this image contains text
mad, mad props to the following people..
tripice - for being just the sweetest young thang, a
nd for hot licks
mogeldto - for letting me reprint some of his shit i
n the zine, and for having
the balls to live in philadelphia :
creed - same thing, cept he lives in jersey
ewheatdef apathy jam - sup mah brutha .. been a long
time. keep in touch, g
transie - apathy is dead, but apathy pride WILL NEVER
ex-apa guys - see above .. sorry it had to happen. che
ers, yall. you guys rule!ice pee pull - thanks for
having us .. and taking me back again :. ice97y0
and of course anyone
continued fromi missed.. its been
bottom left..
ages since ive
drawn a decent
so whats been
ansi this one
going on with
doesnt count,
me lately? as
it sucks... :
i said, im .. im out of
graduating HS touch, ya kn
soon. college?? but i gradu-
im applying ate in like 3
to some art
weeks, and im
ools in thedrawing again.
am i back in
state region,
the scene?
im really nah. but im
hoping to get
drawing a-
o tyler or
gain, and
the philly
thats some-
institute of
thing. take
art. i pro-this from
bably wontsomeone who
go until
knows all too
fall of
well.. dont
or spring of
let the scene
1998, so i
suck up all yer
can spend thattime.. theres
time saving
a life out
, buying
a carthere for you
and building
to live. ansi
up my portfo-
is a great
lio. my folkshobby to have,
suck, they
but it IS very
want me
addicting. it
to join
gets bad after
the armyawhile. you
find yourself
none to
waking up in
keen on
the middle of
the ideathe night to
of me astake a piss
n artist..and call
which meansa couple
they arent
boards, or
to eager to
hop on irc.
help pay for
you spend
it. but ill
your friday
just go on
nights at home
doodling. its
and pay for thgreat
if you dig
est w/ loans.getting recog-
fun stuff.
nition for your
later, work, but dont
get wrapped up
in it.
w.. im get-
ting preachy :
.. you guys
will probably
see more of me
this summer,
but this is my
first summer
where i wont
have to worry
about going
back to school
in september,
i can s
tay out
all night w/o
my parents
bitching at me.
fun stuff..
for those of u
in the phila-
delphia, pa or
new jersey area
my f
i are gonna
be going to
a lot
of ska
, punk,
shows out
there, so
if you ever
wanna hang
out at one
lemme know.
bomb shell
w00haw.. bombshell 2 is out! what is it
? bombshell is a zine, and not one of
those ordinary, everyday e-zines. bombshells one of t
hose high-tech, newfangledpaper zines! wh0a.. actual
ly, paper zines are nothing extraordinary, but this
one is. why? cuz i run it. and you know im extraordin
ary :. anyway, if youre a fan of ska, punk, and/or
oi music, or you just dig funny shit, you might wanna
check this out. heres a rundown of the content..
- an interview with the ska blaze
rs awesome PA ska band
- wacky writings by scenesters m0
gel and creed
- the shit list
- zine record reviews
- DIY record making
- neato writing by me my friends
- crazy cartoons by yours truly
- and MORE!@
sounds mildly interesting, eh? i thought so. and the b
est part? the whole deal
is only a dollar. one measly dollar! you
cant even buy a porno for that, and
this is a hell of a lot more stimulating :. yknow wh
at else it features? a
very small print run.. something like 50 cuz im brok
e. so grab a copy while
you can! send well-concealed cash to..
james b.
14 palm lane
lebanon, pa 17042-9
also, issue 1 is still available barely, so if you
want a copy of that, add some extra dough or hell,
just a funny letter or naked pics of your sister,
ill throw it in. while supplies last, beeyotch.
if you wanna be a hipster and contribute, by all means
, go nuts. i need every-
thing. if you wanna write something cool, do it. if yo
ure in a band or put
together a zine, or know someone who is or does, send
us records, cds, demos, or zines to review. if you
can draw original stuff, send it, ill print it. if
you want to interview a local band, do it. ill take a
nything almost. see yourname in print, its fun.
ill also print show reviews and reports
of all the
goings-on in your local scene.
you have no excuse not to get this. you probably have
a dollar in your couch :.hope to hear from you.
-ansi by misfit
iCE - original art
by the master, sam kieth - header
by parasite-
, im selling ansis again, so if ya want one, send ca
sh to the address above
go read the hi
dden shiznit
tripice - for being just the sweetest young thang, a
nd for hot licks
mogeldto - for letting me reprint some of his shit i
n the zine, and for having
the balls to live in philadelphia :
creed - same thing, cept he lives in jersey
ewheatdef apathy jam - sup mah brutha .. been a long
time. keep in touch, g
transie - apathy is dead, but apathy pride WILL NEVER
ex-apa guys - see above .. sorry it had to happen. che
ers, yall. you guys rule!ice pee pull - thanks for
having us .. and taking me back again :. ice97y0
and of course anyone
continued fromi missed.. its been
bottom left..
ages since ive
drawn a decent
so whats been
ansi this one
going on with
doesnt count,
me lately? as
it sucks... :
i said, im .. im out of
graduating HS touch, ya kn
soon. college?? but i gradu-
im applying ate in like 3
to some art
weeks, and im
ools in thedrawing again.
am i back in
state region,
the scene?
im really nah. but im
hoping to get
drawing a-
o tyler or
gain, and
the philly
thats some-
institute of
thing. take
art. i pro-this from
bably wontsomeone who
go until
knows all too
fall of
well.. dont
or spring of
let the scene
1998, so i
suck up all yer
can spend thattime.. theres
time saving
a life out
, buying
a carthere for you
and building
to live. ansi
up my portfo-
is a great
lio. my folkshobby to have,
suck, they
but it IS very
want me
addicting. it
to join
gets bad after
the armyawhile. you
find yourself
none to
waking up in
keen on
the middle of
the ideathe night to
of me astake a piss
n artist..and call
which meansa couple
they arent
boards, or
to eager to
hop on irc.
help pay for
you spend
it. but ill
your friday
just go on
nights at home
doodling. its
and pay for thgreat
if you dig
est w/ loans.getting recog-
fun stuff.
nition for your
later, work, but dont
get wrapped up
in it.
w.. im get-
ting preachy :
.. you guys
will probably
see more of me
this summer,
but this is my
first summer
where i wont
have to worry
about going
back to school
in september,
i can s
tay out
all night w/o
my parents
bitching at me.
fun stuff..
for those of u
in the phila-
delphia, pa or
new jersey area
my f
i are gonna
be going to
a lot
of ska
, punk,
shows out
there, so
if you ever
wanna hang
out at one
lemme know.
bomb shell
w00haw.. bombshell 2 is out! what is it
? bombshell is a zine, and not one of
those ordinary, everyday e-zines. bombshells one of t
hose high-tech, newfangledpaper zines! wh0a.. actual
ly, paper zines are nothing extraordinary, but this
one is. why? cuz i run it. and you know im extraordin
ary :. anyway, if youre a fan of ska, punk, and/or
oi music, or you just dig funny shit, you might wanna
check this out. heres a rundown of the content..
- an interview with the ska blaze
rs awesome PA ska band
- wacky writings by scenesters m0
gel and creed
- the shit list
- zine record reviews
- DIY record making
- neato writing by me my friends
- crazy cartoons by yours truly
- and MORE!@
sounds mildly interesting, eh? i thought so. and the b
est part? the whole deal
is only a dollar. one measly dollar! you
cant even buy a porno for that, and
this is a hell of a lot more stimulating :. yknow wh
at else it features? a
very small print run.. something like 50 cuz im brok
e. so grab a copy while
you can! send well-concealed cash to..
james b.
14 palm lane
lebanon, pa 17042-9
also, issue 1 is still available barely, so if you
want a copy of that, add some extra dough or hell,
just a funny letter or naked pics of your sister,
ill throw it in. while supplies last, beeyotch.
if you wanna be a hipster and contribute, by all means
, go nuts. i need every-
thing. if you wanna write something cool, do it. if yo
ure in a band or put
together a zine, or know someone who is or does, send
us records, cds, demos, or zines to review. if you
can draw original stuff, send it, ill print it. if
you want to interview a local band, do it. ill take a
nything almost. see yourname in print, its fun.
ill also print show reviews and reports
of all the
goings-on in your local scene.
you have no excuse not to get this. you probably have
a dollar in your couch :.hope to hear from you.
-ansi by misfit
iCE - original art
by the master, sam kieth - header
by parasite-
, im selling ansis again, so if ya want one, send ca
sh to the address above
go read the hi
dden shiznit
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