this image contains text
M A Y 1 9 9 6
1. Another month, another pack. : Weve decided to try to get this pack
out at the beginning of the month and bite the bullet with all the artists
who needed thier typical day or two to finish thier artwork... The size
might not be what were accustomed to releasing, but the change for the
better can never occur otherwise.
2. Our webpages were officially open to the public on 10:00p on the 15th of
the month! Thats right, http://www.ice.org is now a reality. Were
quite pleased with the outpouring of positive comments weve received,
and are confident that these pages are the beginning of something
fantastic for us as a group. In the first 15 days, we had over 1.5 gigs
of information transfered to thousands and thousands of new users.
Congratulations to all those involved in the construction of the page,
your diligence has made something we can all be truly proud of.
3. The pages.. are HTTP://WWW.ICE.ORG.. repeat.. HTTP://WWW.ICE.ORG. Is
this a shameless plug? Of course not. Were beyond shame. :
4. A very warm welcome this month to Annihilatus, Megalith, and Vesalius..
three VGA artists with very different styles among them. These three
fellas will be sure to bring a wealth of high quality VGA artwork for you
all to enjoy. In our ansi department, we welcome Dieznyik and his
wonderfully unique personality and artistic style to the iCE ranks. Hes
certainly no stranger to attention, and perhaps being among the iCE
family will focus the worlds attention on his artistic skill. George
Washington also was summoned back to life from the positive vibes weve
been exuding, and returns with some old school flair. Last, but
certainly not least, we welcome our old friend Cavalier to our memberlist.
His presence to the group, for those who know him, needs little
explanation, and were pleased to have him back oiling our gears.
4b. On the flip side, were sad to mention that Maestro has left the iCE
ranks to persue some group entitled Quest. We never truly found out
what his intents were in doing this, but we wish him the best regardless
in his endeavors. In addition, wed like to pay a quick thanks to Borian,
who stepped down this month as VGA coordinator. Needless to say, he
did an awesome job in this capacity, and our VGA department could be
nothing but better for the wear because of the input he had. We
understand the personal issues that have forced him to devote less time
to his group stuff, and we look forward to his future pictures with the
group. In related news, wed like to welcome Xten as our new VGA
coordinator. His leadership on the webpage as well as his long time
loyalty to the groups cause makes him a natural replacement for the
position. Congratulations!
5. Blunder department! We made a very big error. Our apologies to Borian
for releasing an unfinished picture in last months pack. The picture,
bn-ice6.jpg, even though it looked fantastic as all of Brents other work
does, wasnt finished. Our sincere apologies for this blunder. Were
awaiting our wet noodle flogging.
6. NAID: As of this writing, we just received word that one of our artist
duos, that of Visigoth and Lintec, was disqualified from the contest.
Needless to say, we need to find out the whole story as to what happened,
but from what we understand from Visigoth, the two artists were
disqualified following the judging process, after thier pic was voted
overwhelmingingly the best picture by the public. We send out our support
to both Visigoth, and Lintec.. and hope that thier works gets the rightful
prize that they deserve.
7. Check out the k-rad .IDF memberlist this month! Super thanks to Parasite,
Lintec, and Blazer for getting it up to speed.
8. Go BULLS! Heres to kicking some Sonic ass. In 4. Because we said so.
8b. iCE didnt say that because they paid us to, you know.
8c. No, its true! We have no contract with NBA. Holy deja-vu!
9. Another superhugetm thanks goes out to all the souls who worked on the
various iCE related projects this month. From those who worked on the
iCE pages, to Egghead, who continues to maintain our mailing list month
after month, to MagneticM who once again selflessly helped out in the
construction of the iCE pack. You guys are the best. The success of this
group is directly attributable to the teamwork and perserverance of
everyone. Keep up the great work.
10. I would like to thank all of the members of the group this month who
have showed the maturity and mutual respect to always be a team even when
differing opinions are discussed. I thought I couldnt be prouder of
iCE, but I was wrong ... again.
Force Ten Friar Tuck Lord Soth Syntax Error
M A Y 1 9 9 6
1. Another month, another pack. : Weve decided to try to get this pack
out at the beginning of the month and bite the bullet with all the artists
who needed thier typical day or two to finish thier artwork... The size
might not be what were accustomed to releasing, but the change for the
better can never occur otherwise.
2. Our webpages were officially open to the public on 10:00p on the 15th of
the month! Thats right, http://www.ice.org is now a reality. Were
quite pleased with the outpouring of positive comments weve received,
and are confident that these pages are the beginning of something
fantastic for us as a group. In the first 15 days, we had over 1.5 gigs
of information transfered to thousands and thousands of new users.
Congratulations to all those involved in the construction of the page,
your diligence has made something we can all be truly proud of.
3. The pages.. are HTTP://WWW.ICE.ORG.. repeat.. HTTP://WWW.ICE.ORG. Is
this a shameless plug? Of course not. Were beyond shame. :
4. A very warm welcome this month to Annihilatus, Megalith, and Vesalius..
three VGA artists with very different styles among them. These three
fellas will be sure to bring a wealth of high quality VGA artwork for you
all to enjoy. In our ansi department, we welcome Dieznyik and his
wonderfully unique personality and artistic style to the iCE ranks. Hes
certainly no stranger to attention, and perhaps being among the iCE
family will focus the worlds attention on his artistic skill. George
Washington also was summoned back to life from the positive vibes weve
been exuding, and returns with some old school flair. Last, but
certainly not least, we welcome our old friend Cavalier to our memberlist.
His presence to the group, for those who know him, needs little
explanation, and were pleased to have him back oiling our gears.
4b. On the flip side, were sad to mention that Maestro has left the iCE
ranks to persue some group entitled Quest. We never truly found out
what his intents were in doing this, but we wish him the best regardless
in his endeavors. In addition, wed like to pay a quick thanks to Borian,
who stepped down this month as VGA coordinator. Needless to say, he
did an awesome job in this capacity, and our VGA department could be
nothing but better for the wear because of the input he had. We
understand the personal issues that have forced him to devote less time
to his group stuff, and we look forward to his future pictures with the
group. In related news, wed like to welcome Xten as our new VGA
coordinator. His leadership on the webpage as well as his long time
loyalty to the groups cause makes him a natural replacement for the
position. Congratulations!
5. Blunder department! We made a very big error. Our apologies to Borian
for releasing an unfinished picture in last months pack. The picture,
bn-ice6.jpg, even though it looked fantastic as all of Brents other work
does, wasnt finished. Our sincere apologies for this blunder. Were
awaiting our wet noodle flogging.
6. NAID: As of this writing, we just received word that one of our artist
duos, that of Visigoth and Lintec, was disqualified from the contest.
Needless to say, we need to find out the whole story as to what happened,
but from what we understand from Visigoth, the two artists were
disqualified following the judging process, after thier pic was voted
overwhelmingingly the best picture by the public. We send out our support
to both Visigoth, and Lintec.. and hope that thier works gets the rightful
prize that they deserve.
7. Check out the k-rad .IDF memberlist this month! Super thanks to Parasite,
Lintec, and Blazer for getting it up to speed.
8. Go BULLS! Heres to kicking some Sonic ass. In 4. Because we said so.
8b. iCE didnt say that because they paid us to, you know.
8c. No, its true! We have no contract with NBA. Holy deja-vu!
9. Another superhugetm thanks goes out to all the souls who worked on the
various iCE related projects this month. From those who worked on the
iCE pages, to Egghead, who continues to maintain our mailing list month
after month, to MagneticM who once again selflessly helped out in the
construction of the iCE pack. You guys are the best. The success of this
group is directly attributable to the teamwork and perserverance of
everyone. Keep up the great work.
10. I would like to thank all of the members of the group this month who
have showed the maturity and mutual respect to always be a team even when
differing opinions are discussed. I thought I couldnt be prouder of
iCE, but I was wrong ... again.
Force Ten Friar Tuck Lord Soth Syntax Error
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