this image contains text
A U G U S T 1 9 9 7
I C E P A C K F I F T H A N N I V E R S A R Y !
1. Greetings and welcome to the results of the month-long iCE spectacular
celebration of the iCEPACKs fifth anniversary. Augusts pack brought everyone
out in droves to design eye-candy fitting of a world-class art organization.
Everyone thought last month was an overachieving month, but this pack has
broken all the records! Keep reading for more information.
2. As you probably have noticed by now, this pack is an EXTRA SPECIAL iCEPACK!
This pack, August 1997, marks the 60th edition of the iCEPACK. The iCEPACK
has been released consistantly every month around the first of the month for
60 months straight, dating all the way back to five years ago with the August
1992 pack. iCE has existed for longer than five years, of course, but we
did not start releasing packs until 08/92, following the lead of the first
group to release packs, MiRAGE, with the MiRAGE compendium MiRAGE later merged
into iCE, in December 1992.
2a. This pack is a record breaking pack in a couple of respects. First off,
and most importantly, iCE is the first group to celebrate the release of a
60th pack. While MiRAGE, and then ACiD, released packs before us, MiRAGE
merged into iCE in 12/92 and ACiD has missed several packs over the years.
Secondly, there never has been a pack of this sheer volume. We have well over
six megabytes of artwork, with an almost unheard of range of styles ANSI/VGA,
plus animations too!.
3. This pack features a couple of special sections that are part of our 5th
Anniversary Pack celebration. First, the group has rallied to bridge old and
new by taking a few selected ANSIs from the August 1992 iCEPACK and re-mixing
them. Re-mixing creates a joint-release that spans time itself. Look for
some of your favorite iCE ANSIs from the past re-mixed by some of your favorite
iCE artists of today!
3b. Secondly, we have invited several of our inactive iCE members to take part
in the celebrations by dusting off their copies of TheDraw or VGA programs and
create a brand new release for this pack! The oldskool section includes work
this month from Liquid Image, P-Chan, Tempus Thales, Sober, and Iodine aka
Posyden. But we plan to feature more oldskool artwork in the remaining 1997
packs as we continue to celebrate the 1992-7 5th Anniversary. Expect works in
the future from the above artists and others like.. well.. itll just have
to be a surprise! Enjoy the works.
4. The propoganda department conned several wayward artists into thinking that
iCE is a free-love nudist colony and signed them up this month. The ANSI team
welcomes back The Green Hornet to the group, and the VGA department opens its
doors to Night Daemon. The Members department yanked in Roland before he could
escape, as well. Welcome to all!
5. Promotion! VGA artist and turd connoisseur extraordinaire Vesalius has
been promoted to the vacant VGA Coordinator position! Hes already getting his
feet wet by rallying the troops with his self portrait this month,ve-turds.jpg!
Congrats, Ves!
6. Nobody played pocket pool in study hall, vanished into thin air, got
plungered, went postal, spontaneously combusted, conversed with a tuna
sandwich, checked out, skipped town, hit ESC, traded naked pictures of Barbara
Bush, seceded from Canada, started a militia group, noticed a chancre, kicked
the bucket, bought land on Mars, ate tainted beef or left the group this month.
7. Not really caring at all what Lickbert has to say, the group collectively
reports that the information systems department is going quite well, with a
major hardware upgrade that will improve the ice.org main server speed by well
over 200 planned for September 1997. Also, IRC.ICE.ORG is back online again
and has joined up with X-Net, a new IRC network with the support of many
release and trading groups. iCE is the first art group to support the network.
We invite everyone in the art scene or interested in the art scene to make the
switch to the new, fast network. Frozen Delivery is still available on the
web page, a successful new pack distribution method unveiled last month. And
finally, work on the NEW version of iCEs webpages has shifted into high gear.
Whew! That was a mouthful, eh Lickbert? Mmmnff.
8. The iCE Master Memberlist has been revised and updated and is included in
ANSI format in this pack. This list an approximately 80 accurate listing of
all of iCEs members past and present. Unfortunately, before the pack era,
consistent records were not kept. Many thanks to BoA, iCE Advisory Council
member, for putting the time and effort into creating and maintaining this
list, and for doing research to include members from before the pack era. It
is 100 accurate from 8/92 and on. Take a peek! If youre a former iCE artist
who was not included in this listing, please contact us at icestaff@ice.org.
9. Sanctuarytm, the venerable iCE World Headquarters in the BBS world, is
now even more accessible! Thats right, Snatch is now available 24/7 via a
high speed T1 connection to the internet. Another ice.org feature, simply
telnet to sanctuary.ice.org with an 8bit/ANSI-capable telnet program. A more
general scene artpacks archive may be placed on this system in the near future
as well. If youre a senior member of another art group and would like to
have your group represented on an iCE Scene Artpack archive on Sanctuary, just
drop us an e-mail at icestaff@ice.org.
10. Former iCE Senior Staffer and current iCE scumlord Midnight Sorrow has
resurrected the worlds most famous elite underground network, CyberCrime. He
is excited about the opportunities this presents for the remaining BBSes in the
scene. But even cooler, you dont even have to run a board to be a part of
the network! Contact him at midsorrow@ice.org for more information about being
a part of the CyberCrime International world domination network.. again! Even
cooler, CyberCrime will soon be available in several different distribution
mediums, some of which will be hosted by the ice.org network. Get in touch
and catch the wave.
11. Because it simply would not be possible to release an NFO file in a pack
with something completely off the wall , iCEs Media Department has released
this special, breaking news: SpaceDev went off to college late this month and
found himself immersed in a world of wonder and opportunity. He quickly
ascertained that his calling was to find Juggs, as he called them in his
broken english, but alas, none were to be found. Therefore he enlisted iCE
plastic surgeons Syntax Error and Vesalius to kidnap someone preferably
someone he knew and give them the Juggs he was in such desparate need of.
Syntie and Vesalius scoured the campus of the University of Florida, patiently
waiting for someone Dev knew to happen by. Finally the moment came, and they
swiftly captured the unsuspecting individual, knocked them out, and gave them
Juggs Jewel would envy. Unfortunately, this story had an unhappy ending when
SpaceDev, when presented with his prize exclaimed DAD?! Hey, to err is human!
11a. Hi Parasite! Id like to thank YOU to rip Slums font! Oldskool ref.
12. A SPECTACULAR month. The celebrations dont completely end here, but this
was the pack weve all been waiting for. And it was WELL worth the wait!
Another top-quality pack from the group that youve come to know as synonymous
with quality: Insane Creators Enterprise.
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion
A U G U S T 1 9 9 7
I C E P A C K F I F T H A N N I V E R S A R Y !
1. Greetings and welcome to the results of the month-long iCE spectacular
celebration of the iCEPACKs fifth anniversary. Augusts pack brought everyone
out in droves to design eye-candy fitting of a world-class art organization.
Everyone thought last month was an overachieving month, but this pack has
broken all the records! Keep reading for more information.
2. As you probably have noticed by now, this pack is an EXTRA SPECIAL iCEPACK!
This pack, August 1997, marks the 60th edition of the iCEPACK. The iCEPACK
has been released consistantly every month around the first of the month for
60 months straight, dating all the way back to five years ago with the August
1992 pack. iCE has existed for longer than five years, of course, but we
did not start releasing packs until 08/92, following the lead of the first
group to release packs, MiRAGE, with the MiRAGE compendium MiRAGE later merged
into iCE, in December 1992.
2a. This pack is a record breaking pack in a couple of respects. First off,
and most importantly, iCE is the first group to celebrate the release of a
60th pack. While MiRAGE, and then ACiD, released packs before us, MiRAGE
merged into iCE in 12/92 and ACiD has missed several packs over the years.
Secondly, there never has been a pack of this sheer volume. We have well over
six megabytes of artwork, with an almost unheard of range of styles ANSI/VGA,
plus animations too!.
3. This pack features a couple of special sections that are part of our 5th
Anniversary Pack celebration. First, the group has rallied to bridge old and
new by taking a few selected ANSIs from the August 1992 iCEPACK and re-mixing
them. Re-mixing creates a joint-release that spans time itself. Look for
some of your favorite iCE ANSIs from the past re-mixed by some of your favorite
iCE artists of today!
3b. Secondly, we have invited several of our inactive iCE members to take part
in the celebrations by dusting off their copies of TheDraw or VGA programs and
create a brand new release for this pack! The oldskool section includes work
this month from Liquid Image, P-Chan, Tempus Thales, Sober, and Iodine aka
Posyden. But we plan to feature more oldskool artwork in the remaining 1997
packs as we continue to celebrate the 1992-7 5th Anniversary. Expect works in
the future from the above artists and others like.. well.. itll just have
to be a surprise! Enjoy the works.
4. The propoganda department conned several wayward artists into thinking that
iCE is a free-love nudist colony and signed them up this month. The ANSI team
welcomes back The Green Hornet to the group, and the VGA department opens its
doors to Night Daemon. The Members department yanked in Roland before he could
escape, as well. Welcome to all!
5. Promotion! VGA artist and turd connoisseur extraordinaire Vesalius has
been promoted to the vacant VGA Coordinator position! Hes already getting his
feet wet by rallying the troops with his self portrait this month,ve-turds.jpg!
Congrats, Ves!
6. Nobody played pocket pool in study hall, vanished into thin air, got
plungered, went postal, spontaneously combusted, conversed with a tuna
sandwich, checked out, skipped town, hit ESC, traded naked pictures of Barbara
Bush, seceded from Canada, started a militia group, noticed a chancre, kicked
the bucket, bought land on Mars, ate tainted beef or left the group this month.
7. Not really caring at all what Lickbert has to say, the group collectively
reports that the information systems department is going quite well, with a
major hardware upgrade that will improve the ice.org main server speed by well
over 200 planned for September 1997. Also, IRC.ICE.ORG is back online again
and has joined up with X-Net, a new IRC network with the support of many
release and trading groups. iCE is the first art group to support the network.
We invite everyone in the art scene or interested in the art scene to make the
switch to the new, fast network. Frozen Delivery is still available on the
web page, a successful new pack distribution method unveiled last month. And
finally, work on the NEW version of iCEs webpages has shifted into high gear.
Whew! That was a mouthful, eh Lickbert? Mmmnff.
8. The iCE Master Memberlist has been revised and updated and is included in
ANSI format in this pack. This list an approximately 80 accurate listing of
all of iCEs members past and present. Unfortunately, before the pack era,
consistent records were not kept. Many thanks to BoA, iCE Advisory Council
member, for putting the time and effort into creating and maintaining this
list, and for doing research to include members from before the pack era. It
is 100 accurate from 8/92 and on. Take a peek! If youre a former iCE artist
who was not included in this listing, please contact us at icestaff@ice.org.
9. Sanctuarytm, the venerable iCE World Headquarters in the BBS world, is
now even more accessible! Thats right, Snatch is now available 24/7 via a
high speed T1 connection to the internet. Another ice.org feature, simply
telnet to sanctuary.ice.org with an 8bit/ANSI-capable telnet program. A more
general scene artpacks archive may be placed on this system in the near future
as well. If youre a senior member of another art group and would like to
have your group represented on an iCE Scene Artpack archive on Sanctuary, just
drop us an e-mail at icestaff@ice.org.
10. Former iCE Senior Staffer and current iCE scumlord Midnight Sorrow has
resurrected the worlds most famous elite underground network, CyberCrime. He
is excited about the opportunities this presents for the remaining BBSes in the
scene. But even cooler, you dont even have to run a board to be a part of
the network! Contact him at midsorrow@ice.org for more information about being
a part of the CyberCrime International world domination network.. again! Even
cooler, CyberCrime will soon be available in several different distribution
mediums, some of which will be hosted by the ice.org network. Get in touch
and catch the wave.
11. Because it simply would not be possible to release an NFO file in a pack
with something completely off the wall , iCEs Media Department has released
this special, breaking news: SpaceDev went off to college late this month and
found himself immersed in a world of wonder and opportunity. He quickly
ascertained that his calling was to find Juggs, as he called them in his
broken english, but alas, none were to be found. Therefore he enlisted iCE
plastic surgeons Syntax Error and Vesalius to kidnap someone preferably
someone he knew and give them the Juggs he was in such desparate need of.
Syntie and Vesalius scoured the campus of the University of Florida, patiently
waiting for someone Dev knew to happen by. Finally the moment came, and they
swiftly captured the unsuspecting individual, knocked them out, and gave them
Juggs Jewel would envy. Unfortunately, this story had an unhappy ending when
SpaceDev, when presented with his prize exclaimed DAD?! Hey, to err is human!
11a. Hi Parasite! Id like to thank YOU to rip Slums font! Oldskool ref.
12. A SPECTACULAR month. The celebrations dont completely end here, but this
was the pack weve all been waiting for. And it was WELL worth the wait!
Another top-quality pack from the group that youve come to know as synonymous
with quality: Insane Creators Enterprise.
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion
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