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... comin right back atcha from the valley of the spun ... ------------------- misfit iCE
ice ansi.. sub-zero
mt ------------------- -hey, keen, its shameless self-promotion time again .. fun stuff .. .. .. ph34r.------------------------------- f r e e s t y l e f u n k
---------- so heres the deal .. im putting together an art zine called freestyle funk. basically, its a way for me and whoever else to get our artwork out to the masses also experience the cheap thrill of seeing our stuff in print ..
im getting material together for the
first issue and im looking for other creative types to contribute drawings, comics, stories, whatever ... its a good way to get some exposure, and you probably need all you can get, right?
if it sounds like something you can hang with, get in touch see below ... keep in mind this is a black
white zine xerox, baby so b/w
inked artwork works well .. i might have color covers or maybe a color centerfold type deal, who knows .. its all still in the early plan- ning stages, so youve got plenty of time to get your shit together.
no deadlines, no worries. also, you can either come up with your
own layout, or let me take
care of it, whatever works.
--- ..contact info.. -------------------okay, i dont have an email address yet well, theres jbodie@hotmail.com but i
never check that because its usually 600 ads for instant credit and viagra butif youre interested in contributing, contact someone in ice and theres a good
chance they can get in touch with me smoke signals and whatnot. or, do it the
old fashioned way and gimme a call @ 480994-0565 and we can shoot the shit forawhile. get in touch, you art geek you. peazout.. -- james aka misfitice
ice ansi.. sub-zero
mt ------------------- -hey, keen, its shameless self-promotion time again .. fun stuff .. .. .. ph34r.------------------------------- f r e e s t y l e f u n k
---------- so heres the deal .. im putting together an art zine called freestyle funk. basically, its a way for me and whoever else to get our artwork out to the masses also experience the cheap thrill of seeing our stuff in print ..
im getting material together for the
first issue and im looking for other creative types to contribute drawings, comics, stories, whatever ... its a good way to get some exposure, and you probably need all you can get, right?
if it sounds like something you can hang with, get in touch see below ... keep in mind this is a black
white zine xerox, baby so b/w
inked artwork works well .. i might have color covers or maybe a color centerfold type deal, who knows .. its all still in the early plan- ning stages, so youve got plenty of time to get your shit together.
no deadlines, no worries. also, you can either come up with your
own layout, or let me take
care of it, whatever works.
--- ..contact info.. -------------------okay, i dont have an email address yet well, theres jbodie@hotmail.com but i
never check that because its usually 600 ads for instant credit and viagra butif youre interested in contributing, contact someone in ice and theres a good
chance they can get in touch with me smoke signals and whatnot. or, do it the
old fashioned way and gimme a call @ 480994-0565 and we can shoot the shit forawhile. get in touch, you art geek you. peazout.. -- james aka misfitice
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