this image contains text
N O V E M B E R 1 9 9 6
1. The boys and girls of the chilliest crew in the art scene return this month
sporting new action figure toys! Yes, you too can have your own quality
Lemonade, Tetanus, Lord Soth, and more! And, for a limited time, get a flashy
Syntax Error action figure! Fight the evil figures from rival groups! Save
the art scene from the family dog! The possibilities are endless! Only 19.95
each + shipping!
2. After well over a year of service to the group, the senior staff foursome
of Force Ten/Friar Tuck/Lord Soth/Syntax Error is no more. Three of the four
have stepped down to member status. Friar Tuck will rejoin the coding section,
Lord Soth will rejoin the ANSI/VGA departments, and Syntax Error will be a
member coordinator. Best of luck to all three in their less-stressful roles! :
3. In a related note, we grabbed two enterprising advisors and convinced them
to be senior staff. Welcome Cold and Ugly and Mass Delusion to the Senior Staff
of iCE, promoted from the Advisory Council!
4. The aformentioned promotions left a hole in the Advisory Council. Stepping
up to help the group is BoA, our Logomafia king and longtime iCE member! Hell
do a great job for the group. Congratulations, BoA!
5. It was reported in the IRCNewstm today that Aneurysm is responsible for a
recent outbreak of mysterious brown goo in bathrooms in the Northern New Jersey
area. The heinous sludge appears without cause or explanation, and is extremely
diffiult to clean. More on this later.
6. ice.org update: the servers are back on-line with our new provider and a
faster connection! The web and ftp sites are back, and shell account e-mail
will be flowing again during this month. Sorry for the inconvenience and
thanks for your patience!
7. After carving its own splendid impression into the art scene, Apathy is no
more. Were fortunate to have been able to welcome Apathy into iCE. Joining
the crew from Apathy are: Misfit, P-Chan, Prizm, Trip, and Degenerit. Others
may follow shortly. Welcome aboard!
8. The 3:11 commuter train pulled up this month and dropped several blanket
wrapped artists to iCEs doorstep! Also joining were Noodles Kyp in the ANSI
section, and Azrael and Twitch to the VGA/RIP section.
9. Leaving this month on the same train and heading into the sunset are Snake
Grunger and Egoteq. We wish them luck in their future endeavors.
10. Recently, it has been reported that iCE has been found on the dark side of
the moon. This is further evidence of our universal appeal! 9 out of 10 aliens
agree: iCE is out of this world!
11. We would like to take the opportunity to dispel rumours that the group is
indeed a subsidiary of Microsoft with a sole purpose to dominate the art scene
for Microsoft Windows 95. The pack will NOT be called Microsoft Ice mm/yy 95
anytime soon! We do not know who started these vicious lies, but theyre not
true. Right, Bill?
12. Please note that the proper term of endearment for new staffers Cold and
Ugly and Mass Delusion is newbie.
13. Another great month. Theres been a lot of talk and a lot of bologna from
all sides. But everyone stepped up and showed that iCE is here to stay! Were
cool as iCE and loving every minute of it: Congratulations to everyone in iCE!
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion
N O V E M B E R 1 9 9 6
1. The boys and girls of the chilliest crew in the art scene return this month
sporting new action figure toys! Yes, you too can have your own quality
Lemonade, Tetanus, Lord Soth, and more! And, for a limited time, get a flashy
Syntax Error action figure! Fight the evil figures from rival groups! Save
the art scene from the family dog! The possibilities are endless! Only 19.95
each + shipping!
2. After well over a year of service to the group, the senior staff foursome
of Force Ten/Friar Tuck/Lord Soth/Syntax Error is no more. Three of the four
have stepped down to member status. Friar Tuck will rejoin the coding section,
Lord Soth will rejoin the ANSI/VGA departments, and Syntax Error will be a
member coordinator. Best of luck to all three in their less-stressful roles! :
3. In a related note, we grabbed two enterprising advisors and convinced them
to be senior staff. Welcome Cold and Ugly and Mass Delusion to the Senior Staff
of iCE, promoted from the Advisory Council!
4. The aformentioned promotions left a hole in the Advisory Council. Stepping
up to help the group is BoA, our Logomafia king and longtime iCE member! Hell
do a great job for the group. Congratulations, BoA!
5. It was reported in the IRCNewstm today that Aneurysm is responsible for a
recent outbreak of mysterious brown goo in bathrooms in the Northern New Jersey
area. The heinous sludge appears without cause or explanation, and is extremely
diffiult to clean. More on this later.
6. ice.org update: the servers are back on-line with our new provider and a
faster connection! The web and ftp sites are back, and shell account e-mail
will be flowing again during this month. Sorry for the inconvenience and
thanks for your patience!
7. After carving its own splendid impression into the art scene, Apathy is no
more. Were fortunate to have been able to welcome Apathy into iCE. Joining
the crew from Apathy are: Misfit, P-Chan, Prizm, Trip, and Degenerit. Others
may follow shortly. Welcome aboard!
8. The 3:11 commuter train pulled up this month and dropped several blanket
wrapped artists to iCEs doorstep! Also joining were Noodles Kyp in the ANSI
section, and Azrael and Twitch to the VGA/RIP section.
9. Leaving this month on the same train and heading into the sunset are Snake
Grunger and Egoteq. We wish them luck in their future endeavors.
10. Recently, it has been reported that iCE has been found on the dark side of
the moon. This is further evidence of our universal appeal! 9 out of 10 aliens
agree: iCE is out of this world!
11. We would like to take the opportunity to dispel rumours that the group is
indeed a subsidiary of Microsoft with a sole purpose to dominate the art scene
for Microsoft Windows 95. The pack will NOT be called Microsoft Ice mm/yy 95
anytime soon! We do not know who started these vicious lies, but theyre not
true. Right, Bill?
12. Please note that the proper term of endearment for new staffers Cold and
Ugly and Mass Delusion is newbie.
13. Another great month. Theres been a lot of talk and a lot of bologna from
all sides. But everyone stepped up and showed that iCE is here to stay! Were
cool as iCE and loving every minute of it: Congratulations to everyone in iCE!
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion
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