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Filenames of paks to offer:/sq2-lg11.ice
Description of pak 1:number 11 by squidgalator2 for ice
rare soma
darklands this featured in a logo competition, but somehow the
rules were altered, without my knowledge, and hey...
genosha featured in voodoo ansi compo, came first equal
twenty five minutes of sweat
forceworks for rainmaker
f o r c e w o r k s
mass psychosis communications for pgins sometimes simpe works
m a s s p s y c h o s i s c o m m u n i c a t i o n s
the vampires soul
heaven nice to see a non-death title for once
and here, the party must end time to go home folks sq2@sv.net.au
here are some interesting personal statistics:
1 time in ice: 14months
2 total accepted ansis: 133logos
3 size of total release: 615kilobytes
4 greets to: maestro/nootropic/maeve wolf/nme/kurrupt/visigoth
Filenames of paks to offer:/sq2-lg11.ice
Description of pak 1:number 11 by squidgalator2 for ice
rare soma
darklands this featured in a logo competition, but somehow the
rules were altered, without my knowledge, and hey...
genosha featured in voodoo ansi compo, came first equal
twenty five minutes of sweat
forceworks for rainmaker
f o r c e w o r k s
mass psychosis communications for pgins sometimes simpe works
m a s s p s y c h o s i s c o m m u n i c a t i o n s
the vampires soul
heaven nice to see a non-death title for once
and here, the party must end time to go home folks sq2@sv.net.au
here are some interesting personal statistics:
1 time in ice: 14months
2 total accepted ansis: 133logos
3 size of total release: 615kilobytes
4 greets to: maestro/nootropic/maeve wolf/nme/kurrupt/visigoth
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