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J A N U A R Y 1 9 9 9
1. Welcome to the REAL 0001 pack. Last month we were so excited about the new
millenium and so hung over from Las Vegas that we named the January pack
0001. While this might seem to make sense to many of you, your puny brains are
incapable of comprehending our superior pack-naming logic and you are again
subjected to iCE0001. All comments may be directed to our new IT director
2. Among the things found in our latest exploration of the southernmost
continent Antartica - Shaggy and Tear! Tear is actually from one of those small
countries in Europe, which makes the find in Antartica even more bewildering to
iCE Scientists. This, however, has prevented no one from warming up to the
Swedish femme. Shaggy, on the other hand, still smells and no one wants to sit
next to him. Except Syntax. Check out both of their work this pack as they
make a cool comeback!
3. Rounding out our List of Things Member Relatedtm, The Night Angel has
rejoined iCE this month to bring his post-AWE tastiness to a new, colder level.
Were looking forward to great things from him and are glad to have him back on
the squad.
4. In the web world, The Knave launched a new version of his personal portfolio
site. Its completely redone in Flash and sports a pretty techy look. Please
visit http://knave.ice.org for more interactive goodies.
5. Looking for a job? There is no place like iCE to get your career
jump-started. iCE members alone have hired more than 7 of their iCE breathren
in the search to find the most qualified individuals available. We dont just
draw, we inbreed! Wait! No! We work hard! Thats it!
6. Low-resolution fans everywhere will notice a significantly larger collection
of ANSI this month, fueled by hotshots like Fluor, The Night Angel and
Ironghost. If you dont have a lick of drool yet, just open the pack and
salvitate away.
7. Have a good February and make your Valentines Day special. Now, where
is Tears phone number...?
-Mass just like the jelllooooo pudding! Delusion
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion Lord Soth
J A N U A R Y 1 9 9 9
1. Welcome to the REAL 0001 pack. Last month we were so excited about the new
millenium and so hung over from Las Vegas that we named the January pack
0001. While this might seem to make sense to many of you, your puny brains are
incapable of comprehending our superior pack-naming logic and you are again
subjected to iCE0001. All comments may be directed to our new IT director
2. Among the things found in our latest exploration of the southernmost
continent Antartica - Shaggy and Tear! Tear is actually from one of those small
countries in Europe, which makes the find in Antartica even more bewildering to
iCE Scientists. This, however, has prevented no one from warming up to the
Swedish femme. Shaggy, on the other hand, still smells and no one wants to sit
next to him. Except Syntax. Check out both of their work this pack as they
make a cool comeback!
3. Rounding out our List of Things Member Relatedtm, The Night Angel has
rejoined iCE this month to bring his post-AWE tastiness to a new, colder level.
Were looking forward to great things from him and are glad to have him back on
the squad.
4. In the web world, The Knave launched a new version of his personal portfolio
site. Its completely redone in Flash and sports a pretty techy look. Please
visit http://knave.ice.org for more interactive goodies.
5. Looking for a job? There is no place like iCE to get your career
jump-started. iCE members alone have hired more than 7 of their iCE breathren
in the search to find the most qualified individuals available. We dont just
draw, we inbreed! Wait! No! We work hard! Thats it!
6. Low-resolution fans everywhere will notice a significantly larger collection
of ANSI this month, fueled by hotshots like Fluor, The Night Angel and
Ironghost. If you dont have a lick of drool yet, just open the pack and
salvitate away.
7. Have a good February and make your Valentines Day special. Now, where
is Tears phone number...?
-Mass just like the jelllooooo pudding! Delusion
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion Lord Soth
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