this image contains text
This ansi is to be used only by
teeare.. - desc Purg.......
This ansi has been made by Black Viper from
iCE Advertisements, 1997
Coming soon: http://www.total
.net/bviper, Ascension, BVipe
rs fan page :
Black Vipers little words
for this month :
Well, this is my fifth month in iCE! Im li
ving some difficult
moments right now, so.. ummm, I wasnt really active. I hop
e I will be
more next month.. I resetted my requests, so youll have to
your ansis by emailing me at my email address. Eerie, are y
ou happy???
Look. 5 lines of text. I hope its better now.
All requests should be emailed to bviper@
total.net Im mail-less!
or call Pulse at 514 434-9508
Will probably move to Telnet w/cable modem
Hello to:
oUTkAST, Inertia, Grindstoned, Fluor, Tnangel, Massd, Mass M
urderer, SpaceDev,
Toon Goon, SGrunger, Wyvy, ColdNUgly, Colourless, Lemonade
, IllusionX,
Lord Soth, Syntax, Tetanus, Egoteq, Flame, Soul Assassin.
:: Black Viper iCE
:: Im tired of being here.. Im tired of looking
from behind these eyes..
Dont worry. Nobody lives forever..
teeare.. - desc Purg.......
This ansi has been made by Black Viper from
iCE Advertisements, 1997
Coming soon: http://www.total
.net/bviper, Ascension, BVipe
rs fan page :
Black Vipers little words
for this month :
Well, this is my fifth month in iCE! Im li
ving some difficult
moments right now, so.. ummm, I wasnt really active. I hop
e I will be
more next month.. I resetted my requests, so youll have to
your ansis by emailing me at my email address. Eerie, are y
ou happy???
Look. 5 lines of text. I hope its better now.
All requests should be emailed to bviper@
total.net Im mail-less!
or call Pulse at 514 434-9508
Will probably move to Telnet w/cable modem
Hello to:
oUTkAST, Inertia, Grindstoned, Fluor, Tnangel, Massd, Mass M
urderer, SpaceDev,
Toon Goon, SGrunger, Wyvy, ColdNUgly, Colourless, Lemonade
, IllusionX,
Lord Soth, Syntax, Tetanus, Egoteq, Flame, Soul Assassin.
:: Black Viper iCE
:: Im tired of being here.. Im tired of looking
from behind these eyes..
Dont worry. Nobody lives forever..
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