this image contains text
Whats new in:
1. Recent policy changes:
a. The iCE Trial system is no more.
It had evolved into an overbearing, inefficient mon
ster that was so far from its original purpose as to be
unrecognizable. b. The US syste
m has been created to take its place. Originated by
Shihear Is It Out Yet? Kallizad and Syntax Error, it allow
s iCE artists the option to have a non-iCE Quality ans
i worked on by another iCE artists, rather than not be
ing released in the iCE Pack. c. All iCE ar
tists must recognize as fact that Syntax Error is gay.
.2. Xerobe has become the new coding coord
inator. A coder himself, he will be helping to bring
about the first stand-alone iCE demo.
3. As a result, the iCN hub will be changed to Sa
nctuarytm. Filling
Xerobes position as net Coordinator is Wizzkidd, wit
h Tempus becoming
the moderator.
4. New artists! Recent newbies include: Aphex Tw
in, AlphaSpin, Anarchy,
Cardinal, Dr. Tongue, Dual Standard
, Elminster, Friar Tuck, Pnakoti
Prime Evil, QuickSilver, Rappo,
S1W, sober, Soul Blazer, S
tranger, Twink,
Vizier, and Zoid...
4b. Honorable Mention: two of our new iCE artists,
Anarchy and Twink are
babes. Welcome girls, its a brave new world.
4c. On the same note, we made many removals on the membe
rlist due to either
inactivity or decreased quality of artwork. In addition,
White Knight
has decided to remove himself from the scene from a while,
and we wish
him the best... read his text file for some info on this.
5. Oops! A few corrections from last months pack. Th
e artwork by Hoaks
was iCE Trial art done in January, and was included due to an o
Our apologies to Hoaks. Banana Basher, and Sober, who was a ne
w artist
last month, had not been put on the memberlist, once again, we
re sorry.
Finally the ansi, TTLS-PG.ICE, should have been named US-PG.ICE
6. Syntax Error is gay.
7. Our European Headquarter has been changed to T
imos board, Crystal.
Timo has also become the new iCE European Coordinator, and will
representing our interests overseas.
8. Our Canadian Headquarter has been changed to T
he Twisted Tower, run
by Elminster. An excellent artwork oriented system, it will ho
fill the gap that has existed since Altars of Madness went down
9. Our Western Headquarter has been changed to Be
lfast, run by Sexual
Chocolate. Glenn Danzig has left the scene, and with him w
ent his board,
After Dark Club. We thank Sexy for filling this void for us ef
10. MULTI-VIEW is finally released. : All art files fo
r this months pack
are now easily viewable under one convenient source. Three pie
ces of
artwork, however, arent supported by XV. Those pieces are the
.JPGs, by Twink and sober, and Friar Tucks Dot Tunnel. We hig
encourage you to take the time to look at them.
11. The iCE World Headquarters is Sanctuarytm,
it is up and back in business. Let there be no confusio
12. We wanted to take a second to thank EVERYONE for the
ir hard work this
month.. it really shows in the quality of the pack! To those o
f you with
unreleased art this month, well be contacting you soon about U
S partners.
13. Well leave the greets list to something lame like t
hat ACiD VMB.
Loves and Kisses, Tempus Thales.. your favorite bed-mate
with some modifications by Syntax Error heh
1. Recent policy changes:
a. The iCE Trial system is no more.
It had evolved into an overbearing, inefficient mon
ster that was so far from its original purpose as to be
unrecognizable. b. The US syste
m has been created to take its place. Originated by
Shihear Is It Out Yet? Kallizad and Syntax Error, it allow
s iCE artists the option to have a non-iCE Quality ans
i worked on by another iCE artists, rather than not be
ing released in the iCE Pack. c. All iCE ar
tists must recognize as fact that Syntax Error is gay.
.2. Xerobe has become the new coding coord
inator. A coder himself, he will be helping to bring
about the first stand-alone iCE demo.
3. As a result, the iCN hub will be changed to Sa
nctuarytm. Filling
Xerobes position as net Coordinator is Wizzkidd, wit
h Tempus becoming
the moderator.
4. New artists! Recent newbies include: Aphex Tw
in, AlphaSpin, Anarchy,
Cardinal, Dr. Tongue, Dual Standard
, Elminster, Friar Tuck, Pnakoti
Prime Evil, QuickSilver, Rappo,
S1W, sober, Soul Blazer, S
tranger, Twink,
Vizier, and Zoid...
4b. Honorable Mention: two of our new iCE artists,
Anarchy and Twink are
babes. Welcome girls, its a brave new world.
4c. On the same note, we made many removals on the membe
rlist due to either
inactivity or decreased quality of artwork. In addition,
White Knight
has decided to remove himself from the scene from a while,
and we wish
him the best... read his text file for some info on this.
5. Oops! A few corrections from last months pack. Th
e artwork by Hoaks
was iCE Trial art done in January, and was included due to an o
Our apologies to Hoaks. Banana Basher, and Sober, who was a ne
w artist
last month, had not been put on the memberlist, once again, we
re sorry.
Finally the ansi, TTLS-PG.ICE, should have been named US-PG.ICE
6. Syntax Error is gay.
7. Our European Headquarter has been changed to T
imos board, Crystal.
Timo has also become the new iCE European Coordinator, and will
representing our interests overseas.
8. Our Canadian Headquarter has been changed to T
he Twisted Tower, run
by Elminster. An excellent artwork oriented system, it will ho
fill the gap that has existed since Altars of Madness went down
9. Our Western Headquarter has been changed to Be
lfast, run by Sexual
Chocolate. Glenn Danzig has left the scene, and with him w
ent his board,
After Dark Club. We thank Sexy for filling this void for us ef
10. MULTI-VIEW is finally released. : All art files fo
r this months pack
are now easily viewable under one convenient source. Three pie
ces of
artwork, however, arent supported by XV. Those pieces are the
.JPGs, by Twink and sober, and Friar Tucks Dot Tunnel. We hig
encourage you to take the time to look at them.
11. The iCE World Headquarters is Sanctuarytm,
it is up and back in business. Let there be no confusio
12. We wanted to take a second to thank EVERYONE for the
ir hard work this
month.. it really shows in the quality of the pack! To those o
f you with
unreleased art this month, well be contacting you soon about U
S partners.
13. Well leave the greets list to something lame like t
hat ACiD VMB.
Loves and Kisses, Tempus Thales.. your favorite bed-mate
with some modifications by Syntax Error heh
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