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and Highness prese
Word/Literature December 1995
Highnesss Poetry Section / All Literature By Highness
1. Your Love
My body is burnt, my soul is black
Of all I have, your love I still lack.
Visage burned to memory, name to soul
Alone I am torn, with you I am whole.
Without you I fade, slipping from the light
To the minds depth I fall, no end in sight.
You watch me plummet, your face a dark mask
Love never dwindles, for help I wont ask.
My body strikes the ground, my sanity explodes
I lay in a crimson heap, my eyes watch and forbode.
I silently cry for mercy, but my will falters not
Yet I smile as I think of who Ive eternally sought.
The blackness closes in I am lost and alone
My eyelids close, the unknown is now known.
But when all is over and all is lost,
Over the boundaries of death a warm hand has crossed.
Mortality fills me with the red kiss of life
Gone are the pain, the torture, the strife.
Now I am with you, and you are within
Our love overcomes the black of my sins.
I smirk in rapture, a secret, curious smile
In the grasp of your love I am charmed, beguiled.
Our hands and hearts clasped, my soul returns to me
Together we shall create our own eternity.
Only poem written with a happy ending. Narrator is alone, missing
her, a loved one. She rejects him, and losing his mind, he finds
himself on the edge of death. Just before dying, she comes to his
rescue over the boundaries .. has crossed. Poem also hints at
how the love of two peoplecan save a dark soul. Last verse makes
remarks at how eternity is not found with god, it is found within
each other.
Previously released in Hoard Magazine 1 RAGE Productions 08/94
2. I Shone
The world tastes much better,
Now that Im finally gone.
The waters are wetter,
And the words became a song.
She that I so loved,
Fled as I faded away.
Yet without blood, I bled,
When I died, I had no say.
Ill never forget her,
And Ill wait for her sign.
My love tastes forever,
Her beauty words couldnt define.
The world tastes much better,
Now that Im finally gone.
The worlds greatest regretter,
But in her love, I Shone.
This poem is written in the context that the author has already died.
It displays themes of how seconds with one that you love can replace
an entire lifetime ofpain.
3. Regrets
I should have forsaken love,
Torn it apart or burned it down.
I should have laughed at myself,
And the pitiful love I had found.
I should have ignored your love,
Let deaf ears hear your calls.
I should have died yesterday,
Because love is the death of us all.
Basically a big lament, a series of regrets and looking back on how
things could have been not necessarily better - just different. Str
illustrations of the relationship between love and sorrow - practical
inexistant without each other - and the sheer stupidity of it all.
4. Ashes
I burned your picture, yesterday.
The ashes seemed to mean much more,
in some strange way.
I burned my body, yesterday.
I know this was all my fault,
so I made myself pay.
I burned the world, yesterday.
When it was my turn to be loved,
the world never had much to say.
I burned you, yesterday.
Sadly enough, I dont regret it,
because you threw me away.
An angry poem It exudes violence, revenge, hatred, sorrow, and self
destruction. Shows acceptance of ones fate, one step at a time.
So as the poem progresses, the author moves closer and closer to the
point where he can no longer turn back, and to continue on is the
only option. Somewhat inspired by the film Falling Down.
5. Unfelt
Wishing to remember, praying to forget,
My life is the incarnation of regret.
I still feel your body in my arms,
So far from the pain, far from the harm.
But you couldnt escape your beloved past,
I smile and this breath will be my last.
Of all the love unfelt and sights unseen,
The saddest of all is what could have been.
Poem dwells on regrets and sorrow, ultimately leading to suicide.
A life time of fucking up - fixed, in one determined flash. -t.r.
Strongest point is that the author death isnt the greatest sadness
The greatest sadness is the love that they could have had.
Also: For the author life was sorrow and death was the only method
left to achieve happiness I smile ..my last
6.A Precursor
I have too many tears to wake me with,
And too many smiles to choke meto sleep.
My wonderful vision, my beautiful dreams,
Mounted on a white horse with black hooves.
So my death rides on.
The authors life has been reduced to nothing more than a chore. Slee
is his only escape, and it is a temporary one. Dreams of an end to hi
suffering, the authors suicide looms ahead it is imminent.
All Poetry/Short Stories Copyright 1995 Highness And iCEtm Advertisem
No part of this file can be reprinted/edited under any circumstance
and Highness prese
Word/Literature December 1995
Highnesss Poetry Section / All Literature By Highness
1. Your Love
My body is burnt, my soul is black
Of all I have, your love I still lack.
Visage burned to memory, name to soul
Alone I am torn, with you I am whole.
Without you I fade, slipping from the light
To the minds depth I fall, no end in sight.
You watch me plummet, your face a dark mask
Love never dwindles, for help I wont ask.
My body strikes the ground, my sanity explodes
I lay in a crimson heap, my eyes watch and forbode.
I silently cry for mercy, but my will falters not
Yet I smile as I think of who Ive eternally sought.
The blackness closes in I am lost and alone
My eyelids close, the unknown is now known.
But when all is over and all is lost,
Over the boundaries of death a warm hand has crossed.
Mortality fills me with the red kiss of life
Gone are the pain, the torture, the strife.
Now I am with you, and you are within
Our love overcomes the black of my sins.
I smirk in rapture, a secret, curious smile
In the grasp of your love I am charmed, beguiled.
Our hands and hearts clasped, my soul returns to me
Together we shall create our own eternity.
Only poem written with a happy ending. Narrator is alone, missing
her, a loved one. She rejects him, and losing his mind, he finds
himself on the edge of death. Just before dying, she comes to his
rescue over the boundaries .. has crossed. Poem also hints at
how the love of two peoplecan save a dark soul. Last verse makes
remarks at how eternity is not found with god, it is found within
each other.
Previously released in Hoard Magazine 1 RAGE Productions 08/94
2. I Shone
The world tastes much better,
Now that Im finally gone.
The waters are wetter,
And the words became a song.
She that I so loved,
Fled as I faded away.
Yet without blood, I bled,
When I died, I had no say.
Ill never forget her,
And Ill wait for her sign.
My love tastes forever,
Her beauty words couldnt define.
The world tastes much better,
Now that Im finally gone.
The worlds greatest regretter,
But in her love, I Shone.
This poem is written in the context that the author has already died.
It displays themes of how seconds with one that you love can replace
an entire lifetime ofpain.
3. Regrets
I should have forsaken love,
Torn it apart or burned it down.
I should have laughed at myself,
And the pitiful love I had found.
I should have ignored your love,
Let deaf ears hear your calls.
I should have died yesterday,
Because love is the death of us all.
Basically a big lament, a series of regrets and looking back on how
things could have been not necessarily better - just different. Str
illustrations of the relationship between love and sorrow - practical
inexistant without each other - and the sheer stupidity of it all.
4. Ashes
I burned your picture, yesterday.
The ashes seemed to mean much more,
in some strange way.
I burned my body, yesterday.
I know this was all my fault,
so I made myself pay.
I burned the world, yesterday.
When it was my turn to be loved,
the world never had much to say.
I burned you, yesterday.
Sadly enough, I dont regret it,
because you threw me away.
An angry poem It exudes violence, revenge, hatred, sorrow, and self
destruction. Shows acceptance of ones fate, one step at a time.
So as the poem progresses, the author moves closer and closer to the
point where he can no longer turn back, and to continue on is the
only option. Somewhat inspired by the film Falling Down.
5. Unfelt
Wishing to remember, praying to forget,
My life is the incarnation of regret.
I still feel your body in my arms,
So far from the pain, far from the harm.
But you couldnt escape your beloved past,
I smile and this breath will be my last.
Of all the love unfelt and sights unseen,
The saddest of all is what could have been.
Poem dwells on regrets and sorrow, ultimately leading to suicide.
A life time of fucking up - fixed, in one determined flash. -t.r.
Strongest point is that the author death isnt the greatest sadness
The greatest sadness is the love that they could have had.
Also: For the author life was sorrow and death was the only method
left to achieve happiness I smile ..my last
6.A Precursor
I have too many tears to wake me with,
And too many smiles to choke meto sleep.
My wonderful vision, my beautiful dreams,
Mounted on a white horse with black hooves.
So my death rides on.
The authors life has been reduced to nothing more than a chore. Slee
is his only escape, and it is a temporary one. Dreams of an end to hi
suffering, the authors suicide looms ahead it is imminent.
All Poetry/Short Stories Copyright 1995 Highness And iCEtm Advertisem
No part of this file can be reprinted/edited under any circumstance
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