this image contains text
J U L Y 1 9 9 6
1. The troop was faced with the tough decision of whether or not to invade
a small island nation and make it our home-base, or to work to release
on the first again. Being that its very difficult and expensive to
bring a T1 to the island, we decided to once again release on the first.
Word from the islanders is that they are quite thrilled with our firm
dedication to prompt packs grin.
2. Over the past few months, iCE has grown exponentially. While our member
listing is more or less the same as it usually is, our overall group has
become more robust yes, an industry buzzword!. It was thus decided
that we reinstate the iCE Advisory Council position. The advisors are
more or less like a junior staff, and work with the Senior Staff and
department heads. Congratulations go to Aphid Twix, Magnetic M, and Mass
Delusion on their promotions to the Council!
3. On the olympic front, iCE has won gold in rendering, doodling, and pixel
jumping, silver in maniacal rantings and frozen-pole licking, and a bronze in
the newest olympic event, turnip farming!
4. Another ice.org update! Weve added our very own news server to the wildly
impressive list of ice.org services! Our upstanding artists will, of
course, be sticking to the art-related newsgroups, although word on the
street has Devastator checking out alt.eastern.european.sex.sex.sex!
5. A barstool and a beer this month to new pixel-pushers Eporue and Nixus.
Two new VGA artists with spectacular new perspectives. Enjoy their work
while sitting. Also signing up this month was Egoteq in the ANSI division,
who teases viewers everywhere with his seductive ANSI sketches. And,
last, but most definately not least, a big allo to Citizen Blue in
the Members section. Citizen Blue is one of the few, the proud, the
ice.org admins, and has been more than tremendous in that painful? task.
Welcome all!
5b. Spring came late this year, as five members returned from inactivity.
They are drumroll please... Final Descendant, hFaze, and Salmon in VGA,
Gman in ANSI, and Natex aka Microsoft Natex 95 in the coding department.
Excuse them for being a bit wet, but weve been watering them for months!
5c. We must also bid a fond farewell to departing brethren Defiant and Fluor,
who left for Samsamar, and to Zarkon, who left for Legend v2. Good luck
all of you in your future endeavors.
6. We were going to put a lawsuit threat in this NFO file, but we were quickly
contacted by lawyers of another group who told us that doing so would
violate their lawsuit threat, in which case, theyd be forced to sue
us, which would cause us to sue them back, which would in turn require
them to sue not only us, but the International Olympic Committee and
Jimmy Carter, since hes from Georgia.
6b. However, if we dont use the word sue then we wont be sued, so if you
reproduce, retransmit, use, or sell this pack or artwork contained within
without the expressed written consent of iCE, we will be guilty of legal
maneuvering against you.
6c. I was forced by contract to inform you that we were informed by another
groups lawyers saying that we implied the word sue and therefore, we
deserved a slap on the wrist.
7. After learning a new magic trick, the following iCE members forgot how
to undo the trick, and have vanished into inactivity: Spiff, Grendel,
Highness, Lord Carnuss, Mephistopheles, Shaggy, Tempus Thales, Veks,
Mascot, Nuke Dawg, Shockwave, Supreme, Musicphreak, and all of FUEL/iCE
Euro except for Thrasher.
8. 99 Bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer...
8b. Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall..
8c. 98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer...
8d. Take one..WHUMP! ouch. sorry.
9. People have been asking about advertising, as it COULD be sort-of construed
in a ROUND ABOUT way that we support things for money, etc... This is just
simply NOT true, and Id just like everyone to know that.
9b. Thank you to our July sponsors Schmedtek Inc, Gordon Lund Industries, and
Miller Medical for their support.
10. Syntax update! Syntax Error has returned from Las Vegas and the Keys, and
brought back pretty pictures and new women. When asked about his manly
exploits, Syntax proudly asked What do you mean manly?
11. On a more serious note, we are still taking web site paying requests. Our
team of html coders and graphic designers is willing and ready to be put to
work. Visit the award-winning web site http://www.ice.org for more details
on how to put iCE to work for you!
12. Another rad month! And the naysayers were proven wrong about us once again.
iCE is friendly, strong, stable, and striding towards bigger goals. Keep
up the great work you guys and gals sure are an inspiration to many
others in our little microcosm. As always, were more than proud to be iCE!
Force Ten Friar Tuck Lord Soth Syntax Error
J U L Y 1 9 9 6
1. The troop was faced with the tough decision of whether or not to invade
a small island nation and make it our home-base, or to work to release
on the first again. Being that its very difficult and expensive to
bring a T1 to the island, we decided to once again release on the first.
Word from the islanders is that they are quite thrilled with our firm
dedication to prompt packs grin.
2. Over the past few months, iCE has grown exponentially. While our member
listing is more or less the same as it usually is, our overall group has
become more robust yes, an industry buzzword!. It was thus decided
that we reinstate the iCE Advisory Council position. The advisors are
more or less like a junior staff, and work with the Senior Staff and
department heads. Congratulations go to Aphid Twix, Magnetic M, and Mass
Delusion on their promotions to the Council!
3. On the olympic front, iCE has won gold in rendering, doodling, and pixel
jumping, silver in maniacal rantings and frozen-pole licking, and a bronze in
the newest olympic event, turnip farming!
4. Another ice.org update! Weve added our very own news server to the wildly
impressive list of ice.org services! Our upstanding artists will, of
course, be sticking to the art-related newsgroups, although word on the
street has Devastator checking out alt.eastern.european.sex.sex.sex!
5. A barstool and a beer this month to new pixel-pushers Eporue and Nixus.
Two new VGA artists with spectacular new perspectives. Enjoy their work
while sitting. Also signing up this month was Egoteq in the ANSI division,
who teases viewers everywhere with his seductive ANSI sketches. And,
last, but most definately not least, a big allo to Citizen Blue in
the Members section. Citizen Blue is one of the few, the proud, the
ice.org admins, and has been more than tremendous in that painful? task.
Welcome all!
5b. Spring came late this year, as five members returned from inactivity.
They are drumroll please... Final Descendant, hFaze, and Salmon in VGA,
Gman in ANSI, and Natex aka Microsoft Natex 95 in the coding department.
Excuse them for being a bit wet, but weve been watering them for months!
5c. We must also bid a fond farewell to departing brethren Defiant and Fluor,
who left for Samsamar, and to Zarkon, who left for Legend v2. Good luck
all of you in your future endeavors.
6. We were going to put a lawsuit threat in this NFO file, but we were quickly
contacted by lawyers of another group who told us that doing so would
violate their lawsuit threat, in which case, theyd be forced to sue
us, which would cause us to sue them back, which would in turn require
them to sue not only us, but the International Olympic Committee and
Jimmy Carter, since hes from Georgia.
6b. However, if we dont use the word sue then we wont be sued, so if you
reproduce, retransmit, use, or sell this pack or artwork contained within
without the expressed written consent of iCE, we will be guilty of legal
maneuvering against you.
6c. I was forced by contract to inform you that we were informed by another
groups lawyers saying that we implied the word sue and therefore, we
deserved a slap on the wrist.
7. After learning a new magic trick, the following iCE members forgot how
to undo the trick, and have vanished into inactivity: Spiff, Grendel,
Highness, Lord Carnuss, Mephistopheles, Shaggy, Tempus Thales, Veks,
Mascot, Nuke Dawg, Shockwave, Supreme, Musicphreak, and all of FUEL/iCE
Euro except for Thrasher.
8. 99 Bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer...
8b. Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall..
8c. 98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer...
8d. Take one..WHUMP! ouch. sorry.
9. People have been asking about advertising, as it COULD be sort-of construed
in a ROUND ABOUT way that we support things for money, etc... This is just
simply NOT true, and Id just like everyone to know that.
9b. Thank you to our July sponsors Schmedtek Inc, Gordon Lund Industries, and
Miller Medical for their support.
10. Syntax update! Syntax Error has returned from Las Vegas and the Keys, and
brought back pretty pictures and new women. When asked about his manly
exploits, Syntax proudly asked What do you mean manly?
11. On a more serious note, we are still taking web site paying requests. Our
team of html coders and graphic designers is willing and ready to be put to
work. Visit the award-winning web site http://www.ice.org for more details
on how to put iCE to work for you!
12. Another rad month! And the naysayers were proven wrong about us once again.
iCE is friendly, strong, stable, and striding towards bigger goals. Keep
up the great work you guys and gals sure are an inspiration to many
others in our little microcosm. As always, were more than proud to be iCE!
Force Ten Friar Tuck Lord Soth Syntax Error
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