this image contains text
.o0o. I N S A N E C R E A T O R S .o0o.
.o0o. E N T E R P R I S E S .o0o.
.oO A Oo. original.active.member
AADA 11.92 - o4.93 ansi
Aeon Flux 1o.92 - o4.93distribution
Ageless Prophet o8.93 - 11.93 word
Air Evil o8.93 - o9.93 ansi
Airborn o4.95 -member
Alpha Spin 1o.93 - 11.93 o4.94 - o6.94 vga
Amroth 1o.92 - o2.93 o7.93 - o4.94 ansi
Anarchy o4.94 - vga
Animal o9.94 ansi
Aphex Twin o4.94 -aka ellis dee artist.staff
Argon o2.95 - logomafia
Asphixia o4.95 - ansi
Aviator o9.92 - 11.92 distribution
Azagoth o4.95 - vga
.oO B Oo.
Bad Karma o2.94 ansi
Banana Basher o7.93 - o2.94 o4.94 - o8.94 vga
Bane 12.93 - o2.94 director
Basehead 12.94 - vibes
Biscuit o1.95 - o3.95 o5.95 - ansi
Black Ire o3.94 - o5.94 member
Black Mass o1.93 - o4.93 distribution
Black Sabbath 1o.93 - 12.93 ansi
Black Spyrito8.92founder
Black Sheep o2.94 - o3.94 distribution
Black Wolf o8.92 - o7.93 ansi.vga
Blade o7.94 - 11.94 communications
Blade Runner o1.93 - o3.93 1o.93 - o2.94 o4.94 - o5.94 ansi.vga
BoA 12.93 - o3.94 o2.95 - logomafia
Bodycount o1.95 - o4.95aka fistandantilus / aka highness ansi
BoniJoni o5.94 - o9.94 coder
Borian o8.94 - vga
Bozak 11.92 - o4.93 distribution
Brian the Axe o3.93 - o3.94 coder
.oO C Oo.
C.C.Catch 12.93 - groove future crew.renaissance
C.Curve 12.93 - o2.94 coder
C.Perspective o5.94 vga
Capn Crunch o9.94 - 12.94 coder
Captain Kaos 12.92 - o3.93 12.94 member
Cardiac Arrest o8.92 - o2.93 o3.94 - o4.94 ansi
Cardinal o4.94 - o6.94 vga
Cavalier o4.93 - o8.93 staff
Cephalon TsurphR o2.94aka cool t ansi
Cetis o6.94 o5.95 - member.director
Charon o5.93 - 1o.93 word
Cheese Grater o9.94 - ansi.vga.staff
Chromatik o4.95 - ansi
Chuck Biscuits o2.94 - o1.95 music
Cid Vicious o7.93 - o8.94 vga
Civil Disobedient o9.92 - 12.93 vga
Compumaniac 12.93 - o2.94 distribution
Cool T o4.93 - o7.93 11.93 aka cephelon tsurphr ansi
Cooly o7.94 - o3.95 ansi
Corigan 12.92 - o2.93 o4.93 - o6.94 vga.director
Crewel Blade o6.93 - o9.93 o3.94 - o5.94 artist
Critical Sabotage o7.94 - o8.94 member
Crow o6.94 - 11.94 vga
Crushed ACiD 12.92 member
Cyanide o9.92 - 11.92 member
Cyber Christ o9.93 - o7.94aka toon goon artist.director
CyberChrist o5.93 - o7.93 member
Cyber-X o4.93 ansi
Cyclonus o8.92 - 11.92 o1.93 ansi
Cynic Cipher o6.94 - o7.94 distribution
.oO D Oo.
Danzig o4.93 - o4.94aka white devil/aka el jaffe ansi.vga.director
Dark Knight o7.93 vga
Dark Mage o1.93 - o3.93 distribution
Dark Spyre o8.92 - o3.93 director
Dark Wolf o2.94 - o3.94 ansi
Darksider o9.92 - o9.93 vga
Deadbolt o4.93 - o9.93 coder
Deathknight o8.93 - 11.93 vga
Deeply Disturbed o7.94 - 1o.94 o1.95 - o4.95aka deepstah logomafia.staf
fDelsion o5.95 -vga
Denizen o4.93 - o7.93 director
Desolated Dream o7.94 - o8.94 director
Destroyer 1o.92 - 11.92 distribution
Devastator 1o.92 - 11.92 o2.95 - distribution
Devils Spawn o8.93 - o2.94 director
Digital Force o8.92 ansi
DiscoDan o2.94 - o4.94 vga
Dorian Hawkmoon o8.92 - o9.92 distribution
Dr.Death 12.93 - o2.94 distribution
Dr.Tongue o4.94 - ansi
Draeden o1.93 - o3.93 vga.coder
Drakkhar o9.92 - 11.92 distribution
Dreamevil 12.92 - o3.93 ansi
Dual Standard o4.94 - o8.94 vga
Dyna Byte o8.92 member
Dyninhell o5.93 - o6.93 vga
.oO E Oo.
Eerie Smith o1.93 - o4.93 distribution
Egghead o7.94 - communications.member
Eight Ball o8.92 - 1o.93 vga
El Jaffe o5.94aka danzig/aka white devil ansi.vga.director
Ellis Dee o5.94aka aphex twin artist.staff
Elminster o7.93 - 1o.93 o4.94 - 12.94 canadian.ansi
Epsilon Process o9.93 music
Eternal Chaos o3.95 - distribution
Eternal Darkness o8.92 - o6.94 ansi.music.vga
Exquisite Corpse o7.93 vga
.oO F Oo.
Faded Whisper o7.93 - 1o.93 ansi
Falic o4.95 - vga
Fatal Error o1.95 - o2.95 distribution
Felonious Monk o1.95 distribution
Fenris Wolf o6.93 - o9.93 coder
Final Descendant o9.92 o5.93 - o7.93 o2.94 - o3.94 ansi.rip.vga
Fistandantilus o6.94 - 12.94aka bodycount / aka highness ansi
Flashback o2.94 - o8.94 vga
Flick o7.94 - o8.94 ansi
Forbidden Image o7.93 - 11.93 ansi
Force Ten o9.92 - staff
Ford Prefect o2.93 - o8.94 israeli.coder
ForgeMaster o7.93 - 1o.93 music
Formic Acid 11.94 - 12.94 vga
Fred Byrd 1o.94 - ansi
Friar Tuck o4.94 - codemaster.director.staff
Frog o2.95 - coder
Frozen Tormentor o8.92 - o2.93 founder
Future Assassin o2.95 - vga
Fugazi o2.94 ansi
.oO G Oo.
G-Spot o1.93 - o4.93 distribution
G-Man 1o.93 - 12.93 o1.95 - ansi
G.Washington o5.94 - o6.94 ansi
Gaijin o4.95 -aka hfaze vga
Galactus 11.92 - 12.92 member
Gandalf 11.92 - 12.92 member
Gankmaster 1o.92 - 11.92 member
Gatekeeper o8.92 - 12.92 director
Gator 11.92 member
Generation X o4.93 o7.93 - 1o.93 member
Genesis o2.93 - o2.94 artist.euro director
Godlike o9.92 - 12.92 member
Golgotha o6.93 - 1o.93 o1.95 - o3.95 canadian.ansi
Grateful Dead o4.95 ansi
Greater Evil o5.95 - coder
Grimace o4.95 - ansi
Grimm o8.92 - o1.93 ansi
Groo o1.93 ansi
Gwah 11.94 -aka gwar ansi
Gwar o3.94 - 1o.94aka gwah ansi
.oO H Oo.
Handyman o1.95 - ansi
Hannibal Lecter o5.93 o3.95 -aka mca logomafia.phunk
Hell Raiser o2.94 ansi
Hellfire o7.94 - 12.94 member
HellRazor o7.93 - o2.94 vga
Hfaze o2.95 - o3.95aka gaijin vga
Hideous Spawn 12.93 - o2.94 distribution
Highness o5.95 -aka fistandantilus / aka bodycount ansi
High Voltage o9.92 - 1o.92 vga
Hoaks o2.94 - o5.94 o7.94 - o8.94 ansi
HOOPTiE o6.93 ansi
.oO I Oo.
IBMMAN o2.93 o4.93 coder
Iceman o1.93 - o2.93 distribution
ICL o7.94 - 12.94 coder
Icy o1.93 - o3.93aka icy ice baby ansi
Imageo5.95 -vga
ImageSex o9.94 - 11.94 o2.95 - vga
iNCUBUS o2.94 -aka iNKY ansi.huff
Ink 12.94 vga
Inquisitor o2.94 - o5.94 director
Insidious 12.93 distribution
Iridium o4.93 - o2.94aka quick silver coder thg/fx
Iron Man o5.94 - 11.94 ansi
Isosceles 11.94 -aka lithium ansi.vga
Israfel o4.93 - 12.93 word
.oO J Oo.
Jaguar o2.94 - o3.94 word
James Bond o1.93 - o4.93 o1.95 distribution
Jamie McCarter o4.95 - vga
Jester o7.93 - 1o.93 vga
Jocko o2.94 - o3.94 ansi
Joker o5.93 - 12.93 o2.94 ansi
Juice o5.95 - ansi
Juice o2.93 vga
.oO K Oo.
Kamikazee o6.95 - artiste
Kaska F. Kaska 12.92 - o1.93 o3.94 - o5.94 ansi
Killean the Red o1.95 - o5.95 coder
Killer o1.93 - o2.93aka kleeb ansi
King Arthur o8.93 - 11.93 word
King Midas o6.94 - o7.94 o1.95 ansi
Khyron o8.94 coder
.oO L Oo.
Led 11.92 - 12.92 distribution
Lemming o4.93 - o7.93 euroansi
Leonardo o1.95 -aka leo / aka excalibur ansi.vga
Leper Messiah o2.93 - o3.93 ansi
Leviathan 11.92 - 12.93 aka prolog coder
Liquid Air o8.93 - 1o.93 vga
Liquid Image 12.92 - o3.93 o7.93 - 1o.93 artist
Lithium o9.94 - 1o.94aka isosceles vga
Logan o1.93 - o3.93 ansi
Lord Carnuss o7.93 - 1o.93 o5.94 o3.95 - canadian.logomafia
Lord Drakul o1.95 - ansi
Lord Exodus o1.93 - o3.93 distribution
Lord Mischief o8.92 - o3.94 vga.staff
Lord Soth 1o.93 -aka slothy/aka sir slothenheimer ansi.rip.vga.staff
Lord Tiamat o8.92 member
.oO M Oo.
M. Slasher o3.94 member
Mace o1.93 - o3.93 distribution
Maelstrom o3.94 - o5.94 word
Maestro o6.95 - logomafia
Magnetic M o2.95 - artiste
Magnus o2.94 - o5.94 ansi
Mahbello5.95 - ansi
Manslayer o9.92 - o1.93 ansi
Marshal Law o9.92 - o4.94 artiste
Mascot o8.93 - ansi.vga
Mason o2.94 - o3.94aka snoop dog vga
Master Com 11.92 - 12.93 vga
Master Ken o7.94 - o9.94 o1.95 - rip
Master Koresh o2.94 - 11.94 vga
Master of Puppets o1.93 - o3.93 music
Maul ASM o8.92 - o9.92 vga
MCA o8.94 - o2.95aka hannibal lecter artist.big daddy maq
Megaton Rush o8.94 communications
Mellow-D o3.94 - music
Mental Floss o8.92 - 11.92 distribution
Mephistopholes o9.94 - 11.94 communications
Metal Head 12.92 - o3.94 ansi.rip.vga.staff
MicroFarad 1o.92 - 11.92 vga
Midnight Falcon 1o.92 - 12.92 vga
Midnight Sorrow o9.92 - 11.92 o1.93 - o5.93 music.staff
Moonraker o3.93 distribution
Morbid o5.93 - o9.93 ansi
Morbid Angel 1o.92 - o1.93 staff
Morfeas o8.93 - o9.93 ansi
Morpheus o4.93 - o9.93 vga
Mosaic o1.93 o4.93 - o6.93 o9.94 - music
Mr.Bug o4.93 - o5.93 coder
Mr.Man 1o.93 member
Mr.Mister o8.92 1o.92 - o3.93 o5.93 - o9.93 vga
Mushroom o9.92 - o3.93 o5.93 - 12.93 vga
Musicphreak o5.95 - music
.oO N Oo.
Nailz o5.93 - 12.93 artist
Napalm 11.92 - o1.93 ansi
Nartteik 12.94 - 04.95aka nttk / aka culture shock vga
Nasty Child o8.92 staff
Natex o2.94 - o6.94 o9.94 - o1.95 coder
Nautilus o8.92 - 1o.92 ansi
Nazgul 1o.92 ansi
Necros 11.93 - music
Nemesis o9.92 - o7.93 ansi.director
Nemesis o5.94 - music
Nemo o2.94 coder
Neuro Psychosis o7.94 - o8.94 communications
Neurotic o2.95 - o5.95aka neurotica artist.rave magnet
Night Shade o9.93 - 12.93 music
Nightfire o9.94 - coder
Nitrous o2.94 - o5.94aka special ed ansi
Nocturnus o1.93 - o2.93 music
Nuclear Postman 11.92 - o4.93 distribution
Nuke Dawg o9.94 - vga
.oO O Oo.
Obsidian Knight 1o.92 distribution
Omega Redd 1o.94 - 11.94 member
Opiate o6.94 - o8.94 director
Optimum Byte o8.92 member
.oO P Oo.
Par-Salian 11.93 - o2.94 word
Paradigm o2.94 ansi
Pestilence o5.93 - o7.93 vga
Phatal Error o3.95 - distribution
Phoenix Hawk 12.93 - o5.94 word
Phour One o1.95 - o2.95 distribution
Pixel o9.94 o1.95 vga future crew
Pizza o4.93 - 12.93 ansi
Pnakotic o4.94 -aka pak-nok-tic logomafia.staff
Porus o1.95 - o2.95 vga
Poskgrubbe o5.94 - coder
Posyden o8.92 - 1o.92 ansi
Prime Evil o4.94 ansi
Prince of Death o3.94aka p0d distribution
Prolog o2.94 - o8.94aka leviathan coder
Prometheus 1o.92 member
PsyberMan o9.94 - 12.94 ansi
Psychnosis 11.93 - 12.93 music.director
Psycho Slasher o5.93 - o9.93 o3.94 director
.oO Q Oo.
Quazar o1.93 - o7.93 o1.95 - o4.95 ansi.director
QuickSilver o8.92 - o3.93 ansi
Quick Silver o4.94 - o5.94aka iridium coder thg/fx
.oO R Oo.
R. Noble 12.93 o4.94 - o5.94aka Ren ansi
RomanX o8.93 ansi
RONiN 1o.93 - o5.94 word
Rainmaker o4.95 - distribution
Raistlin Majere o6.93 - o5.94 o9.94 - o1.95 word.ansi.staff
Random Violence o6.93 - 1o.93 canadian.ansi
Ranx o4.93 - o7.93 o9.93 - 12.93 euroansi
Rappo o4.94 - o5.94 ansi
Ravage Bias o3.94 - o6.94 ansi
Rawhead Rex o7.93 - 1o.93 ansi
Reaper Wildwood o3.94 - o7.94 distribution
Redskin o9.93 - 12.93 vga tdt
Red Leader o9.94 ansi
Regurgitated Fluff o9.92 - 1o.92 vga
Ren o4.94 - 11.94aka R. Noble ansi
Renegade Bithead o4.93 - o7.93 1o.93 - 12.93 coder thg/fx
Repete Ophender o8.92 - 1o.93 ansi.vga
Resonant 11.92 - o3.93 o5.93 - o7.93 vga
Ricochet 12.92 - o4.93 o6.93 - o7.93 member
Riothamus o8.92 - o1.93 12.93 - o2.94 ansi
Riptide 11.93 - o2.94 ansi
.oO S Oo.
S1W o4.94 - o6.94 ansi
Safehawk o4.93 - o9.93aka codesafe hawk coder
Salmon Moose o2.94 ansi
Sand o8.93 - o5.94 ansi
Sandman o7.93 - 11.93 ansi
Sauron o4.93 - o6.93 coder thg/fx
Scimitar Wraith 12.93 word
Secon Shamesh o8.92 - o9.92 vga
Section 8 o6.93 - o8.93 ansi
Sexual Chocolote o3.94 - o6.94 o8.94 - member
ShadowSpawn o4.93 - 1o.93 music
Shaggy o4.94 - artist.staff
Shihear Kallizad 12.92 - o4.93 artist.staff
Shockwave o4.93 o5.95 - vga
Silicon Nightmare o8.92 - o1.93 distribution
Skaven o9.94 vga future crew
Skitzo o2.95 - o3.95 vga
Skitzo Killer o5.93 - 1o.93 canadian.ansi
Skull Leader 1o.93 - 11.93 coder
Slam Dunk o5.93 - o7.93 ansi
SleepWalker o3.95 - member
Slider o2.94 - o3.94 ansi
Sliver Cut o7.94 - o3.95 ansi
Smooth 11.92 ansi
Smooz 1o.94 - 12.94 ansi
Snoop Dog o1.94aka mason vga
Snyper 12.93 distribution
Sober o3.94 - vga
Sojourner o9.92 - o3.93 vga
Solemn o1.95 ansi
Sonoma 11.93 - 12.93 director
Sorcerers Son o1.95 - distribution
Sought After 11.92 - o4.93member
Soul Blazer o4.94 - o5.94 ansi
Soul Rebel 1o.93 - ansi
Spaceman Spiff o3.94 - o4.94 ansi
Sparr o2.93 - o3.94 euroartist
Special Ed o9.93 - 12.93aka nitrous ansi
Spectral Illusion o1.93 - o3.93 ansi
Spirit of Illusion o9.94 o3.95 - o5.95 ansi
Spot o7.93 - o8.93 vga
Squidgalator 2 o1.95 - aussie.vga.ansi
Squirrel o6.93 - o8.93 ansi
St.Blazer o1.95 - coder
Stealer of Souls o8.92 - 11.92 o4.93 - o2.94 vga.director
Stealth Ninja o8.93 - o3.94 vga.coder
Sticking Slime o8.92 - o9.92 distribution
STiLE o7.93 ansi
Stilleto o9.92 - o1.93aka ginsu ansi
Stone the Crow o8.94 - 12.94 ansi
StormTrooper o1.94 - o4.94 vga
Stranger o4.94 ansi
Strife o3.94 ansi
Sugar 1o.92 - o4.93 distribution
Swami o3.94 - o5.94 ansi
Sy Kotic o2.94 - o6.94 distribution
Syntax Error o4.93 -aka syntie public relations.staff
.oO T Oo.
Tank 12.93 - o3.94 artist
Tatsu o7.93 - o2.94 ansi
Tech o8.92 - o9.93 vga
Technocrat o5.93 - o9.93 musician
Tempus Thales o8.92 - artist.staff.president
Terminator2 o5.95 -aka t2logomafia
The BBS Bouncer o8.92 - o2.94 member
The Dark Prince o2.94 - o4.94 musician
The Dragon Keeper o8.92 member
The Feind 1o.92 ansi
The Inquisitor o2.94 - o5.94 distribution
The Mad Fishmonger o8.92 member
The Mad Hatter o8.92 - o9.93 vga
The Magical Gangster 11.92 - o2.93 vga
The Malevolent Trickster o8.92 - o1.93 o7.93 - 11.93 ansi
The Necromancer o9.92 - 12.93 ansi
The Red Skull o8.93 - 1o.93 member
The Retarded Warrior o5.93 - 1o.93 canadian.ansi.word
The Scarlet Pimpernal o9.92 - o1.93 ansi
The Seer o5.93 - o9.93 vga
The Shadow o2.93 o4.93 - o8.93 1o.93 - o4.94 canadian.coder
The Triton o8.92 - o9.92 distribution
The Unforgiven o8.92 staff
The Untimed o5.93 - 12.93 staff
The WildCard o4.93 - o3.94 coder
The Wizard o1.95 - member
The Wraith o8.92 - o9.92 distribution
Thor o2.94 - o3.94 o8.94 ansi
Timo o4.94 euro director
Tonedef o2.95 - vga
TooN GooN o8.94 -aka cyber christ/aka lord toon artist.director
Tormented Soul o1.93 - o4.93 director
Tornado o9.92 - 11.92 o1.93 ansi
Toxic Freak o2.93 - 1o.93 canadian.ansi
Toxic Marshmallow o9.92 - 1o.92 staff
Trixter 12.93 - o2.94 vga.director
Tron Powerhouse o3.94 - o5.94 vga
Tsalaroth 1o.92 - 11.92 o3.93 - o6.93 vga
Turtle o4.95 - ansi
28 o5.95 - logomafia
Twink o4.94 - o8.94 vga
Tyrus Sithius o3.94 - 11.94 distribution
.oO U Oo.
Ultra Vires o1.93 - 11.93 ansi
Undergod o1.95 distribution
.oO V Oo.
Vanquish o9.94 ansi
Vapor o1.93 - o7.93 vga.director
Vassago 1o.92 - 12.92 ansi
Vash o5.94 - o6.94 communications
Veks o2.95 - logomafia
Vengeance o8.93 director
Vigilante o8.92 - o9.92 ansi
Village Idiot 11.93 - 12.93 ansi
VindicatioN o8.93 ansi.vga
Violator o7.93 - o2.94 music
Visionary o7.93 - 11.93 ansi
Vizier o2.94 - o4.94 ansi
VMan o2.94 vga
Vulcan o7.93 - 1o.93 ansi
.oO W Oo.
Watchman o9.93 - o2.94 coder
Weapon X o9.92 - 1o.92 vga
White Devil o2.94 - o4.94aka danzig/aka el jaffe ansi.vga.director
White Knight o8.93 - o4.94 o4.95 - member
White Rose 11.92 - o2.93 distribution
Wicked Vampire o1.93 - o3.93 music
Winter Rose o6.94 - o6.94 member
Wiperson o3.93 distribution
Wire Tap o5.93 - o7.93 ansi
Wiz o2.93 - 12.93 euroansi
Wizzkidd o4.94 member
Wolverine 12.92 - o1.93 ansi
.oO X Oo.
Xerobe 12.93 - o6.94 coder.director
Xten 12.94 - vga
.oO Y Oo.
Yankee Samurai o4.93 distribution
.oO Z Oo.
Zenith Blitzkrieg o3.94 - o6.94 o9.94 - 11.94 distribution
Zeppelin o2.94 ansi
Zer0 o2.94 o1.95 coder
Zero Option o7.94 communications
Zig Zag o4.93 - o4.94 coder thg/fx
Zippy o8.92 - 1o.92 member
Zoid o4.94 - o6.94 ansi
brought to you byICE Advertisements 95 and the Phat Phont Liberation Movement
Greets to the ICE LogoMafia...
Hannibal Lecter, Lord Carnuss, Pnakotic, Argon, Veks, Terminator2, 28 Maestr
and our associate...
Friar Tuck
and our alumni...
Deeply DisturbedOnce youre in... you never really leave
.o0o. I N S A N E C R E A T O R S .o0o.
.o0o. E N T E R P R I S E S .o0o.
.oO A Oo. original.active.member
AADA 11.92 - o4.93 ansi
Aeon Flux 1o.92 - o4.93distribution
Ageless Prophet o8.93 - 11.93 word
Air Evil o8.93 - o9.93 ansi
Airborn o4.95 -member
Alpha Spin 1o.93 - 11.93 o4.94 - o6.94 vga
Amroth 1o.92 - o2.93 o7.93 - o4.94 ansi
Anarchy o4.94 - vga
Animal o9.94 ansi
Aphex Twin o4.94 -aka ellis dee artist.staff
Argon o2.95 - logomafia
Asphixia o4.95 - ansi
Aviator o9.92 - 11.92 distribution
Azagoth o4.95 - vga
.oO B Oo.
Bad Karma o2.94 ansi
Banana Basher o7.93 - o2.94 o4.94 - o8.94 vga
Bane 12.93 - o2.94 director
Basehead 12.94 - vibes
Biscuit o1.95 - o3.95 o5.95 - ansi
Black Ire o3.94 - o5.94 member
Black Mass o1.93 - o4.93 distribution
Black Sabbath 1o.93 - 12.93 ansi
Black Spyrito8.92founder
Black Sheep o2.94 - o3.94 distribution
Black Wolf o8.92 - o7.93 ansi.vga
Blade o7.94 - 11.94 communications
Blade Runner o1.93 - o3.93 1o.93 - o2.94 o4.94 - o5.94 ansi.vga
BoA 12.93 - o3.94 o2.95 - logomafia
Bodycount o1.95 - o4.95aka fistandantilus / aka highness ansi
BoniJoni o5.94 - o9.94 coder
Borian o8.94 - vga
Bozak 11.92 - o4.93 distribution
Brian the Axe o3.93 - o3.94 coder
.oO C Oo.
C.C.Catch 12.93 - groove future crew.renaissance
C.Curve 12.93 - o2.94 coder
C.Perspective o5.94 vga
Capn Crunch o9.94 - 12.94 coder
Captain Kaos 12.92 - o3.93 12.94 member
Cardiac Arrest o8.92 - o2.93 o3.94 - o4.94 ansi
Cardinal o4.94 - o6.94 vga
Cavalier o4.93 - o8.93 staff
Cephalon TsurphR o2.94aka cool t ansi
Cetis o6.94 o5.95 - member.director
Charon o5.93 - 1o.93 word
Cheese Grater o9.94 - ansi.vga.staff
Chromatik o4.95 - ansi
Chuck Biscuits o2.94 - o1.95 music
Cid Vicious o7.93 - o8.94 vga
Civil Disobedient o9.92 - 12.93 vga
Compumaniac 12.93 - o2.94 distribution
Cool T o4.93 - o7.93 11.93 aka cephelon tsurphr ansi
Cooly o7.94 - o3.95 ansi
Corigan 12.92 - o2.93 o4.93 - o6.94 vga.director
Crewel Blade o6.93 - o9.93 o3.94 - o5.94 artist
Critical Sabotage o7.94 - o8.94 member
Crow o6.94 - 11.94 vga
Crushed ACiD 12.92 member
Cyanide o9.92 - 11.92 member
Cyber Christ o9.93 - o7.94aka toon goon artist.director
CyberChrist o5.93 - o7.93 member
Cyber-X o4.93 ansi
Cyclonus o8.92 - 11.92 o1.93 ansi
Cynic Cipher o6.94 - o7.94 distribution
.oO D Oo.
Danzig o4.93 - o4.94aka white devil/aka el jaffe ansi.vga.director
Dark Knight o7.93 vga
Dark Mage o1.93 - o3.93 distribution
Dark Spyre o8.92 - o3.93 director
Dark Wolf o2.94 - o3.94 ansi
Darksider o9.92 - o9.93 vga
Deadbolt o4.93 - o9.93 coder
Deathknight o8.93 - 11.93 vga
Deeply Disturbed o7.94 - 1o.94 o1.95 - o4.95aka deepstah logomafia.staf
fDelsion o5.95 -vga
Denizen o4.93 - o7.93 director
Desolated Dream o7.94 - o8.94 director
Destroyer 1o.92 - 11.92 distribution
Devastator 1o.92 - 11.92 o2.95 - distribution
Devils Spawn o8.93 - o2.94 director
Digital Force o8.92 ansi
DiscoDan o2.94 - o4.94 vga
Dorian Hawkmoon o8.92 - o9.92 distribution
Dr.Death 12.93 - o2.94 distribution
Dr.Tongue o4.94 - ansi
Draeden o1.93 - o3.93 vga.coder
Drakkhar o9.92 - 11.92 distribution
Dreamevil 12.92 - o3.93 ansi
Dual Standard o4.94 - o8.94 vga
Dyna Byte o8.92 member
Dyninhell o5.93 - o6.93 vga
.oO E Oo.
Eerie Smith o1.93 - o4.93 distribution
Egghead o7.94 - communications.member
Eight Ball o8.92 - 1o.93 vga
El Jaffe o5.94aka danzig/aka white devil ansi.vga.director
Ellis Dee o5.94aka aphex twin artist.staff
Elminster o7.93 - 1o.93 o4.94 - 12.94 canadian.ansi
Epsilon Process o9.93 music
Eternal Chaos o3.95 - distribution
Eternal Darkness o8.92 - o6.94 ansi.music.vga
Exquisite Corpse o7.93 vga
.oO F Oo.
Faded Whisper o7.93 - 1o.93 ansi
Falic o4.95 - vga
Fatal Error o1.95 - o2.95 distribution
Felonious Monk o1.95 distribution
Fenris Wolf o6.93 - o9.93 coder
Final Descendant o9.92 o5.93 - o7.93 o2.94 - o3.94 ansi.rip.vga
Fistandantilus o6.94 - 12.94aka bodycount / aka highness ansi
Flashback o2.94 - o8.94 vga
Flick o7.94 - o8.94 ansi
Forbidden Image o7.93 - 11.93 ansi
Force Ten o9.92 - staff
Ford Prefect o2.93 - o8.94 israeli.coder
ForgeMaster o7.93 - 1o.93 music
Formic Acid 11.94 - 12.94 vga
Fred Byrd 1o.94 - ansi
Friar Tuck o4.94 - codemaster.director.staff
Frog o2.95 - coder
Frozen Tormentor o8.92 - o2.93 founder
Future Assassin o2.95 - vga
Fugazi o2.94 ansi
.oO G Oo.
G-Spot o1.93 - o4.93 distribution
G-Man 1o.93 - 12.93 o1.95 - ansi
G.Washington o5.94 - o6.94 ansi
Gaijin o4.95 -aka hfaze vga
Galactus 11.92 - 12.92 member
Gandalf 11.92 - 12.92 member
Gankmaster 1o.92 - 11.92 member
Gatekeeper o8.92 - 12.92 director
Gator 11.92 member
Generation X o4.93 o7.93 - 1o.93 member
Genesis o2.93 - o2.94 artist.euro director
Godlike o9.92 - 12.92 member
Golgotha o6.93 - 1o.93 o1.95 - o3.95 canadian.ansi
Grateful Dead o4.95 ansi
Greater Evil o5.95 - coder
Grimace o4.95 - ansi
Grimm o8.92 - o1.93 ansi
Groo o1.93 ansi
Gwah 11.94 -aka gwar ansi
Gwar o3.94 - 1o.94aka gwah ansi
.oO H Oo.
Handyman o1.95 - ansi
Hannibal Lecter o5.93 o3.95 -aka mca logomafia.phunk
Hell Raiser o2.94 ansi
Hellfire o7.94 - 12.94 member
HellRazor o7.93 - o2.94 vga
Hfaze o2.95 - o3.95aka gaijin vga
Hideous Spawn 12.93 - o2.94 distribution
Highness o5.95 -aka fistandantilus / aka bodycount ansi
High Voltage o9.92 - 1o.92 vga
Hoaks o2.94 - o5.94 o7.94 - o8.94 ansi
HOOPTiE o6.93 ansi
.oO I Oo.
IBMMAN o2.93 o4.93 coder
Iceman o1.93 - o2.93 distribution
ICL o7.94 - 12.94 coder
Icy o1.93 - o3.93aka icy ice baby ansi
Imageo5.95 -vga
ImageSex o9.94 - 11.94 o2.95 - vga
iNCUBUS o2.94 -aka iNKY ansi.huff
Ink 12.94 vga
Inquisitor o2.94 - o5.94 director
Insidious 12.93 distribution
Iridium o4.93 - o2.94aka quick silver coder thg/fx
Iron Man o5.94 - 11.94 ansi
Isosceles 11.94 -aka lithium ansi.vga
Israfel o4.93 - 12.93 word
.oO J Oo.
Jaguar o2.94 - o3.94 word
James Bond o1.93 - o4.93 o1.95 distribution
Jamie McCarter o4.95 - vga
Jester o7.93 - 1o.93 vga
Jocko o2.94 - o3.94 ansi
Joker o5.93 - 12.93 o2.94 ansi
Juice o5.95 - ansi
Juice o2.93 vga
.oO K Oo.
Kamikazee o6.95 - artiste
Kaska F. Kaska 12.92 - o1.93 o3.94 - o5.94 ansi
Killean the Red o1.95 - o5.95 coder
Killer o1.93 - o2.93aka kleeb ansi
King Arthur o8.93 - 11.93 word
King Midas o6.94 - o7.94 o1.95 ansi
Khyron o8.94 coder
.oO L Oo.
Led 11.92 - 12.92 distribution
Lemming o4.93 - o7.93 euroansi
Leonardo o1.95 -aka leo / aka excalibur ansi.vga
Leper Messiah o2.93 - o3.93 ansi
Leviathan 11.92 - 12.93 aka prolog coder
Liquid Air o8.93 - 1o.93 vga
Liquid Image 12.92 - o3.93 o7.93 - 1o.93 artist
Lithium o9.94 - 1o.94aka isosceles vga
Logan o1.93 - o3.93 ansi
Lord Carnuss o7.93 - 1o.93 o5.94 o3.95 - canadian.logomafia
Lord Drakul o1.95 - ansi
Lord Exodus o1.93 - o3.93 distribution
Lord Mischief o8.92 - o3.94 vga.staff
Lord Soth 1o.93 -aka slothy/aka sir slothenheimer ansi.rip.vga.staff
Lord Tiamat o8.92 member
.oO M Oo.
M. Slasher o3.94 member
Mace o1.93 - o3.93 distribution
Maelstrom o3.94 - o5.94 word
Maestro o6.95 - logomafia
Magnetic M o2.95 - artiste
Magnus o2.94 - o5.94 ansi
Mahbello5.95 - ansi
Manslayer o9.92 - o1.93 ansi
Marshal Law o9.92 - o4.94 artiste
Mascot o8.93 - ansi.vga
Mason o2.94 - o3.94aka snoop dog vga
Master Com 11.92 - 12.93 vga
Master Ken o7.94 - o9.94 o1.95 - rip
Master Koresh o2.94 - 11.94 vga
Master of Puppets o1.93 - o3.93 music
Maul ASM o8.92 - o9.92 vga
MCA o8.94 - o2.95aka hannibal lecter artist.big daddy maq
Megaton Rush o8.94 communications
Mellow-D o3.94 - music
Mental Floss o8.92 - 11.92 distribution
Mephistopholes o9.94 - 11.94 communications
Metal Head 12.92 - o3.94 ansi.rip.vga.staff
MicroFarad 1o.92 - 11.92 vga
Midnight Falcon 1o.92 - 12.92 vga
Midnight Sorrow o9.92 - 11.92 o1.93 - o5.93 music.staff
Moonraker o3.93 distribution
Morbid o5.93 - o9.93 ansi
Morbid Angel 1o.92 - o1.93 staff
Morfeas o8.93 - o9.93 ansi
Morpheus o4.93 - o9.93 vga
Mosaic o1.93 o4.93 - o6.93 o9.94 - music
Mr.Bug o4.93 - o5.93 coder
Mr.Man 1o.93 member
Mr.Mister o8.92 1o.92 - o3.93 o5.93 - o9.93 vga
Mushroom o9.92 - o3.93 o5.93 - 12.93 vga
Musicphreak o5.95 - music
.oO N Oo.
Nailz o5.93 - 12.93 artist
Napalm 11.92 - o1.93 ansi
Nartteik 12.94 - 04.95aka nttk / aka culture shock vga
Nasty Child o8.92 staff
Natex o2.94 - o6.94 o9.94 - o1.95 coder
Nautilus o8.92 - 1o.92 ansi
Nazgul 1o.92 ansi
Necros 11.93 - music
Nemesis o9.92 - o7.93 ansi.director
Nemesis o5.94 - music
Nemo o2.94 coder
Neuro Psychosis o7.94 - o8.94 communications
Neurotic o2.95 - o5.95aka neurotica artist.rave magnet
Night Shade o9.93 - 12.93 music
Nightfire o9.94 - coder
Nitrous o2.94 - o5.94aka special ed ansi
Nocturnus o1.93 - o2.93 music
Nuclear Postman 11.92 - o4.93 distribution
Nuke Dawg o9.94 - vga
.oO O Oo.
Obsidian Knight 1o.92 distribution
Omega Redd 1o.94 - 11.94 member
Opiate o6.94 - o8.94 director
Optimum Byte o8.92 member
.oO P Oo.
Par-Salian 11.93 - o2.94 word
Paradigm o2.94 ansi
Pestilence o5.93 - o7.93 vga
Phatal Error o3.95 - distribution
Phoenix Hawk 12.93 - o5.94 word
Phour One o1.95 - o2.95 distribution
Pixel o9.94 o1.95 vga future crew
Pizza o4.93 - 12.93 ansi
Pnakotic o4.94 -aka pak-nok-tic logomafia.staff
Porus o1.95 - o2.95 vga
Poskgrubbe o5.94 - coder
Posyden o8.92 - 1o.92 ansi
Prime Evil o4.94 ansi
Prince of Death o3.94aka p0d distribution
Prolog o2.94 - o8.94aka leviathan coder
Prometheus 1o.92 member
PsyberMan o9.94 - 12.94 ansi
Psychnosis 11.93 - 12.93 music.director
Psycho Slasher o5.93 - o9.93 o3.94 director
.oO Q Oo.
Quazar o1.93 - o7.93 o1.95 - o4.95 ansi.director
QuickSilver o8.92 - o3.93 ansi
Quick Silver o4.94 - o5.94aka iridium coder thg/fx
.oO R Oo.
R. Noble 12.93 o4.94 - o5.94aka Ren ansi
RomanX o8.93 ansi
RONiN 1o.93 - o5.94 word
Rainmaker o4.95 - distribution
Raistlin Majere o6.93 - o5.94 o9.94 - o1.95 word.ansi.staff
Random Violence o6.93 - 1o.93 canadian.ansi
Ranx o4.93 - o7.93 o9.93 - 12.93 euroansi
Rappo o4.94 - o5.94 ansi
Ravage Bias o3.94 - o6.94 ansi
Rawhead Rex o7.93 - 1o.93 ansi
Reaper Wildwood o3.94 - o7.94 distribution
Redskin o9.93 - 12.93 vga tdt
Red Leader o9.94 ansi
Regurgitated Fluff o9.92 - 1o.92 vga
Ren o4.94 - 11.94aka R. Noble ansi
Renegade Bithead o4.93 - o7.93 1o.93 - 12.93 coder thg/fx
Repete Ophender o8.92 - 1o.93 ansi.vga
Resonant 11.92 - o3.93 o5.93 - o7.93 vga
Ricochet 12.92 - o4.93 o6.93 - o7.93 member
Riothamus o8.92 - o1.93 12.93 - o2.94 ansi
Riptide 11.93 - o2.94 ansi
.oO S Oo.
S1W o4.94 - o6.94 ansi
Safehawk o4.93 - o9.93aka codesafe hawk coder
Salmon Moose o2.94 ansi
Sand o8.93 - o5.94 ansi
Sandman o7.93 - 11.93 ansi
Sauron o4.93 - o6.93 coder thg/fx
Scimitar Wraith 12.93 word
Secon Shamesh o8.92 - o9.92 vga
Section 8 o6.93 - o8.93 ansi
Sexual Chocolote o3.94 - o6.94 o8.94 - member
ShadowSpawn o4.93 - 1o.93 music
Shaggy o4.94 - artist.staff
Shihear Kallizad 12.92 - o4.93 artist.staff
Shockwave o4.93 o5.95 - vga
Silicon Nightmare o8.92 - o1.93 distribution
Skaven o9.94 vga future crew
Skitzo o2.95 - o3.95 vga
Skitzo Killer o5.93 - 1o.93 canadian.ansi
Skull Leader 1o.93 - 11.93 coder
Slam Dunk o5.93 - o7.93 ansi
SleepWalker o3.95 - member
Slider o2.94 - o3.94 ansi
Sliver Cut o7.94 - o3.95 ansi
Smooth 11.92 ansi
Smooz 1o.94 - 12.94 ansi
Snoop Dog o1.94aka mason vga
Snyper 12.93 distribution
Sober o3.94 - vga
Sojourner o9.92 - o3.93 vga
Solemn o1.95 ansi
Sonoma 11.93 - 12.93 director
Sorcerers Son o1.95 - distribution
Sought After 11.92 - o4.93member
Soul Blazer o4.94 - o5.94 ansi
Soul Rebel 1o.93 - ansi
Spaceman Spiff o3.94 - o4.94 ansi
Sparr o2.93 - o3.94 euroartist
Special Ed o9.93 - 12.93aka nitrous ansi
Spectral Illusion o1.93 - o3.93 ansi
Spirit of Illusion o9.94 o3.95 - o5.95 ansi
Spot o7.93 - o8.93 vga
Squidgalator 2 o1.95 - aussie.vga.ansi
Squirrel o6.93 - o8.93 ansi
St.Blazer o1.95 - coder
Stealer of Souls o8.92 - 11.92 o4.93 - o2.94 vga.director
Stealth Ninja o8.93 - o3.94 vga.coder
Sticking Slime o8.92 - o9.92 distribution
STiLE o7.93 ansi
Stilleto o9.92 - o1.93aka ginsu ansi
Stone the Crow o8.94 - 12.94 ansi
StormTrooper o1.94 - o4.94 vga
Stranger o4.94 ansi
Strife o3.94 ansi
Sugar 1o.92 - o4.93 distribution
Swami o3.94 - o5.94 ansi
Sy Kotic o2.94 - o6.94 distribution
Syntax Error o4.93 -aka syntie public relations.staff
.oO T Oo.
Tank 12.93 - o3.94 artist
Tatsu o7.93 - o2.94 ansi
Tech o8.92 - o9.93 vga
Technocrat o5.93 - o9.93 musician
Tempus Thales o8.92 - artist.staff.president
Terminator2 o5.95 -aka t2logomafia
The BBS Bouncer o8.92 - o2.94 member
The Dark Prince o2.94 - o4.94 musician
The Dragon Keeper o8.92 member
The Feind 1o.92 ansi
The Inquisitor o2.94 - o5.94 distribution
The Mad Fishmonger o8.92 member
The Mad Hatter o8.92 - o9.93 vga
The Magical Gangster 11.92 - o2.93 vga
The Malevolent Trickster o8.92 - o1.93 o7.93 - 11.93 ansi
The Necromancer o9.92 - 12.93 ansi
The Red Skull o8.93 - 1o.93 member
The Retarded Warrior o5.93 - 1o.93 canadian.ansi.word
The Scarlet Pimpernal o9.92 - o1.93 ansi
The Seer o5.93 - o9.93 vga
The Shadow o2.93 o4.93 - o8.93 1o.93 - o4.94 canadian.coder
The Triton o8.92 - o9.92 distribution
The Unforgiven o8.92 staff
The Untimed o5.93 - 12.93 staff
The WildCard o4.93 - o3.94 coder
The Wizard o1.95 - member
The Wraith o8.92 - o9.92 distribution
Thor o2.94 - o3.94 o8.94 ansi
Timo o4.94 euro director
Tonedef o2.95 - vga
TooN GooN o8.94 -aka cyber christ/aka lord toon artist.director
Tormented Soul o1.93 - o4.93 director
Tornado o9.92 - 11.92 o1.93 ansi
Toxic Freak o2.93 - 1o.93 canadian.ansi
Toxic Marshmallow o9.92 - 1o.92 staff
Trixter 12.93 - o2.94 vga.director
Tron Powerhouse o3.94 - o5.94 vga
Tsalaroth 1o.92 - 11.92 o3.93 - o6.93 vga
Turtle o4.95 - ansi
28 o5.95 - logomafia
Twink o4.94 - o8.94 vga
Tyrus Sithius o3.94 - 11.94 distribution
.oO U Oo.
Ultra Vires o1.93 - 11.93 ansi
Undergod o1.95 distribution
.oO V Oo.
Vanquish o9.94 ansi
Vapor o1.93 - o7.93 vga.director
Vassago 1o.92 - 12.92 ansi
Vash o5.94 - o6.94 communications
Veks o2.95 - logomafia
Vengeance o8.93 director
Vigilante o8.92 - o9.92 ansi
Village Idiot 11.93 - 12.93 ansi
VindicatioN o8.93 ansi.vga
Violator o7.93 - o2.94 music
Visionary o7.93 - 11.93 ansi
Vizier o2.94 - o4.94 ansi
VMan o2.94 vga
Vulcan o7.93 - 1o.93 ansi
.oO W Oo.
Watchman o9.93 - o2.94 coder
Weapon X o9.92 - 1o.92 vga
White Devil o2.94 - o4.94aka danzig/aka el jaffe ansi.vga.director
White Knight o8.93 - o4.94 o4.95 - member
White Rose 11.92 - o2.93 distribution
Wicked Vampire o1.93 - o3.93 music
Winter Rose o6.94 - o6.94 member
Wiperson o3.93 distribution
Wire Tap o5.93 - o7.93 ansi
Wiz o2.93 - 12.93 euroansi
Wizzkidd o4.94 member
Wolverine 12.92 - o1.93 ansi
.oO X Oo.
Xerobe 12.93 - o6.94 coder.director
Xten 12.94 - vga
.oO Y Oo.
Yankee Samurai o4.93 distribution
.oO Z Oo.
Zenith Blitzkrieg o3.94 - o6.94 o9.94 - 11.94 distribution
Zeppelin o2.94 ansi
Zer0 o2.94 o1.95 coder
Zero Option o7.94 communications
Zig Zag o4.93 - o4.94 coder thg/fx
Zippy o8.92 - 1o.92 member
Zoid o4.94 - o6.94 ansi
brought to you byICE Advertisements 95 and the Phat Phont Liberation Movement
Greets to the ICE LogoMafia...
Hannibal Lecter, Lord Carnuss, Pnakotic, Argon, Veks, Terminator2, 28 Maestr
and our associate...
Friar Tuck
and our alumni...
Deeply DisturbedOnce youre in... you never really leave
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