this image contains text
1. Yes, folks, were still in the scene and still producing eye candy to
make you dizzy. Remember to check the box labeled Lord Soth/iCE for
the Republican primaries in a state near you! If he doesnt appear on
your ballot, it was only because of a bureaucratic error, please give
him a write-in vote. Seriously!
2. Numerous changes to the memberlist this month. Wed like to welcome
Kabal 13 to the fold, an excellent artist whose pictures will speak
for themselves. Kamikazee comes back with an ANSI that will make you
shiver twice. Isosceles and Maestro also return from places beyond the
horizon. We would also like to welcome Snake Grunger, whose ansi talents
are outstanding. On a sad note, Chromatik has left the scene, and The
Green Hornet rejoined DARK. In this pack we are releasing CKs Goodbye
ansi, entitled Hello : He did not mean for this to be released in the
iCE Pack, but were doing it as a sadly last favor to him. We want to
quickly restate that iCE does not wish to alienate any members of the
group or discourage any group of people from applying, and that all ideas
expressed in the pack are the views of the individual artists, and do not
represent group policy. Regardless, we wish both CK and TGH well in all
their future endeavors. Finally, due to a violent fever, Magnetic M left
for Legend, but once he awoke and noticed the new tatoo he returned to
iCE. A cry of Who likes a sailor then? went up as the group
spontaneously felt bashful.
2a. The staff would like to apologize to Apox for forgetting his name in
the past pack. Apox, you have one kick Syntax in the head certificate,
void in 40 states as well as where prohibited, except in the case of a
healthy traumatization.
2b. The staff would also like to apologize to Slothy for not announcing his
official coming out day, on December 22, 1995. He proudly wears his
pink triangle in support of ankle grabbers around the world. We
sincerely regret not making light of this most important announcement.
3. Defective Minds board, Black Sunshine, has retired. Apparently the
software left a note on the keyboard about having found a good woman
in a Waffle House and leaving for Tahiti. Go figure. In other news,
nobody else retired that anyone can think of. What this has to do with
iCE News has yet to be seen, however, Greater Evil was caught
red-handed as it were during a routine yak molestation. His court date
is at noon on February 17th in the 4th room on the left at the town
Court. Everyone is invited to Attend. Oh, silly me... he lives in
Georgia. Sheesh, we almost forgot to tell you where it was.
4. iCE is back on FTP, finally. The folks at wit.com noticed our defunct
site during a reorganization and contacted us about bringing it back
online. While were a little slow doing the reorganization, you will
begin seeing the archives on ftp://harmony.wit.com/ice in the near
future. Bear with us for a few weeks while we get everything running
smoothly again and oil all the gears and water the plants and blow the
old air out of the lungs of all the dead bodies. I think.
5. Just a note about Surreal Logics Web magazine, NetherwOrld. This is
a non-iCE Affiliated magazine, and we just wanted to give him some
extra publicity. The URL for NetherwOrld will be:
It will be up in about a week. Anyone wanting to write an article/
review packs/do artwork for the online magazine should contact Surreal
Logic or his mother, as she gets lonely with nothing to do except go
surfing on the Baywatch beach, although this requires her to have a
weekly disaster whilst swimming, which her doctor told her to watch
out for.
6. That damn Squidgalator . He gets almost as many awards as our
musicians. Heretics, his demo group, won first place at the OZ96
demo competition. Their demo can be found, like most everything else,
at ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/demos/incoming/OZ96/demo/htc-gunk.zip
7. Tran, our favorite unaffiliated demo coder, has created another
spectacular dose of what has made him famous. The music was done by
Basehead. You can get this one at, you guessed it,
This is a definate MUST-SEE. You should have a decent computer
dx2-66 or better to really enjoy it, and a soundcard helps to hear
some of Baseheads amazing tuneage. But make time to get this one, as
its just absolutely amazing.
8. iCE would like to announce their birthday present for the now 27-year old
Tired Fuck, err... Friar Tuck. Were all getting together and buying him
grammar lessons! We figure someone who can pull down as much as Tuck
can should at least know that you put two spaces after a period. Were
fairly sure he knew about the fact that youre supposed to wait a certain
amount after every period before starting up again, but maybe we were
wrong. If you are a demented person after reading this then you have the
undying respect of all the little people of America and beyond.
9. Just a quick sad note. Squidgalator had a huge hard drive crash, and
as a result, our OZ HQ is now only a memory. We are not currently
looking for a new one, so please dont email us asking for the position.
10. Kudos goes out to all the iCE artists for another wonderful month of fun
and good times. As other groups find themselves missing monthly packs,
dying due to lack of interest, or forming just for the hell of it, iCE
has maintained a leadership role in innovation and breakthrough artwork.
We enjoy each and every one of you members of iCE, and look forward to
many continuing months of s uccess and enjoyment in the future.
Richard M. Nixon
1. Yes, folks, were still in the scene and still producing eye candy to
make you dizzy. Remember to check the box labeled Lord Soth/iCE for
the Republican primaries in a state near you! If he doesnt appear on
your ballot, it was only because of a bureaucratic error, please give
him a write-in vote. Seriously!
2. Numerous changes to the memberlist this month. Wed like to welcome
Kabal 13 to the fold, an excellent artist whose pictures will speak
for themselves. Kamikazee comes back with an ANSI that will make you
shiver twice. Isosceles and Maestro also return from places beyond the
horizon. We would also like to welcome Snake Grunger, whose ansi talents
are outstanding. On a sad note, Chromatik has left the scene, and The
Green Hornet rejoined DARK. In this pack we are releasing CKs Goodbye
ansi, entitled Hello : He did not mean for this to be released in the
iCE Pack, but were doing it as a sadly last favor to him. We want to
quickly restate that iCE does not wish to alienate any members of the
group or discourage any group of people from applying, and that all ideas
expressed in the pack are the views of the individual artists, and do not
represent group policy. Regardless, we wish both CK and TGH well in all
their future endeavors. Finally, due to a violent fever, Magnetic M left
for Legend, but once he awoke and noticed the new tatoo he returned to
iCE. A cry of Who likes a sailor then? went up as the group
spontaneously felt bashful.
2a. The staff would like to apologize to Apox for forgetting his name in
the past pack. Apox, you have one kick Syntax in the head certificate,
void in 40 states as well as where prohibited, except in the case of a
healthy traumatization.
2b. The staff would also like to apologize to Slothy for not announcing his
official coming out day, on December 22, 1995. He proudly wears his
pink triangle in support of ankle grabbers around the world. We
sincerely regret not making light of this most important announcement.
3. Defective Minds board, Black Sunshine, has retired. Apparently the
software left a note on the keyboard about having found a good woman
in a Waffle House and leaving for Tahiti. Go figure. In other news,
nobody else retired that anyone can think of. What this has to do with
iCE News has yet to be seen, however, Greater Evil was caught
red-handed as it were during a routine yak molestation. His court date
is at noon on February 17th in the 4th room on the left at the town
Court. Everyone is invited to Attend. Oh, silly me... he lives in
Georgia. Sheesh, we almost forgot to tell you where it was.
4. iCE is back on FTP, finally. The folks at wit.com noticed our defunct
site during a reorganization and contacted us about bringing it back
online. While were a little slow doing the reorganization, you will
begin seeing the archives on ftp://harmony.wit.com/ice in the near
future. Bear with us for a few weeks while we get everything running
smoothly again and oil all the gears and water the plants and blow the
old air out of the lungs of all the dead bodies. I think.
5. Just a note about Surreal Logics Web magazine, NetherwOrld. This is
a non-iCE Affiliated magazine, and we just wanted to give him some
extra publicity. The URL for NetherwOrld will be:
It will be up in about a week. Anyone wanting to write an article/
review packs/do artwork for the online magazine should contact Surreal
Logic or his mother, as she gets lonely with nothing to do except go
surfing on the Baywatch beach, although this requires her to have a
weekly disaster whilst swimming, which her doctor told her to watch
out for.
6. That damn Squidgalator . He gets almost as many awards as our
musicians. Heretics, his demo group, won first place at the OZ96
demo competition. Their demo can be found, like most everything else,
at ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/demos/incoming/OZ96/demo/htc-gunk.zip
7. Tran, our favorite unaffiliated demo coder, has created another
spectacular dose of what has made him famous. The music was done by
Basehead. You can get this one at, you guessed it,
This is a definate MUST-SEE. You should have a decent computer
dx2-66 or better to really enjoy it, and a soundcard helps to hear
some of Baseheads amazing tuneage. But make time to get this one, as
its just absolutely amazing.
8. iCE would like to announce their birthday present for the now 27-year old
Tired Fuck, err... Friar Tuck. Were all getting together and buying him
grammar lessons! We figure someone who can pull down as much as Tuck
can should at least know that you put two spaces after a period. Were
fairly sure he knew about the fact that youre supposed to wait a certain
amount after every period before starting up again, but maybe we were
wrong. If you are a demented person after reading this then you have the
undying respect of all the little people of America and beyond.
9. Just a quick sad note. Squidgalator had a huge hard drive crash, and
as a result, our OZ HQ is now only a memory. We are not currently
looking for a new one, so please dont email us asking for the position.
10. Kudos goes out to all the iCE artists for another wonderful month of fun
and good times. As other groups find themselves missing monthly packs,
dying due to lack of interest, or forming just for the hell of it, iCE
has maintained a leadership role in innovation and breakthrough artwork.
We enjoy each and every one of you members of iCE, and look forward to
many continuing months of s uccess and enjoyment in the future.
Richard M. Nixon
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