this image contains text
a b r a x a s
+o mhz
pic/font design by inazone................................font
shaded by elastic
thanks to ghengis, borian and especially
marauder fos95 for their unwitting
inspiration greets go out to kitiara, the knight, angel of hell,
sector slayer,stone the crow, massm and massd of ice, and poi
nt blank ex-union. -inaice
c 1997 iCE Advertisements
a b r a x a s
+o mhz
pic/font design by inazone................................font
shaded by elastic
thanks to ghengis, borian and especially
marauder fos95 for their unwitting
inspiration greets go out to kitiara, the knight, angel of hell,
sector slayer,stone the crow, massm and massd of ice, and poi
nt blank ex-union. -inaice
c 1997 iCE Advertisements
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