this image contains text
hi, its ck.
hi everyone ... justt
o tell you first off,
Im not coming back or anythi
ng. I dunno if
that makes y
ou happy or if it disappoints you.
... Im just dropping this off an
d then you
probably wont see me again.
The real reason that I even
bothered to write this is
because I wanted to tell you all somethi
ng. Now, I
dont want to sound like I have life all f
igured out,
and Im all that, because believe me, I h
ave all the
problems in life that you could ever want. But
do want to share a few things with you right now, s
Id really appreciate it if you read on ...
I dont know how all of you feel about li
fe and all,
but I know that some days, Ive just fel
t so empty ..
Whats the point of making it throu
gh another day?
Theres gotta be something more than th
is ...
There is more to this life, but
you have to open up
your heart and let someone in if you want to get it
Theres a joy and adventure to lif
e thats better
than anything you could ever get out o
f the world.
A God loves you. YOU. He knows
every feeling that you
have, and He loves you so much. I think a lot o
f you
might already be shutting me off right here, but
ask you with all my heart just to keep reading what
have to say. Thanks ... His hope for you is tha
t you
would get to know and learn
to love Him. Thats it.
Thats all He wants from you.
And you know whats ironic? This is th
e same God that
can place stars out into space with th
e flick of a
wrist. This is the same God that cause the
planets to
rotate and revolve around the sun so
perfectly that
the whole system works in harmony with each other.
And this God cares about me? I used to
think. But
its true. He loves you, and he watches over you eac
and every day. Its amazing ...
But let me tell you something else. This God loves u
so much that he made a sacrifice beyond o
ur imagina-
tion for us. He let his own son die so t
hat we might
get more out of life. Thats how much he
loves us to
give up His own son.
His sons name was Jesus Christ, and t
his guy lived a
perfect life. When I say per
fect, I dont mean that
he had the best time in life. I mean that
his life
pure, and he never did a thing wrong. Yet, he died s
that we could be forgiven of all the sc
rew-ups and
mess-ups that we do in our lives. Thats aweso
me. I
mean, thats really awesome.
I could go on forever with this, but I ju
st wanted to
leave you with that. I wish that I had bro
ught this
out more when I was still in the scene, tha
t way, I
could have talked with all you guys more ab
out it.
Ive lived almost all my life as a Christ
ian, and Im
not saying that everything is going to g
o perfectly
for you, because it wont. Thats not
how God planned
life here to be. But I can promise you one thing, an
thats this: when this life is over, you will k
now a
perfect life sitting right beside God in the best o
all places, heaven. And when you get th
ere, nothing
from this life is going to matter to you.
Only Christ
will last forever ...
If you know someone whos already a C
hristian, talk
to him or her about things. You wont regr
et it.
.. ck.alex.
p.s. I may be around every once in a whi
so stop in and chat if you see me .
and do me a favor and please spread thi
around as far as you can ... post it, t
thanks! ...
hi everyone ... justt
o tell you first off,
Im not coming back or anythi
ng. I dunno if
that makes y
ou happy or if it disappoints you.
... Im just dropping this off an
d then you
probably wont see me again.
The real reason that I even
bothered to write this is
because I wanted to tell you all somethi
ng. Now, I
dont want to sound like I have life all f
igured out,
and Im all that, because believe me, I h
ave all the
problems in life that you could ever want. But
do want to share a few things with you right now, s
Id really appreciate it if you read on ...
I dont know how all of you feel about li
fe and all,
but I know that some days, Ive just fel
t so empty ..
Whats the point of making it throu
gh another day?
Theres gotta be something more than th
is ...
There is more to this life, but
you have to open up
your heart and let someone in if you want to get it
Theres a joy and adventure to lif
e thats better
than anything you could ever get out o
f the world.
A God loves you. YOU. He knows
every feeling that you
have, and He loves you so much. I think a lot o
f you
might already be shutting me off right here, but
ask you with all my heart just to keep reading what
have to say. Thanks ... His hope for you is tha
t you
would get to know and learn
to love Him. Thats it.
Thats all He wants from you.
And you know whats ironic? This is th
e same God that
can place stars out into space with th
e flick of a
wrist. This is the same God that cause the
planets to
rotate and revolve around the sun so
perfectly that
the whole system works in harmony with each other.
And this God cares about me? I used to
think. But
its true. He loves you, and he watches over you eac
and every day. Its amazing ...
But let me tell you something else. This God loves u
so much that he made a sacrifice beyond o
ur imagina-
tion for us. He let his own son die so t
hat we might
get more out of life. Thats how much he
loves us to
give up His own son.
His sons name was Jesus Christ, and t
his guy lived a
perfect life. When I say per
fect, I dont mean that
he had the best time in life. I mean that
his life
pure, and he never did a thing wrong. Yet, he died s
that we could be forgiven of all the sc
rew-ups and
mess-ups that we do in our lives. Thats aweso
me. I
mean, thats really awesome.
I could go on forever with this, but I ju
st wanted to
leave you with that. I wish that I had bro
ught this
out more when I was still in the scene, tha
t way, I
could have talked with all you guys more ab
out it.
Ive lived almost all my life as a Christ
ian, and Im
not saying that everything is going to g
o perfectly
for you, because it wont. Thats not
how God planned
life here to be. But I can promise you one thing, an
thats this: when this life is over, you will k
now a
perfect life sitting right beside God in the best o
all places, heaven. And when you get th
ere, nothing
from this life is going to matter to you.
Only Christ
will last forever ...
If you know someone whos already a C
hristian, talk
to him or her about things. You wont regr
et it.
.. ck.alex.
p.s. I may be around every once in a whi
so stop in and chat if you see me .
and do me a favor and please spread thi
around as far as you can ... post it, t
thanks! ...
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