this image contains text
the following probably doesnt represent the entire groups opinions.
im not going to lie to you.
im not going to tell you iCE is a collection of friends so close we
sleep in the same beds. not going to tell you we love each other.
im not going to tell you that we draw what we draw because we love it.
we draw what we draw because its simply what we do. everyone has a hobby.
we didnt all grow up in the same neighborhood. all we do is draw.
and were the best fucking group of artists youll ever see.
i c e
tripeYCE, representing the hlecter
stylings to the best i can
its the phunk phenomenon
e! e-mag
go in here
this is for e! emag only, fucker. djtrip
DJTRIP, the DJNOOT remix EP, by trip
e! e-mag
go in here
this is for e! emag only, fucker. djnoot
for info on purchasing ansis: trip@ice.org .. i have finished pics, needing
im not going to lie to you.
im not going to tell you iCE is a collection of friends so close we
sleep in the same beds. not going to tell you we love each other.
im not going to tell you that we draw what we draw because we love it.
we draw what we draw because its simply what we do. everyone has a hobby.
we didnt all grow up in the same neighborhood. all we do is draw.
and were the best fucking group of artists youll ever see.
i c e
tripeYCE, representing the hlecter
stylings to the best i can
its the phunk phenomenon
e! e-mag
go in here
this is for e! emag only, fucker. djtrip
DJTRIP, the DJNOOT remix EP, by trip
e! e-mag
go in here
this is for e! emag only, fucker. djnoot
for info on purchasing ansis: trip@ice.org .. i have finished pics, needing
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