![Logo Collection #3 by Squidgalator ][](/pack/ice9508a/x1/SQ-LGOS3.ICE.png)
this image contains text
tr skwijal8tor 2s third logo collection... thanks to turtle for the ice logo :
Stigmatas Rust
pXs Seeds of Destruction 95
s e e d s o f
d s u c n
e r t o
seedsof destruction 95
Cool as Ice
c o o l a s i c e
Iseilices Necronamicon
this text is here to fix up the save error!
n e c r o n a m i c o n
Zinos Information SuperHighway
tiNYZs Legion
kURRUPts Organized Kaos
o R G a N i Z e D K a o S ! a N S i S Q u i D G a L a T o R 2 i C E 9 5
pXs One LinerS
a sq2
C-Nights Outcast
s q 2
The Phunk!!!
webnet - Juds idea!!!
Devine Stylers Kerslam not sure if its devine styler, but it was ds, and their name was devine sumtink
Spiffys Taco Land
- Cheese - Tomato Sauce
- Lettuce
Cheesy bits
white bit
- dunno what it is
saucy - Meaty bits
For the best in tasty tacos, call tacoland... or go to Juds house...
Hiros Modem Land
Just a weird flash logo... Pop Art :
Zinos Information SuperHighway btw, this is one of my favourite logos that ive ever done
Igors Shadow Lands
shadowlands .... ... ..... .... ... asc:sq2/ice
Metabolis Vlad Zine
an ansi ansi
DaGoNs Atomic Dust
Just thought id put one of my first ever logos... rad huh? hehehehe
Blindmans Mental Meltdown
this logo is fucked...
Aboms Terbium Mag
sq2 i t s r a i n i n g... t e r b i u m m a g a z i n e
Rastermans Realitys Edge
bit of neg space
in here huh?
Boas Boners Domain PWAUSHq
B o n e r s D o m a i n Ps Wq A2 U S H q
DJEdeeeeeeees Neo Nacho
sophisticated modern art by squidgalator 2 ice 95
oh well, here ends another logo collection... think i should really start
spending a bit more time on each logo, coz a there are a few which could be
better... and rather than doing them, just for the sake of doing them, i
think ill put a bit more heart in my logos to come... thats not a promise
tho :
quick note, when i say its Persons Ansi at the header of every logo,
the person involved is the dude who asked for the ansi, eg. Boas
Boners Domain is for a buddy of boas, not boa...
another note, hopefully maeve wolf tatharina will be putting together a new
ansi mag of sorts, based in australia. So anybody wishing to contribute, you
can find her, or me, on irc on ice amongst others... the mag should be called
you can email me for any requests at sq2@starvision.sv.net.au...
Stigmatas Rust
pXs Seeds of Destruction 95
s e e d s o f
d s u c n
e r t o
seedsof destruction 95
Cool as Ice
c o o l a s i c e
Iseilices Necronamicon
this text is here to fix up the save error!
n e c r o n a m i c o n
Zinos Information SuperHighway
tiNYZs Legion
kURRUPts Organized Kaos
o R G a N i Z e D K a o S ! a N S i S Q u i D G a L a T o R 2 i C E 9 5
pXs One LinerS
a sq2
C-Nights Outcast
s q 2
The Phunk!!!
webnet - Juds idea!!!
Devine Stylers Kerslam not sure if its devine styler, but it was ds, and their name was devine sumtink
Spiffys Taco Land
- Cheese - Tomato Sauce
- Lettuce
Cheesy bits
white bit
- dunno what it is
saucy - Meaty bits
For the best in tasty tacos, call tacoland... or go to Juds house...
Hiros Modem Land
Just a weird flash logo... Pop Art :
Zinos Information SuperHighway btw, this is one of my favourite logos that ive ever done
Igors Shadow Lands
shadowlands .... ... ..... .... ... asc:sq2/ice
Metabolis Vlad Zine
an ansi ansi
DaGoNs Atomic Dust
Just thought id put one of my first ever logos... rad huh? hehehehe
Blindmans Mental Meltdown
this logo is fucked...
Aboms Terbium Mag
sq2 i t s r a i n i n g... t e r b i u m m a g a z i n e
Rastermans Realitys Edge
bit of neg space
in here huh?
Boas Boners Domain PWAUSHq
B o n e r s D o m a i n Ps Wq A2 U S H q
DJEdeeeeeeees Neo Nacho
sophisticated modern art by squidgalator 2 ice 95
oh well, here ends another logo collection... think i should really start
spending a bit more time on each logo, coz a there are a few which could be
better... and rather than doing them, just for the sake of doing them, i
think ill put a bit more heart in my logos to come... thats not a promise
tho :
quick note, when i say its Persons Ansi at the header of every logo,
the person involved is the dude who asked for the ansi, eg. Boas
Boners Domain is for a buddy of boas, not boa...
another note, hopefully maeve wolf tatharina will be putting together a new
ansi mag of sorts, based in australia. So anybody wishing to contribute, you
can find her, or me, on irc on ice amongst others... the mag should be called
you can email me for any requests at sq2@starvision.sv.net.au...
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