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Harro again.. Welcome to my latest and probably lastest 23 liner collection. From now on I only take paying requests. No exceptions. If you want some ansi, prices start at 25
and up. Prease dont ask for ansi or I will likely yell
unkind things at you. Why you ask? I no longer like doing ansi too often. The way I do requests is ill finish an
ansi then go looking for a buyer, if no buyer is found ill give it to someone. Dont ask. Anyways, be sure to check
out my VGA work every month in iCE under the name Jae. My
website has been redone and is now up at
http://www.ice.org/jae. I didnt do it to win any awards, I just threw it up to work as a gallery for my art. If you want to contact me for some odd reason, try jae@flash.net.
In other news, my 600line ansi will be ready and coming at
you in next months pack. So look for it. Or not. :P
- tgice a.k.a Jae
- Tremor ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Haven ------------------------------------------------------------------
i nsert
c ommands
h ere
T h e H a v e n tg ice
and up. Prease dont ask for ansi or I will likely yell
unkind things at you. Why you ask? I no longer like doing ansi too often. The way I do requests is ill finish an
ansi then go looking for a buyer, if no buyer is found ill give it to someone. Dont ask. Anyways, be sure to check
out my VGA work every month in iCE under the name Jae. My
website has been redone and is now up at
http://www.ice.org/jae. I didnt do it to win any awards, I just threw it up to work as a gallery for my art. If you want to contact me for some odd reason, try jae@flash.net.
In other news, my 600line ansi will be ready and coming at
you in next months pack. So look for it. Or not. :P
- tgice a.k.a Jae
- Tremor ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Haven ------------------------------------------------------------------
i nsert
c ommands
h ere
T h e H a v e n tg ice
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