this image contains text
D E C E M B E R 1 9 9 6
1. Another December behind us, as iCE looks forward to operatin
g in its 7th
calendar year. But this December pack shouldnt be ignored! It
s filled with
lots of eye-candy that youre sure to eat up! And, it has no c
holesterol or
calories, which is good news after holiday feasting and drinking!
2. Force Ten, Mass Delusion, Cold and Ugly, and BoA were out wand
ering the iCY
wastelands no, not Canada... necessarily! when they were ambush
ed by a small
group of migratory giant earthworms! The dynamic crew were saved
when the lead
earthworm bit into BoA and decided he didnt like the Black Crowes
-- something
about a bad omen or whatnot. :
3. We need to make a note that the real number for The Sanctuar
ytm, iCEs
BBS headquarters, is ++1-954-791-RiCE 7423. For those that don
t know, its
operated by our very own Tempus Thales, who points out that he, a
long with the
board itself, its users, its community, and practically every
thing else is
gay. So dont be fooled by false number advertising, call the real
thing today!
4. Whoops! We jumped the gun a bit in the last .NFO file about i
ce.org there
was a slight problem in the anonymous FTP site ftp.ice.org that
caused one of
the commands to be inoperative for a short time. Its been remed
ied, and NOW
we can say that ice.org is 100 back and better than before,
with some new
hardware and software upgrades, as well as additional bandwidth.
5. iCE once again proved that we are the most stellar art cong
lomerate this
month with the increase in strong theories about Mars and its soi
l. It would
appear that scientists believe that, since the red planet was once
covered with
water and has a low surface temperature, that there is iCE under
the soil! We
are not surprised by this revelation, and in fact, 9 out of 10 al
iens surveyed
by iCE members during their abductions said that they prefer the
iCEPACK over
the other leading brands!
6. The following artists were accepted to the group after perfo
rming the hit
song tattva for the group. They are: Amnesia in Coding, and
Blenderhed in
RIP/VGA. Acintya bheda bheda tattva! what does it mean anyway?!
7a. But, our dearly departed this month was Lord Drakul, who could
nt deal with
the bright reflection off the iCE and headed for Twilight.
7b. Going inactive this month is Kyp, the newcomer from last month
. Hes going
to spend some time concentrating on honing his VGA skills, and w
ont be doing
much ANSI these days. We hope to see him around soon!
8. Wed like to take the opportunity to wish our fans and followe
rs and casual
viewers a happy hannukah/merry christmas/happy yule! We hope that
your holiday
was as fulfilling as can be.
9. The years over! Happy new year to everyone from all of us at
iCE! 1997!!!
10. Once again, high quality output from everyone, even though eve
ryone was
quite scattered during the holidays/finals/break. Congratulations
on a job
well done. Bring on 1997...
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion
D E C E M B E R 1 9 9 6
1. Another December behind us, as iCE looks forward to operatin
g in its 7th
calendar year. But this December pack shouldnt be ignored! It
s filled with
lots of eye-candy that youre sure to eat up! And, it has no c
holesterol or
calories, which is good news after holiday feasting and drinking!
2. Force Ten, Mass Delusion, Cold and Ugly, and BoA were out wand
ering the iCY
wastelands no, not Canada... necessarily! when they were ambush
ed by a small
group of migratory giant earthworms! The dynamic crew were saved
when the lead
earthworm bit into BoA and decided he didnt like the Black Crowes
-- something
about a bad omen or whatnot. :
3. We need to make a note that the real number for The Sanctuar
ytm, iCEs
BBS headquarters, is ++1-954-791-RiCE 7423. For those that don
t know, its
operated by our very own Tempus Thales, who points out that he, a
long with the
board itself, its users, its community, and practically every
thing else is
gay. So dont be fooled by false number advertising, call the real
thing today!
4. Whoops! We jumped the gun a bit in the last .NFO file about i
ce.org there
was a slight problem in the anonymous FTP site ftp.ice.org that
caused one of
the commands to be inoperative for a short time. Its been remed
ied, and NOW
we can say that ice.org is 100 back and better than before,
with some new
hardware and software upgrades, as well as additional bandwidth.
5. iCE once again proved that we are the most stellar art cong
lomerate this
month with the increase in strong theories about Mars and its soi
l. It would
appear that scientists believe that, since the red planet was once
covered with
water and has a low surface temperature, that there is iCE under
the soil! We
are not surprised by this revelation, and in fact, 9 out of 10 al
iens surveyed
by iCE members during their abductions said that they prefer the
iCEPACK over
the other leading brands!
6. The following artists were accepted to the group after perfo
rming the hit
song tattva for the group. They are: Amnesia in Coding, and
Blenderhed in
RIP/VGA. Acintya bheda bheda tattva! what does it mean anyway?!
7a. But, our dearly departed this month was Lord Drakul, who could
nt deal with
the bright reflection off the iCE and headed for Twilight.
7b. Going inactive this month is Kyp, the newcomer from last month
. Hes going
to spend some time concentrating on honing his VGA skills, and w
ont be doing
much ANSI these days. We hope to see him around soon!
8. Wed like to take the opportunity to wish our fans and followe
rs and casual
viewers a happy hannukah/merry christmas/happy yule! We hope that
your holiday
was as fulfilling as can be.
9. The years over! Happy new year to everyone from all of us at
iCE! 1997!!!
10. Once again, high quality output from everyone, even though eve
ryone was
quite scattered during the holidays/finals/break. Congratulations
on a job
well done. Bring on 1997...
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion
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