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LemCorpulent Cow and iCEpresents...
Through the night the
brave soldiers
shall fight.
They have a
cause. Freedom.
Their lives shall
soon be theirs once
Again. They have
taken control. They
will be oppressed no
The fighting
is relentless.
Fatigue sets in
Their morale
is high still,
their lives
are in the
Spirits are high in the rebel base.
the rebel base
Ansi by Corpulent Cow of iCE
Font and other touchups by The Night Angel of iCE
Final touchups and shading on the font by Lemonade of iCE :
Through the night the
brave soldiers
shall fight.
They have a
cause. Freedom.
Their lives shall
soon be theirs once
Again. They have
taken control. They
will be oppressed no
The fighting
is relentless.
Fatigue sets in
Their morale
is high still,
their lives
are in the
Spirits are high in the rebel base.
the rebel base
Ansi by Corpulent Cow of iCE
Font and other touchups by The Night Angel of iCE
Final touchups and shading on the font by Lemonade of iCE :
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