence o5.93 - o7.93 vga
Phatal Error o3.95 - o7.95 distribution
Phoenix Hawk 12.93 - o5.94 word
Phour One o1.95 - o2.95 distribution
Pixel o9.94 o1.95 vga future crew
Pizza o4.93 - 12.93 ansi
Pnakotic o4.94 - o9.95 aka pak-nok-tic ansi.staff.logomafia
Pooh o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
Porus o1.95 - o2.95 vga
Poskgrubbe o5.94 - o5.95 coder
Posyden o8.92 - 1o.92 aka iodine ansi
Prime Evil o4.94 ansi
Prince of Death o3.94 aka p0d distribution
Prism o7.95 - o3.96 vga
Prizm 11.96 - ansi
Prolog o2.94 - o8.94 aka leviathan coder
Prometheus 1o.92 member
PsyberMan o9.94 - 12.94 ansi
Psychnosis 11.93 - 12.93 music.director
Psycho Slasher o5.93 - o9.93 o3.94 director
Purple o4.96 - o5.96 coder
.o0 Q 0o.
Quazar o1.93 - o7.93 o1.95 - o4.95 ansi.director.logomafia
QuickSilver o8.92 - o3.93 ansi
Quick Silver o4.94 - o5.94 aka iridium coder thg/fx
.o0 R 0o.
R.Noble 12.93 o4.94 - o5.94 aka Ren ansi
Rai o2.96 - o6.96 artist
Rainmaker o4.95 - o9.95 o5.96 - distribution.member
Raistlin Majere o6.93 - o5.94 o9.94 - o1.95 word.ansi.staff
Random Violence o6.93 - 1o.93 canadian.ansi
Ranx o4.93 - o7.93 o9.93 - 12.93 euroansi
Rappo o4.94 - o5.94 ansi
Ravage Bias o3.94 - o6.94 ansi
Rawhead Rex o7.93 - 1o.93 ansi
Reaper Wildwood o3.94 - o7.94 distribution
Redskin o9.93 - 12.93 vga tdt
Red Leader o9.94 ansi
Regurgitated Fluff o9.92 - 1o.92 vga
Ren o4.94 - 11.94 aka R.Noble ansi
Renderbrandt o7.96 - vga
Renegade Bithead o4.93 - o7.93 1o.93 - 12.93 coder thg/fx
Repete Ophender o8.92 - 1o.93 ansi.vga
Resonant 11.92 - o3.93 o5.93 - o7.93 vga
Ricochet 12.92 - o4.93 o6.93 - o7.93 member
Riothamus o8.92 - o1.93 12.93 - o2.94 ansi
Riptide 11.93 - o2.94 ansi
Rogue Leader o7.95 - artiste
Roland o8.97 - member
RomanX o8.93 ansi
RONiN 1o.93 - o5.94 word
.o0 S 0o.
S1W o4.94 - o6.94 ansi
Safehawk o4.93 - o9.93 aka codesafe hawk coder
Salmon o9.95 - o3.96 o7.96 - o3.97 vga
Salmon Moose o2.94 ansi
Sand o8.93 - o5.94 ansi
Sandman o7.93 - 11.93 ansi
Sauron o4.93 - o6.93 coder thg/fx
Scimitar Wraith 12.93 word
Secon Samesh o8.92 - o9.92 vga
Section 8 o6.93 - o8.93 ansi
Sexual Chocolote o3.94 - o6.94 o8.94 - o3.96 member
Shadow o1.97 - ansi
ShadowSpawn o4.93 - 1o.93 music
Shaggy o4.94 - o7.96 aka metal head artist.staff
Shihear Kallizad 12.92 - o4.93 artiste.staff
Shiva o3.96 - o4.97 vga
Shockwave o4.93 o5.95 - o7.96 vga
Silicon Nightmare o8.92 - o1.93 distribution
Silver Eagle o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.coder
Skaven o9.94 vga future crew
Skitzo o2.95 - o3.95 vga
Skitzo Killer o5.93 - 1o.93 canadian.ansi
Skull Leader 1o.93 - 11.93 coder
Slam Dunk o5.93 - o7.93 ansi
Sleepwalker o3.95 - o5.95 member
Slider o2.94 - o3.94 ansi
Sliver Cut o7.94 - o7.95 ansi
Smooth 11.92 o7.96 - o4.97 ansi.vga.logomafia
Smooz 1o.94 - 12.94 ansi
Snake Grunger o1.96 - 11.96 ansi.logomafia
Snoop Dog o1.94 aka mason vga
Snyper 12.93 distribution
Sober o3.94 - 12.95 o8.97 - vga
Sojourner o9.92 - o3.93 vga
Solemn o1.95 ansi
Sonoma 11.93 - 12.93 director
Sorcerers Son o1.95 - o9.95 distribution
Sought After 11.92 - o4.93member
Soul Assassin o8.96 - 12.96 rip.ansi
Soul Blazer o4.94 - o5.94 ansi
Soul Rebel 1o.93 - o9.95 logomafia
Spaceman Spiff o3.94 - o4.94 ansi
Sparr o2.93 - o3.94 o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro.artist
Special Ed o9.93 - 12.93 aka nitrous ansi
Spectral Illusion o1.93 - o3.93 ansi
Spiff o1.96 - o7.96 coder
Spirit of Illusion o9.94 o3.95 - o5.95 aka mahbell ansi
Splint o7.95 - 1o.95 ansi
Spot o7.93 - o8.93 vga
Sprite o8.95 - aka spritas vga.logomafia.goddess
Squidgalator2 o1.95 - aka sq2 aussie.ansi.logomafia
Squirrel o6.93 - o8.93 ansi
St.Blazer o1.95 - o5.95 aka blazer coder
Stalker o7.95 - music
Stealer of Souls o8.92 - 11.92 o4.93 - o2.94 vga.director
Stealth Ninja o8.93 - o3.94 vga.coder
Sticking Slime o8.92 - o9.92 distribution
STiLE o7.93 ansi
Stilleto o9.92 - o1.93 aka ginsu ansi
Stolen Faith o3.96 - vga
Stone the Crow o8.94 - 12.94 ansi
StormTrooper o1.94 - o4.94 vga
Stranger o4.94 ansi
Strife o3.94 ansi
Sugar 1o.92 - o4.93 distribution
Supreme o9.95 - o7.96 vga
Surreal Logic o7.95 - o3.96 ansi.logomafia
Swami o3.94 - o5.94 ansi
Sy Kotic o2.94 - o6.94 distribution
Syntax Error o4.93 - aka syntie member.public relations.staff
.o0 T 0o.
Tank 12.93 - o3.94 artist
Tatsu o7.93 - o2.94 ansi
Tech o8.92 - o9.93 vga
Technocrat o5.93 - o9.93 musician
Tek o7.95 - o3.96 rip
Tempus Thales o8.92 - o7.96 o8.97 - artist.staff.ansi.logomafia
Terminator2 o5.95 aka t2 ansi.logomafia
Tetanus 11.95 - ansi.logomafia.advisor
The 4th Disciple o9.96 ansi
The BBS Bouncer o8.92 - o2.94 member
The Dark Prince o2.94 - o4.94 musician
The Dragon Keeper o8.92 member
The Feind 1o.92 ansi
The Green Hornet 1o.95 - o1.96 o8.97 - ansi
The Inquisitor o2.94 - o5.94 distribution
The Mad Fishmonger o8.92 member
The Mad Hatter o8.92 - o9.93 vga
The Magical Gangster 11.92 - o2.93 vga
The Malevolent Trickster o8.92 - o1.93 o7.93 - 11.93 ansi
The Necromancer o8.92 - 12.93 o8.97 - ansi
The Knight o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.coordinator
The Night Angel 11.95 - o9.96 aka tna ansi.logomafia
The Red Skull o8.93 - 1o.93 member
The Retarded Warrior o5.93 - 1o.93 canadian.ansi.word
The Scarlet Pimpernal o9.92 - o1.93 ansi
The Seer o5.93 - o9.93 vga
The Shadow o2.93 o4.93 - o8.93 1o.93 - o4.94 canadian.coder
The Triton o8.92 - o9.92 distribution
The Unforgiven o8.92 staff
The Untimed o5.93 - 12.93 staff
The WildCard o4.93 - o3.94 coder
The Wizard o1.95 - o5.95 member
The Wraith o8.92 - o9.92 distribution
Thor o2.94 - o3.94 o8.94 ansi
Thrasher o2.96 - o9.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
Tical 11.95 - o3.96 aka divine styler ansi
Timo o4.94 iceuro.director
Tiny3d o1.97 - vga
Tom Crofton o9.95 - 12.95 vga
Tonedef o2.95 - vga
Toon Goon o8.94 - aka cyber christ / aka jae artist.director.logomafia
Tormented Soul o1.93 - o4.93 director
Tornado o9.92 - 11.92 o1.93 ansi
Toxic Freak o2.93 - 1o.93 canadian.ansi
Toxic Marshmallow o9.92 - 1o.9212.95 - o4.97 aka toxmox staff.logomafia
Trip 11.96 - aka the tripnator ansi.advisor
Trixter 12.93 - o2.94 vga.director
Tron Powerhouse o3.94 - o5.94 vga
Tsalaroth 1o.92 - 11.92 o3.93 - o6.93 vga
Tung Lo o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
Turtle o4.95 - o8.95 ansi
28 o5.95 ansi.logomafia
Twink o4.94 - o8.94 vga
Twitch 11.96 - o4.97 vga
Tyrus Sithius o3.94 - 11.94 distribution
.o0 U 0o.
Ultra Vires o1.93 - 11.93 ansi
Undergod o1.95 distribution
Unholy Spirit o6.95 distribution
Unsane o8.95 ansi.logomafia
.o0 V 0o.
Vanquish o9.94 ansi
Vapor o1.93 - o7.93 vga.director
Vassago 1o.92 - 12.92 ansi
Vash o5.94 - o6.94 communications
Veks o2.95 - o7.96 ansi.logomafia
Vengeance o8.93 director
Venom 11.95 - o4.97 vga
Vesalius o6.96 - vga
Vigilante o8.92 - o9.92 ansi
Village Idiot 11.93 - 12.93 ansi
VindicatioN o8.93 ansi.vga
Violator o7.93 - o2.94 music
Viper o7.95 - 1o.95 member
Visigoth 1o.95 - o6.96 vga
Visionary o7.93 - 11.93 ansi
Vizier o2.94 - o4.94 ansi
VMan o2.94 vga
Vortex o4.96 - o6.96 vga
Vulcan o7.93 - 1o.93 ansi
.o0 W 0o.
Warlord o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
Watchman o9.93 - o2.94 coder
Wax o9.96 - o4.97 vga
Weapon X o9.92 - 1o.92 vga
White Devil o2.94 - o4.94 aka danzig / aka el jaffe ansi.vga.director
White Knight o8.93 - o4.94 o4.95 - o9.95 member
White Rose 11.92 - o2.93 distribution
Wicked Vampire o1.93 - o3.93 music
Winter Rose o6.94 member
Wiperson o3.93 distribution
Wire Tap o5.93 - o7.93 coder
Wired o4.97 - ansi
Wix o8.96 - aka penta2 vga
Wiz o2.93 - 12.93 iceuro.ansi
Wizzkidd o4.94 member
Wolverine 12.92 - o1.93 ansi
Wyvern o6.96 - o5.97 ansi
.o0 X 0o.
Xerobe 12.93 - o6.94 coder.director
Xten 12.94 - vga.logomafia.coordinator
.o0 Y 0o.
Yankee Samurai o4.93 distribution
.o0 Z 0o.
Zaico o4.96 - o5.96 ansi
Zarkon o3.96 - o7.96 ansi
Zenith Blitzkrieg o3.94 - o6.94 o9.94 - 11.94 distribution
Zeppelin o2.94 ansi
Zer0 o2.94 o1.95 coder
Zero Option o7.94 communications
Zig Zag o4.93 - o4.94 coder thg/fx
Zippy o8.92 - 1o.92 member
Zoid o4.94 - o6.94 ansi
.o0o. I C E A D V E R T I S E M E N T S .o0o.
.o0o. M A S T E R M E M B E R L I S T .o0o.
.o0 A 0o.
AADA o1.92 - o4.93 ansi
Aeon Flux 1o.92 - o4.93 distribution
Ageless Prophet o8.93 - 11.93 word
Air Evil o8.93 - o9.93 ansi
Airborn o4.95 - o9.95 11.95 - o1.97 member
Alpha Spin 1o.93 - 11.93 o4.94 - o6.94 vga
Amnesia 12.96 - codez
Amorphis 11.95 - o5.96 ansi
Amroth 1o.92 - o2.93 o7.93 - o4.94 ansi
Anarchy o4.94 - o9.95 o1.96 - vga
Aneurysm o7.96 - member
Annihilatus o6.96 - o2.97 vga
Animal o9.94 o6.95 - o9.95 ansi
Aphex Twin o4.94 - o6.95 aka ellis dee / aka aphid twix artist.ansi.staff
Aphid Twix o1.96 - aka aphex twin artist.vga.staff.logomafia.advisor
Apox 11.95 - ansi.logomafia
Argon o2.95 - o7.95 ansi.logomafia
Asphixia o4.95 - o3.96 ansi
Aviator o9.92 - 11.92 distribution
Azagoth o4.95 - 1o.96 vga
Azrael 11.96 - o1.97 vga
.o0 B 0o.
Bad Karma o2.94 ansi
Banana Basher o7.93 - o2.94 o4.94 - o8.94 vga
Bane 12.93 - o2.94 director
Basehead 12.94 - vibes
Beastie O4.97 - ansi.logomafia
Ben Hurry o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.coder
Biscuit o1.95 - o3.95o5.95 - o9.95o2.96 - o3.96o7.96 - 1o.96 ansi
Black Ire o3.94 - o5.94 member
Black Lion o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.music
Black Lightning o6.97 - ansi
Black Mass o1.93 - o4.93 distribution
Black Sabbath 1o.93 - 12.93 ansi
Black Spyrit o8.92 founder
Black Sheep o2.94 - o3.94 distribution
Black Viper o9.96 - o6.97 ansi
Black Wolf o8.92 - o7.93 ansi.vga
Blade o7.94 - 11.94 communications
Blade Runner o1.93 - o3.931o.93 - o2.94o4.94 - o5.94 ansi.vga
Blazer o6.95 - aka st. blazer coder
Blenderhed 12.96 - vga.rip
BoA 12.93 - o3.94 o2.95 - ansi.logomafia.advisor.consigliere
Bodycount o1.95 - o4.95 aka fistandantilus / aka highness ansi
BoniJoni o5.94 - o9.94 coder
Borian o8.94 - o6.96o4.97 - vga.coordinator
Bozak 11.92 - o4.93 distribution
Brian the Axe o3.93 - o1.94 coder
Byron o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.coder
.o0 C 0o.
C.C.Catch 12.93 - groove future crew.renaissance
C.Curve 12.93 - o2.94 coder
C.Perspective o5.94 vga
Capn Crunch o9.94 - 12.94 coder
Captain Kaos 12.92 - o3.93 12.94 member
Cardiac Arrest o8.92 - o2.93 o3.94 - o4.94 ansi
Cardinal o4.94 - o6.94 vga
CatBones o8.95 - 12.95 vga.logomafia
Cavalier o4.93 - o8.93 o6.96 - 04.97 staff.member
CeeDee o7.96 - o4.97 vga
Cephalon TsurphR o2.94 aka cool t ansi
Cetis o6.94 o5.95 - o7.95 member.director
Charon o5.93 - 1o.93 word
Cheese Grater o9.94 - ansi.vga.staff
Chromatik o4.95 - o1.96 ansi.logomafia
Chuck Biscuits o2.94 - o1.95 music
Cid Vicious o7.93 - o8.94 vga
Citizen Blue o7.96 - 12.96 member
Civil Disobedient o9.92 - 12.93 vga
Cold and Ugly 1o.95 - ansi.advisor.staff
Compumaniac 12.93 - o2.94 distribution
Cool T o4.93 - o7.93 11.93 aka cephelon tsurphr ansi
Cooly o7.94 - o9.95 ansi
Corigan 12.92 - o2.93 o4.93 - o6.94 vga.director
Corpulent Cow o2.96 - ansi
Count Drakula o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
Cray o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
Crewel Blade o6.93 - o9.93 o3.94 - o5.94 artist
Critical Sabotage o7.94 - o8.94 member
Crow o6.94 - 11.94 vga
Crushed ACiD 12.92 member
Culture Shock 12.94 - o4.95 aka nttk / aka nartteik vga
Cutthroat o6.96 aka cold and ugly ansi
Cyanide o9.92 - 11.92 member
Cyber Christ o9.93 - o7.94 aka toon goon / aka jae artist.director
Cyber-X o4.93 ansi
CyberChrist o5.93 - o7.93 member
Cyberise o6.97 - vga
Cyclonus o8.92 - 11.92 o1.93 ansi
Cynic Cipher o6.94 - o7.94 distribution
.o0 D 0o.
Danzig o4.93 - o4.94 aka white devil / aka el jaffe ansi.vga.director
Dark Knight o7.93 vga
Dark Mage o1.93 - o3.93 distribution
Dark Spyre o8.92 - o3.93 director
Dark Wolf o2.94 - o3.94 ansi
Darksider o9.92 - o9.93 vga
Deadbolt o4.93 - o9.93 coder
Deathknight o8.93 - 11.93 vga
Death Adder o7.95 - o9.95 rip
Deep Freezer o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel..oder
Deeply Disturbed o7.94 - 1o.96o1.95 - o4.95o7.96 - o9.96 artiste.staff
Defective Mind o7.95 - o3.96 distribution
Defiant o7.96 ansi
Degenerit 11.96 - ansi
Delsion o5.95 - o7.95 vga
Denizen o4.93 - o7.93 director
Desolated Dream o7.94 - o8.94 director
Destroyer 1o.92 - 11.92 distribution
Devastator 1o.95 - aka Dev / aka Vlad the Magnificent web.member
Devastator 1o.92 - 11.92 distribution
Devils Spawn o8.93 - o2.94 director
Dieznyik o6.96 - o8.96 artist.ansi.logomafia
Digital Force o8.92 ansi
Digital Interface o9.95 - vga
Dikarpo o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
DiscoDan o2.94 - o4.94 vga
Divine Styler 1o.95 - 11.95 aka tical ansi
Dorian Hawkmoon o8.92 - o9.92 distribution
Dr.Death 12.93 - o2.94 distribution
Dr.Tongueo4.94 - o5.95 ansi
Draeden o1.93 - o3.93 vga.coder
Drakkhar o9.92 - 11.92 distribution
Dreadnought o5.97 - ansi
Dreamevil 12.92 - o3.93 ansi
Dual Standard o4.94 - o8.94 vga
Dyna Byte o8.92 member
Dyninhell o5.93 - o6.93 vga
.o0 E 0o.
Easel o7.96 - o8.96 vga
Eerie Smith o1.93 - o4.93 distribution
Egghead o7.94 - aka eggy communications.member
Egoteq o7.96 - 1o.96 ansi
Eight Ball o8.92 - 1o.93 o8.97 - vga
El Jaffe o5.94 aka danzig / aka white devil ansi.vga.director
Elastic 1o.96 - ansi
Ellis Dee o5.94 aka aphex twin / aka aphid twix artist.staff
Elminster o7.93 - 1o.93 o4.94 - 12.94 11.95 ansi.vga
Elysius o7.95 - o3.96 ansi
Epoch o3.97 - vga
Eporue o7.96 - o1.97 vga
Epsilon Process o9.93 music
Eternal Chaos o3.95 distribution
Eternal Darkness o8.92 - o6.94 ansi.music.vga
Exquisite Corpse o7.93 vga
.o0 F 0o.
Faded Whisper o7.93 - 1o.93 ansi
Falic o4.95 - o7.95 vga
Farmicus o4.97 - member
Fatal Error o1.95 - o2.95 distribution
Felonious Monk o1.95 distribution
Fenris Wolf o6.93 - o9.93 coder
Final Descendant o9.92o5.93 - o7.93o2.94 - o3.94o7.96 - o4.97 ansi
Fistandantilus o6.94 - 12.94 aka bodycount / aka highness ansi
Flashback o2.94 - o8.94 vga
Flick o7.94 - o8.94 ansi
Fluor o4.96 - o7.96 ansi.logomafia
Forbidden Image o7.93 - 11.93 ansi
Force Ten o9.92 - staff
Ford Prefect o2.93 - o8.94 israeli.coder
ForgeMaster o7.93 - 1o.93 music
Formic Acid 11.94 - 12.94 vga
Fractal o6.97 - ansi
Fred o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.music
Fred Byrd 1o.94 - o7.95 vga
Friar Tuck o4.94 - codemaster.director.staff.ansi.logomafia
Frog o2.95 - o9.95 coder
Frozen Tormentor o8.92 - o2.93 aka many axe founder
Future Assassin o2.95 - o6.96 vga
Fugazi o2.94 ansi
.o0 G 0o.
G-Spot o1.93 - o4.93 distribution
G-Man 1o.93 - 12.93 o1.95 - o4.95 o7.96 - ansi
G.Washington o5.94 - o6.94 o6.96 - ansi
Gaijin o4.95 - o6.95 aka hfaze vga
Galactus 11.92 - 12.92 member
Gandalf 11.92 - 12.92 member
Gankmaster 1o.92 - 11.92 member
Gatekeeper o8.92 - 12.92 director
Gator 11.92 member
Generation X o4.93 o7.93 - 1o.93 member
Genesis o2.93 - o2.94 artist.euro director
Godlike o9.92 - 12.92 member
Golgotha o6.93 - 1o.93 o1.95 - o3.95 canadian.ansi
Gorechild o5.97 - ansi
Grateful Dead o4.95 ansi
Greater Evil o5.95 - coder.coordinator
Grendel o3.96 - o7.96 ansi
Grimace o4.95 - o8.95 ansi
Grim o8.92 - o1.93 ansi
Grindstone o3.96 - o9.96 ansi
Groo o1.93 ansi
Gwah 11.94 - o3.96 aka gwar ansi
Gwar o3.94 - 1o.94 aka gwah ansi
.o0 H 0o.
Handyman o1.95 - o3.96 ansi
Hannibal Lecter o5.93 o3.95 - o6.96 aka mca ansi.logomafia.phunk
Heat 1o.96 - vga
Hell Raiser o2.94 ansi
Hellfire o7.94 - 12.94 member
HellRazor o7.93 - o2.94 vga
Hfaze o2.95 - o3.95 o6.95 - o3.96 o7.96 - aka gaijin vga
Hideous Spawn 12.93 - o2.94 distribution
Highness o5.95 - o9.95o2.96 - o7.96 aka fistandantilus / bodycount ansi
High Voltage o9.92 - 1o.92 vga
Hoaks o2.94 - o5.94 o7.94 - o8.94 ansi
HOOPTiE o6.93 ansi
Hornet o7.96 - music
Humanoid o7.96 - o4.97 coder
.o0 I 0o.
IBMMAN o2.93 o4.93 coder
Iceman o1.93 - o2.93 distribution
Icepick o6.95 - 12.95 coder
ICL o7.94 - 12.94 coder
Icto 11.95 - 12.95 vga.artiste
Icy o1.93 - o3.93 aka icy ice baby ansi
Iodine o8.97 - aka posyden ansi
Image o5.95 - o7.95 vga
ImageX o9.94 - 11.94 o2.95 - o9.95 o3.97 - aka ImageSex vga
Inazone o3.97 - ansi
iNCUBUS o2.94 - o9.95 aka iNKY ansi.huffasaurus
Ink 12.94 vga
Inner Vision o4.96 - ansi
Inquisitor o2.94 - o5.94 director
Insidious 12.93 distribution
Iridium o4.93 - o2.94 aka quick silver coder thg/fx
Iron Man o5.94 - 11.94 ansi
Isosceles 11.94 - o9.95 o1.96 - aka lithium ansi.vga
Israfel o4.93 - 12.93 word
.o0 J 0o.
Jae o1.96 - aka cyber christ / aka toon goon artist.vga.ansi
Jaguar o2.94 - o3.94 word
Jailbird o4.96 - o7.96 fuel/ice.euro.ansi
James Bond o1.93 - o4.93 o1.95 distribution
Jamie McCarter o4.95 - vga
Jester o7.93 - 1o.93 vga
Jocko o2.94 - o3.94 ansi
Joker o5.93 - 12.93 o2.94 o7.96 - ansi
Juice o5.95 - 07.97 ansi
Juice o2.93 vga
.o0 K 0o.
Kabal-13 o1.96 - vga
Kadaver 11.95 - ansi.coordinator
Kamikazee o6.95 - artiste.ansi.logomafia
Kaska F. Kaska 12.92 - o1.93 o3.94 - o5.94 ansi
Khyron o8.94 coder
Killean the Red o1.95 - o5.95 coder
Killer o1.93 - o2.93 aka kleeb ansi
King Arthur o8.93 - 11.93 word
King Midas o6.94 - o7.94 o1.95 ansi
Kitiara o3.97 - ansi
Kovax! o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.music
Kyp 11.96 - ansi.vga
.o0 L 0o.
Led 11.92 - 12.92 distribution
Lemming o4.93 - o7.93 iceuro.ansi
Lemonade o7.95 - aka abomination ansi.coordinator
Leonardo o1.95 - o6.96 aka leo / aka excalibur ansi.vga
Leper Messiah o2.93 - o3.93 ansi
Leviathan 11.92 - 12.93 aka prolog coder
Lintec o3.96 - o4.97 member
Liquid Air o8.93 - 1o.93 vga
Liquid Image 12.92 - o3.93 o7.93 - 1o.93 o8.97 - artist
Lithium o9.94 - 1o.94 aka isosceles vga
Logan o1.93 - o3.93 ansi
Lord Carnuss o7.93 - 1o.93 o5.94 o3.95 - o7.96 artiste.ansi.logomafia
Lord Drakul o1.95 - 12.96 ansi
Lord Exodus o1.93 - o3.93 distribution
Lord Mischief o8.92 - o3.94 vga.staff
Lord Soth 1o.93 - aka slothy / sir slothenheimer artiste.logomafia.staff
Lord Tiamat o8.92 member
Lyfe o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
.o0 M 0o.
M. Slasher o3.94 member
Mabuse o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.coder
Mace o1.93 - o3.93 distribution
Maelstrom o3.94 - o5.94 word
Maestro o6.95 - o8.95 12.95 - o6.96 ansi.logomafia
Magnetic Rage o2.97 - logomafia
MagneticM o2.95 - aka pookins artiste.ansi.logomafia.advisor
Magnus o2.94 - o5.94 ansi
Mahbell o5.95 aka spirit of illusion ansi
Manslayer o9.92 - o1.93 ansi
Mantis o7.96 - vga
Marshal Law o9.92 - o4.94 artiste
Mascot o8.93 - o7.96 ansi.vga
Mason o2.94 - o3.94 aka snoop dog vga
Mass Delusion o8.95 - member.artist.advisor.staff
Mass Murderer 1o.96 - logomafia
Master Com 11.92 - 12.93 vga
Master Ken o7.94 - o9.94 o1.95 - o6.95 ansi.rip
Master Koresh o2.94 - 11.94 vga
Master of Puppets o1.93 - o3.93 music
Maul ASM o8.92 - o9.92 vga
MCA o8.94 - o2.95 aka hannibal lecter artist.big daddy maq
Megalith o6.96 - vga
Megaton Rush o8.94 communications
Mellow-D o3.94 - music
Mental Floss o8.92 - 11.92 distribution
Mephitopeles o6.95 - o7.96 aka mp ansi
Mephistopholes o9.94 - 11.94 communications
Metal Head 12.92 - o3.94 aka shaggy ansi.rip.vga.staff
MicroFarad 1o.92 - 11.92 vga
Midnight Falcon 1o.92 - 12.92 vga
Midnight Sorrow o9.92 - 11.92 o1.93 - o5.93 music.staff
Mind Bomb 12.91 - o7.92 courier.member.coordinator.staff
Misfit 12.95 - o3.96 11.96 - ansi
Mongi o5.97 - vga
Moonraker o3.93 distribution
Morbid o5.93 - o9.93 ansi
Morbid Angel 1o.92 - o1.93 staff
Morfeas o8.93 - o9.93 ansi
Morpheus o4.93 - o9.93 vga
Mosaic o1.93 o4.93 - o6.93 o9.94 - music
Mr.Bug o4.93 - o5.93 coder
Mr.Man 1o.93 member
Mr.Mister o8.92 1o.92 - o3.93 o5.93 - o9.93 vga
Mushroom o9.92 - o3.93 o5.93 - 12.93 vga
Musicphreak o5.95 - o7.96 coolness
.o0 N 0o.
Nailz o5.93 - 12.93 artiste
Napalm 11.92 - o1.93 ansi
Nartteik 12.94 - 04.95 aka nttk / aka culture shock vga
Nasty Child o8.92 staff
Natex o2.94 - o6.94 ,o9.94 - o1.95 ,o7.96 - coder
Nautilus o8.92 - 1o.92 ansi
Nazgul 1o.92 ansi
Necrofiliac o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
Necros 11.93 - music
Nemesis o9.92 - o7.93 ansi.director
Nemesis o5.94 - music
Nemo o2.94 coder
Neuro Psychosis o7.94 - o8.94 communications
Neurotic o2.95 - o5.95 ,o3.96 aka neurotica artiste.rave magnet
Night Angel o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
Night Daemon o8.97 - vga
Night Shade o9.93 - 12.93 music
Nightfire o9.94 - 12.94 coder
Nitrous o2.94 - o5.94 aka special ed ansi
Nixus o7.96 - vga
Nocturnus o1.93 - o2.93 music
Noodles 11.96 - ansi
Nuclear Postman 11.92 - o4.93 distribution
Nuke Dawg o9.94 - o7.96 vga
.o0 O 0o.
Obsidian 1o.95 - o8.96 vga
Obsidian Knight 1o.92 distribution
Omega Redd 1o.94 - 11.94 member
Opiate o6.94 - o8.94 director
Optimum Byte o8.92 member
Overbored o8.96 - o5.97 coder
.o0 P 0o.
P-Chan 11.96 - o4.97 o8.97 -ansi
Par-Salian 11.93 - o2.94 word
Paradigm o2.94 ansi
Parasite 11.95 - ansi.logomafia
Pestilence o5.93 - o7.93 vga
Phatal Error o3.95 - o7.95 distribution
Phoenix Hawk 12.93 - o5.94 word
Phour One o1.95 - o2.95 distribution
Pixel o9.94 o1.95 vga future crew
Pizza o4.93 - 12.93 ansi
Pnakotic o4.94 - o9.95 aka pak-nok-tic ansi.staff.logomafia
Pooh o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
Porus o1.95 - o2.95 vga
Poskgrubbe o5.94 - o5.95 coder
Posyden o8.92 - 1o.92 aka iodine ansi
Prime Evil o4.94 ansi
Prince of Death o3.94 aka p0d distribution
Prism o7.95 - o3.96 vga
Prizm 11.96 - ansi
Prolog o2.94 - o8.94 aka leviathan coder
Prometheus 1o.92 member
PsyberMan o9.94 - 12.94 ansi
Psychnosis 11.93 - 12.93 music.director
Psycho Slasher o5.93 - o9.93 o3.94 director
Purple o4.96 - o5.96 coder
.o0 Q 0o.
Quazar o1.93 - o7.93 o1.95 - o4.95 ansi.director.logomafia
QuickSilver o8.92 - o3.93 ansi
Quick Silver o4.94 - o5.94 aka iridium coder thg/fx
.o0 R 0o.
R.Noble 12.93 o4.94 - o5.94 aka Ren ansi
Rai o2.96 - o6.96 artist
Rainmaker o4.95 - o9.95 o5.96 - distribution.member
Raistlin Majere o6.93 - o5.94 o9.94 - o1.95 word.ansi.staff
Random Violence o6.93 - 1o.93 canadian.ansi
Ranx o4.93 - o7.93 o9.93 - 12.93 euroansi
Rappo o4.94 - o5.94 ansi
Ravage Bias o3.94 - o6.94 ansi
Rawhead Rex o7.93 - 1o.93 ansi
Reaper Wildwood o3.94 - o7.94 distribution
Redskin o9.93 - 12.93 vga tdt
Red Leader o9.94 ansi
Regurgitated Fluff o9.92 - 1o.92 vga
Ren o4.94 - 11.94 aka R.Noble ansi
Renderbrandt o7.96 - vga
Renegade Bithead o4.93 - o7.93 1o.93 - 12.93 coder thg/fx
Repete Ophender o8.92 - 1o.93 ansi.vga
Resonant 11.92 - o3.93 o5.93 - o7.93 vga
Ricochet 12.92 - o4.93 o6.93 - o7.93 member
Riothamus o8.92 - o1.93 12.93 - o2.94 ansi
Riptide 11.93 - o2.94 ansi
Rogue Leader o7.95 - artiste
Roland o8.97 - member
RomanX o8.93 ansi
RONiN 1o.93 - o5.94 word
.o0 S 0o.
S1W o4.94 - o6.94 ansi
Safehawk o4.93 - o9.93 aka codesafe hawk coder
Salmon o9.95 - o3.96 o7.96 - o3.97 vga
Salmon Moose o2.94 ansi
Sand o8.93 - o5.94 ansi
Sandman o7.93 - 11.93 ansi
Sauron o4.93 - o6.93 coder thg/fx
Scimitar Wraith 12.93 word
Secon Samesh o8.92 - o9.92 vga
Section 8 o6.93 - o8.93 ansi
Sexual Chocolote o3.94 - o6.94 o8.94 - o3.96 member
Shadow o1.97 - ansi
ShadowSpawn o4.93 - 1o.93 music
Shaggy o4.94 - o7.96 aka metal head artist.staff
Shihear Kallizad 12.92 - o4.93 artiste.staff
Shiva o3.96 - o4.97 vga
Shockwave o4.93 o5.95 - o7.96 vga
Silicon Nightmare o8.92 - o1.93 distribution
Silver Eagle o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.coder
Skaven o9.94 vga future crew
Skitzo o2.95 - o3.95 vga
Skitzo Killer o5.93 - 1o.93 canadian.ansi
Skull Leader 1o.93 - 11.93 coder
Slam Dunk o5.93 - o7.93 ansi
Sleepwalker o3.95 - o5.95 member
Slider o2.94 - o3.94 ansi
Sliver Cut o7.94 - o7.95 ansi
Smooth 11.92 o7.96 - o4.97 ansi.vga.logomafia
Smooz 1o.94 - 12.94 ansi
Snake Grunger o1.96 - 11.96 ansi.logomafia
Snoop Dog o1.94 aka mason vga
Snyper 12.93 distribution
Sober o3.94 - 12.95 o8.97 - vga
Sojourner o9.92 - o3.93 vga
Solemn o1.95 ansi
Sonoma 11.93 - 12.93 director
Sorcerers Son o1.95 - o9.95 distribution
Sought After 11.92 - o4.93member
Soul Assassin o8.96 - 12.96 rip.ansi
Soul Blazer o4.94 - o5.94 ansi
Soul Rebel 1o.93 - o9.95 logomafia
Spaceman Spiff o3.94 - o4.94 ansi
Sparr o2.93 - o3.94 o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro.artist
Special Ed o9.93 - 12.93 aka nitrous ansi
Spectral Illusion o1.93 - o3.93 ansi
Spiff o1.96 - o7.96 coder
Spirit of Illusion o9.94 o3.95 - o5.95 aka mahbell ansi
Splint o7.95 - 1o.95 ansi
Spot o7.93 - o8.93 vga
Sprite o8.95 - aka spritas vga.logomafia.goddess
Squidgalator2 o1.95 - aka sq2 aussie.ansi.logomafia
Squirrel o6.93 - o8.93 ansi
St.Blazer o1.95 - o5.95 aka blazer coder
Stalker o7.95 - music
Stealer of Souls o8.92 - 11.92 o4.93 - o2.94 vga.director
Stealth Ninja o8.93 - o3.94 vga.coder
Sticking Slime o8.92 - o9.92 distribution
STiLE o7.93 ansi
Stilleto o9.92 - o1.93 aka ginsu ansi
Stolen Faith o3.96 - vga
Stone the Crow o8.94 - 12.94 ansi
StormTrooper o1.94 - o4.94 vga
Stranger o4.94 ansi
Strife o3.94 ansi
Sugar 1o.92 - o4.93 distribution
Supreme o9.95 - o7.96 vga
Surreal Logic o7.95 - o3.96 ansi.logomafia
Swami o3.94 - o5.94 ansi
Sy Kotic o2.94 - o6.94 distribution
Syntax Error o4.93 - aka syntie member.public relations.staff
.o0 T 0o.
Tank 12.93 - o3.94 artist
Tatsu o7.93 - o2.94 ansi
Tech o8.92 - o9.93 vga
Technocrat o5.93 - o9.93 musician
Tek o7.95 - o3.96 rip
Tempus Thales o8.92 - o7.96 o8.97 - artist.staff.ansi.logomafia
Terminator2 o5.95 aka t2 ansi.logomafia
Tetanus 11.95 - ansi.logomafia.advisor
The 4th Disciple o9.96 ansi
The BBS Bouncer o8.92 - o2.94 member
The Dark Prince o2.94 - o4.94 musician
The Dragon Keeper o8.92 member
The Feind 1o.92 ansi
The Green Hornet 1o.95 - o1.96 o8.97 - ansi
The Inquisitor o2.94 - o5.94 distribution
The Mad Fishmonger o8.92 member
The Mad Hatter o8.92 - o9.93 vga
The Magical Gangster 11.92 - o2.93 vga
The Malevolent Trickster o8.92 - o1.93 o7.93 - 11.93 ansi
The Necromancer o8.92 - 12.93 o8.97 - ansi
The Knight o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.coordinator
The Night Angel 11.95 - o9.96 aka tna ansi.logomafia
The Red Skull o8.93 - 1o.93 member
The Retarded Warrior o5.93 - 1o.93 canadian.ansi.word
The Scarlet Pimpernal o9.92 - o1.93 ansi
The Seer o5.93 - o9.93 vga
The Shadow o2.93 o4.93 - o8.93 1o.93 - o4.94 canadian.coder
The Triton o8.92 - o9.92 distribution
The Unforgiven o8.92 staff
The Untimed o5.93 - 12.93 staff
The WildCard o4.93 - o3.94 coder
The Wizard o1.95 - o5.95 member
The Wraith o8.92 - o9.92 distribution
Thor o2.94 - o3.94 o8.94 ansi
Thrasher o2.96 - o9.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
Tical 11.95 - o3.96 aka divine styler ansi
Timo o4.94 iceuro.director
Tiny3d o1.97 - vga
Tom Crofton o9.95 - 12.95 vga
Tonedef o2.95 - vga
Toon Goon o8.94 - aka cyber christ / aka jae artist.director.logomafia
Tormented Soul o1.93 - o4.93 director
Tornado o9.92 - 11.92 o1.93 ansi
Toxic Freak o2.93 - 1o.93 canadian.ansi
Toxic Marshmallow o9.92 - 1o.9212.95 - o4.97 aka toxmox staff.logomafia
Trip 11.96 - aka the tripnator ansi.advisor
Trixter 12.93 - o2.94 vga.director
Tron Powerhouse o3.94 - o5.94 vga
Tsalaroth 1o.92 - 11.92 o3.93 - o6.93 vga
Tung Lo o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
Turtle o4.95 - o8.95 ansi
28 o5.95 ansi.logomafia
Twink o4.94 - o8.94 vga
Twitch 11.96 - o4.97 vga
Tyrus Sithius o3.94 - 11.94 distribution
.o0 U 0o.
Ultra Vires o1.93 - 11.93 ansi
Undergod o1.95 distribution
Unholy Spirit o6.95 distribution
Unsane o8.95 ansi.logomafia
.o0 V 0o.
Vanquish o9.94 ansi
Vapor o1.93 - o7.93 vga.director
Vassago 1o.92 - 12.92 ansi
Vash o5.94 - o6.94 communications
Veks o2.95 - o7.96 ansi.logomafia
Vengeance o8.93 director
Venom 11.95 - o4.97 vga
Vesalius o6.96 - vga
Vigilante o8.92 - o9.92 ansi
Village Idiot 11.93 - 12.93 ansi
VindicatioN o8.93 ansi.vga
Violator o7.93 - o2.94 music
Viper o7.95 - 1o.95 member
Visigoth 1o.95 - o6.96 vga
Visionary o7.93 - 11.93 ansi
Vizier o2.94 - o4.94 ansi
VMan o2.94 vga
Vortex o4.96 - o6.96 vga
Vulcan o7.93 - 1o.93 ansi
.o0 W 0o.
Warlord o2.96 - o7.96 iceuro/fuel.artist
Watchman o9.93 - o2.94 coder
Wax o9.96 - o4.97 vga
Weapon X o9.92 - 1o.92 vga
White Devil o2.94 - o4.94 aka danzig / aka el jaffe ansi.vga.director
White Knight o8.93 - o4.94 o4.95 - o9.95 member
White Rose 11.92 - o2.93 distribution
Wicked Vampire o1.93 - o3.93 music
Winter Rose o6.94 member
Wiperson o3.93 distribution
Wire Tap o5.93 - o7.93 coder
Wired o4.97 - ansi
Wix o8.96 - aka penta2 vga
Wiz o2.93 - 12.93 iceuro.ansi
Wizzkidd o4.94 member
Wolverine 12.92 - o1.93 ansi
Wyvern o6.96 - o5.97 ansi
.o0 X 0o.
Xerobe 12.93 - o6.94 coder.director
Xten 12.94 - vga.logomafia.coordinator
.o0 Y 0o.
Yankee Samurai o4.93 distribution
.o0 Z 0o.
Zaico o4.96 - o5.96 ansi
Zarkon o3.96 - o7.96 ansi
Zenith Blitzkrieg o3.94 - o6.94 o9.94 - 11.94 distribution
Zeppelin o2.94 ansi
Zer0 o2.94 o1.95 coder
Zero Option o7.94 communications
Zig Zag o4.93 - o4.94 coder thg/fx
Zippy o8.92 - 1o.92 member
Zoid o4.94 - o6.94 ansi
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