this image contains text
UGH.. my head is killing me! My mind is racing, and I feel
like Im about to
throw up.. Not to mention that my chest feels like a truck
ran over it. What
an awful way to wake up, I dont even know where I am.. it
doesnt get much
worse than this.. and then to top it all off, I had the str
angest damn dream!
Really, just what the hell was that all about? It had to ha
ve been, without
question, the strangest dream I ever have had. On the same
token, however..
it was so damn exciting! Never in my life have I felt so i
nvincible, but yet
so scared at the same time.. it almost seemed real.. hmm..
I remember the man with the
deeply set steely eyes
that almost seemed to
burn away at my
soul. And the smell,
the combination of
what seemed like
sewage and dead
carcasses that
eminated from him
was unbearable. Boy,
was he strong.. I
almost died.. but I
seemed to possess
almost an inhuman level
of strength..
Then there was that
woman! She had to have
have been the most
beatiful lady I have
ever laid eyes on..
Gosh, I would have done anything, even brave
that wierd dream world, the so called Digital
Planet, just to get the opportunity to see her. She just a
bsolutely took my
breath away! My heart skips a beat just thinking about her.
. The dirty old
fat man had to get in the way, though..
God, was he disgusting.. Big and bloated.. and
that nasty little butt of a cigar that he
nervously chewed on. His teeth, how can I
forget them.. and that shit-
eating grin he had.. Just
as I was to make my way
over to the woman, he had
to get in the way.. There
were all those people, I
think it must have been a
parade or something.. cant
remember, but hed obviously
tied on one too many that
night or maybe was a friend
of the man I first ran into.
His weight, coupled wit
the surpris
e of the
situation totally over-
whelmed me and I crumbled
underneath him...
I remember
struggling and struggling to no avail, and then.. cat
ching a glimpse of the reaper as he came for
me.. closer.. closer.. then.. POOF. I
started to fade back here to reality and I sit here now me
asuring the brevity
of the experience.. whew.. what a strange dream.. What a o
dd experience I had
on the..
Sysop: Aphelion
For the latest in k-rad warez
Ansi by The Green Hornet, Syntax, Slothy, and Apo
x. A true US project.
like Im about to
throw up.. Not to mention that my chest feels like a truck
ran over it. What
an awful way to wake up, I dont even know where I am.. it
doesnt get much
worse than this.. and then to top it all off, I had the str
angest damn dream!
Really, just what the hell was that all about? It had to ha
ve been, without
question, the strangest dream I ever have had. On the same
token, however..
it was so damn exciting! Never in my life have I felt so i
nvincible, but yet
so scared at the same time.. it almost seemed real.. hmm..
I remember the man with the
deeply set steely eyes
that almost seemed to
burn away at my
soul. And the smell,
the combination of
what seemed like
sewage and dead
carcasses that
eminated from him
was unbearable. Boy,
was he strong.. I
almost died.. but I
seemed to possess
almost an inhuman level
of strength..
Then there was that
woman! She had to have
have been the most
beatiful lady I have
ever laid eyes on..
Gosh, I would have done anything, even brave
that wierd dream world, the so called Digital
Planet, just to get the opportunity to see her. She just a
bsolutely took my
breath away! My heart skips a beat just thinking about her.
. The dirty old
fat man had to get in the way, though..
God, was he disgusting.. Big and bloated.. and
that nasty little butt of a cigar that he
nervously chewed on. His teeth, how can I
forget them.. and that shit-
eating grin he had.. Just
as I was to make my way
over to the woman, he had
to get in the way.. There
were all those people, I
think it must have been a
parade or something.. cant
remember, but hed obviously
tied on one too many that
night or maybe was a friend
of the man I first ran into.
His weight, coupled wit
the surpris
e of the
situation totally over-
whelmed me and I crumbled
underneath him...
I remember
struggling and struggling to no avail, and then.. cat
ching a glimpse of the reaper as he came for
me.. closer.. closer.. then.. POOF. I
started to fade back here to reality and I sit here now me
asuring the brevity
of the experience.. whew.. what a strange dream.. What a o
dd experience I had
on the..
Sysop: Aphelion
For the latest in k-rad warez
Ansi by The Green Hornet, Syntax, Slothy, and Apo
x. A true US project.
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