this image contains text
fonts by tnaawe Happy Birthday i
CEPACK! Already 5 years of
pic by black viperice kicking ass an
d blowing the competition away!
Free Coke
Operated by The Night Angel
This ansi has been made by Black Viper from
iCE Advertisements, 1997
100k of pure ansi! :
Enjoy this 350-liner! I hop
e you like it. Its probably one of my
best ansis ever, and thanks
to The Night Angel, one of my oldest
buds in the scene, for maki
ng me the greatest fonts that exist on
Earth for this pic. : Thi
s is the first time I release since 5
months, and Im pretty glad
to release an ansi, particulary for
iCEs Fifth Anniversary. I already implicated
myself a lot into
iCE matters,
but I dropped it when I quit
the scene around June
dont forget the iCEPacks
months are one month late. : Now
Im coming back slowly, and
Ill continue making the packs in the
next few months. Hopefully
Ill release an ansi in the next few
months, but Id like to concentrate my work into
3D-rendering and
building my web site ... Im
also working with Macromedia Director
Anyway I wish all my fellows in the USS EnterpriC
E NCC-1701-E good
time laugh, and especially
Rick Force Ten, Paul Syntax, and
Jon Slothy, for having made
iCE in all those years the very best
group to be in. Live long and p
rosper guys! *laugh again*
Greets: Inertia, The Night Angel, Fluor, Tetanus
, Pyros, Fractal,
Mass Delusion, Mass Murderer its easy to n
ot forget
both! *grin*, Force Ten, ColdNUgly come back,
Egoteq, Corpulent Cow, Magnetic M calinours!,
Jae, and
of course, all the people I forgot, as usual. SL
Contact: Email me at bviper@total.net for any req
uest or comments
comments on this pic would really be appreciate
Live long and prosper!
Black Viper iCE
Onward through the night of my lif
e ...
PS: Have you ever thought about Syntax doing
the Medical Chief
in the EnterpriCE? Doctor Error? *laugh*
CEPACK! Already 5 years of
pic by black viperice kicking ass an
d blowing the competition away!
Free Coke
Operated by The Night Angel
This ansi has been made by Black Viper from
iCE Advertisements, 1997
100k of pure ansi! :
Enjoy this 350-liner! I hop
e you like it. Its probably one of my
best ansis ever, and thanks
to The Night Angel, one of my oldest
buds in the scene, for maki
ng me the greatest fonts that exist on
Earth for this pic. : Thi
s is the first time I release since 5
months, and Im pretty glad
to release an ansi, particulary for
iCEs Fifth Anniversary. I already implicated
myself a lot into
iCE matters,
but I dropped it when I quit
the scene around June
dont forget the iCEPacks
months are one month late. : Now
Im coming back slowly, and
Ill continue making the packs in the
next few months. Hopefully
Ill release an ansi in the next few
months, but Id like to concentrate my work into
3D-rendering and
building my web site ... Im
also working with Macromedia Director
Anyway I wish all my fellows in the USS EnterpriC
E NCC-1701-E good
time laugh, and especially
Rick Force Ten, Paul Syntax, and
Jon Slothy, for having made
iCE in all those years the very best
group to be in. Live long and p
rosper guys! *laugh again*
Greets: Inertia, The Night Angel, Fluor, Tetanus
, Pyros, Fractal,
Mass Delusion, Mass Murderer its easy to n
ot forget
both! *grin*, Force Ten, ColdNUgly come back,
Egoteq, Corpulent Cow, Magnetic M calinours!,
Jae, and
of course, all the people I forgot, as usual. SL
Contact: Email me at bviper@total.net for any req
uest or comments
comments on this pic would really be appreciate
Live long and prosper!
Black Viper iCE
Onward through the night of my lif
e ...
PS: Have you ever thought about Syntax doing
the Medical Chief
in the EnterpriCE? Doctor Error? *laugh*
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