this image contains text
J U L Y 1 9 9 7
1. Summer hit full force this month with record breaking temperatures and over
three megabytes of fresh new artwork from the only group able to battle the hot
summer swelter! Anyone who ever said anything about the lazy days of summer
has obviously never met this group of overacheivers!
2. Our highly-paid recruiters disguised as religious prophets of impending
doom and telephone psychics convinced the following wayward artists that
salvation is in iCE this month: Fractal, who joins the ANSI team, and Cyberise
in the VGA department. Also returning to the scene this month is Black
Lighting, to the ANSI department. Welcome to our new mates.
3. In related news this month, former iCE ANSI Department Coordinator Lemonade
has recently escaped from an evil guerilla activist group compound in Santa
Clara, CA. The group captured Lemonade and held him for almost a year just to
try to stop him from releasing quality ANSIs. Fret not, citrus fans, for our
loveable Lemonade is back with ANSIs for the world to enjoy!
4. Nobody caught a virus in a public restroom, went skydiving without working
parachutes, flew the coop, hit the road, made like a tree, orbited Earth on Mir
aborted their mission, gave Magnetic M their Ultima Online CD, went fishing
for shark, was two fries short of a happy meal, or left the group this month.
5. Promotion! iCE ANSI Artist Kadaver has been promoted to the vacant ANSI
Coordinator position! Hes already setting things in motion with the Avalanche
project, as well as being involved with the ANSI team. Congrats, Kad!
6. A badly beaten, bruised, and oozing Information Systems director Lickbert
reports this month that system the UNIX and web but cold. We simply choose
to ignore him now. SpaceDev has unveiled the new Frozen Delivery system on the
iCE web pages, which is available for this months iCEPACK! Check out this
fresh new way to get quality art on http://www.ice.org.
7. iCE VGA talent Epoch will be releasing an iCE Special Release shortly that
is related to this iCEPACK although it will not be distributed with the main
pack. It is an amazing VGA animation that is 9.2Mb in size. You can find
this upcoming release along with the archive of other iCE special releases on
ftp://ftp.ice.org/pub/special/ice-spc8.zip. Check it out!
8. Friar Tuck was reprimanded this month for going over 73 days without coming
onto IRC. He explained with the coy Friar smile that, Well, Ive been busy,
man. Rumor has it that Friar was off trying to start a new career as a blues
guitarrist. When asked about that, Friar seemed despondant and simply said,
I just got my music, cuz Ive got the blues. It just sounds like another
excuse -ed.
9. iCE ANSI artist Black Viper decided that hes going to be taking a break
from the scene this past month. He will be finishing up a couple of works and
resting for an indeterminate amount of time. Black Viper is known for his
awesome works as well as being a group-focused member who donated his time
for many months this year packing the iCEPACK at the end of the month. He
will be missed, and we really appreciate all hes done for the staff and the
group. Come back soon, BV!
10. Megaliths group attempt to retake Hong Kong for the Queen failed this
month. BoA and his buddies were eager to help but were sidetracked on the
outskirts of the city by a strange shop specializing in Crowes bootlegs and
marijuana paraphanalia. The ogre-mages were, well, not so effective since he
needed laptops to make them exist, and Megalith himself was quickly intimidated
by the big tanks. Cheerio.
11. Former iCE Senior Staffer and current iCE lazy bum Midnight Sorrow has
resurrected the worlds most famous elite underground network, CyberCrime. He
is excited about the opportunities this presents for the remaining BBSes in the
scene. But even cooler, you dont even have to run a board to be a part of
the network! Contact him at midsorrow@ice.org for more information about being
a part of the CyberCrime International world domination network.. again!
12. Another hot month, both at the beaches and in the scene. iCE is living up
to the great summer expectations. Look out, because theres still a month and
a half of summer left! See you next month!
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion
J U L Y 1 9 9 7
1. Summer hit full force this month with record breaking temperatures and over
three megabytes of fresh new artwork from the only group able to battle the hot
summer swelter! Anyone who ever said anything about the lazy days of summer
has obviously never met this group of overacheivers!
2. Our highly-paid recruiters disguised as religious prophets of impending
doom and telephone psychics convinced the following wayward artists that
salvation is in iCE this month: Fractal, who joins the ANSI team, and Cyberise
in the VGA department. Also returning to the scene this month is Black
Lighting, to the ANSI department. Welcome to our new mates.
3. In related news this month, former iCE ANSI Department Coordinator Lemonade
has recently escaped from an evil guerilla activist group compound in Santa
Clara, CA. The group captured Lemonade and held him for almost a year just to
try to stop him from releasing quality ANSIs. Fret not, citrus fans, for our
loveable Lemonade is back with ANSIs for the world to enjoy!
4. Nobody caught a virus in a public restroom, went skydiving without working
parachutes, flew the coop, hit the road, made like a tree, orbited Earth on Mir
aborted their mission, gave Magnetic M their Ultima Online CD, went fishing
for shark, was two fries short of a happy meal, or left the group this month.
5. Promotion! iCE ANSI Artist Kadaver has been promoted to the vacant ANSI
Coordinator position! Hes already setting things in motion with the Avalanche
project, as well as being involved with the ANSI team. Congrats, Kad!
6. A badly beaten, bruised, and oozing Information Systems director Lickbert
reports this month that system the UNIX and web but cold. We simply choose
to ignore him now. SpaceDev has unveiled the new Frozen Delivery system on the
iCE web pages, which is available for this months iCEPACK! Check out this
fresh new way to get quality art on http://www.ice.org.
7. iCE VGA talent Epoch will be releasing an iCE Special Release shortly that
is related to this iCEPACK although it will not be distributed with the main
pack. It is an amazing VGA animation that is 9.2Mb in size. You can find
this upcoming release along with the archive of other iCE special releases on
ftp://ftp.ice.org/pub/special/ice-spc8.zip. Check it out!
8. Friar Tuck was reprimanded this month for going over 73 days without coming
onto IRC. He explained with the coy Friar smile that, Well, Ive been busy,
man. Rumor has it that Friar was off trying to start a new career as a blues
guitarrist. When asked about that, Friar seemed despondant and simply said,
I just got my music, cuz Ive got the blues. It just sounds like another
excuse -ed.
9. iCE ANSI artist Black Viper decided that hes going to be taking a break
from the scene this past month. He will be finishing up a couple of works and
resting for an indeterminate amount of time. Black Viper is known for his
awesome works as well as being a group-focused member who donated his time
for many months this year packing the iCEPACK at the end of the month. He
will be missed, and we really appreciate all hes done for the staff and the
group. Come back soon, BV!
10. Megaliths group attempt to retake Hong Kong for the Queen failed this
month. BoA and his buddies were eager to help but were sidetracked on the
outskirts of the city by a strange shop specializing in Crowes bootlegs and
marijuana paraphanalia. The ogre-mages were, well, not so effective since he
needed laptops to make them exist, and Megalith himself was quickly intimidated
by the big tanks. Cheerio.
11. Former iCE Senior Staffer and current iCE lazy bum Midnight Sorrow has
resurrected the worlds most famous elite underground network, CyberCrime. He
is excited about the opportunities this presents for the remaining BBSes in the
scene. But even cooler, you dont even have to run a board to be a part of
the network! Contact him at midsorrow@ice.org for more information about being
a part of the CyberCrime International world domination network.. again!
12. Another hot month, both at the beaches and in the scene. iCE is living up
to the great summer expectations. Look out, because theres still a month and
a half of summer left! See you next month!
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion
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