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This ansi has been made by Black Viper from
iCE Advertisements, 1997
Coming soon: http://pulse.
ice.org, to a browser near you. Spring, 1
Word... Yup, it has been exactly
SIX months that Ive been in
iCE... Well, I must say these last six months were really th
e best ive lived
in all my scene life. Thanks guys, these last months were
really, very, very
fun, and i feel I could stay in iCE for a long time not to
say forever like
I said in Fire before, I regretted it!. Thanks again guys,
Im VERY happy to
be with you. Wanna BETA TEST PULSE.ICE.ORG? email me at bvip
How to contact BV: bviper@total
.net, bviper@ice.
Ansis this month: CiA: 1 Pic
-- 2 Logos -- 1 23-lin
iCE: 1 Pic -- 1 23-l
Word to: Fluor, SpaceDev, The Night Angel, Gr
indstone, Colourless,
Phobiuh, Flipside, Tetanus, ColdNUgly, Mass Delusion,
Froth, Filth, Corpcow, Digiod, Neosmurf, Hornet, Tetanu
Long live to: Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Genesi
s, Peter Gabriel, Supertramp
Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Harmonium, Frank Zappa, Rick Wri
:: Black Viper iCE
:: Theres an angel in the sun, and hes crying wi
th a loud voice,
This is the supper of the mighty one.
Lords of Lords, Kings of Kings,
Has returned to lead his children home,
To take them to the new Jerusalem.
files menu
commands g
o here
This ansi has been made by Black Viper from
iCE Advertisements, 1997
Coming soon: http://pulse.
ice.org, to a browser near you. Spring, 1
Word... Yup, it has been exactly
SIX months that Ive been in
iCE... Well, I must say these last six months were really th
e best ive lived
in all my scene life. Thanks guys, these last months were
really, very, very
fun, and i feel I could stay in iCE for a long time not to
say forever like
I said in Fire before, I regretted it!. Thanks again guys,
Im VERY happy to
be with you. Wanna BETA TEST PULSE.ICE.ORG? email me at bvip
How to contact BV: bviper@total
.net, bviper@ice.
Ansis this month: CiA: 1 Pic
-- 2 Logos -- 1 23-lin
iCE: 1 Pic -- 1 23-l
Word to: Fluor, SpaceDev, The Night Angel, Gr
indstone, Colourless,
Phobiuh, Flipside, Tetanus, ColdNUgly, Mass Delusion,
Froth, Filth, Corpcow, Digiod, Neosmurf, Hornet, Tetanu
Long live to: Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Genesi
s, Peter Gabriel, Supertramp
Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Harmonium, Frank Zappa, Rick Wri
:: Black Viper iCE
:: Theres an angel in the sun, and hes crying wi
th a loud voice,
This is the supper of the mighty one.
Lords of Lords, Kings of Kings,
Has returned to lead his children home,
To take them to the new Jerusalem.
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