this image contains text
iCE Adver
image b
ring you...
..the shrine.. xx
x.xxx.xxxx... run by the c
0olio ansi dude from cia. :
and i bet he thought he would never get an ansi f
rom me...
alas he was wrong.. so he must deal with this
ansi.. :.. anywaze.
..many thanks go out t
o aphidtwix for inspireing this ansi...
also many
thanks to lord sloth
for helping me with a fer proportion problems that
became a true pain in the
ass.. beyond that greets to syntax..
juice.. and
tron.. and michelle t0o.
.if you want something fr
om me catch me on the internet, i am always on
ice.. and a f
ew other channels.. anywaze... rem
ember to be nice and to
say please..
image 95
image b
ring you...
..the shrine.. xx
x.xxx.xxxx... run by the c
0olio ansi dude from cia. :
and i bet he thought he would never get an ansi f
rom me...
alas he was wrong.. so he must deal with this
ansi.. :.. anywaze.
..many thanks go out t
o aphidtwix for inspireing this ansi...
also many
thanks to lord sloth
for helping me with a fer proportion problems that
became a true pain in the
ass.. beyond that greets to syntax..
juice.. and
tron.. and michelle t0o.
.if you want something fr
om me catch me on the internet, i am always on
ice.. and a f
ew other channels.. anywaze... rem
ember to be nice and to
say please..
image 95
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