this image contains text
iCE PACK 12/2002 NFO File by iCE Staff
Converted to ASCII text by RaD Man of ACiD Productions www.acid.org
HTML version available at http://www.ice.org/fullGallery.php?year2002month12
D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 2
1. We have some new artists to welcome to iCE yet again! This month were
proud to include Knives Green Water to the group. KGW joins us after
winning our contest where he sold the most magazine subscriptions door
to door. He has a really fresh art style and we look forward to all of
his future contributions to the group!
Also this month is Primalr, who joins the group after a long and
fruitful time participating on tiles.ice.org. Hes been really patient
and dedicated to getting in and its finally paid off. Were very lucky
to have him, and we have high hopes that hell manage to eat the most
marshmallows at next years New Years bash!
2. Check it out! As promised, this month we have an interview with
everyones favorite master engraver, DaVinci. Being one of our
old farts, he has a bit of wisdom to share, even if he thinks our
music just sounds like a bunch of hiss and popping!
4. Owing it all to a terrible fear of Jombogan, Helm accidentally realized
that he was in fact a member of the group and promptly started
submitting art. Hence you see the cool pixel art in this pack. If you
have any complaints, talk to Gecko.
5. We have something special this month! MrMister is releasing a Game Boy
Advance intro he coded, along with the full source code. If youre not
lucky enough to have the equipment to load roms onto your GBA, you can
download one of the Game Boy Advance emulators
http://vboy.emuhq.com/downloads.shtml and check out his intro.
Nice work, MrMister, and its great that youve giving out the code.
6. Farmy, in an astounding move, continued to keep things running smoothly
on our servers. That guy is really cool.
Missing You,
Root88, Slothy, and Trip
Lord Soth Root88 Trip
Converted to ASCII text by RaD Man of ACiD Productions www.acid.org
HTML version available at http://www.ice.org/fullGallery.php?year2002month12
D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 2
1. We have some new artists to welcome to iCE yet again! This month were
proud to include Knives Green Water to the group. KGW joins us after
winning our contest where he sold the most magazine subscriptions door
to door. He has a really fresh art style and we look forward to all of
his future contributions to the group!
Also this month is Primalr, who joins the group after a long and
fruitful time participating on tiles.ice.org. Hes been really patient
and dedicated to getting in and its finally paid off. Were very lucky
to have him, and we have high hopes that hell manage to eat the most
marshmallows at next years New Years bash!
2. Check it out! As promised, this month we have an interview with
everyones favorite master engraver, DaVinci. Being one of our
old farts, he has a bit of wisdom to share, even if he thinks our
music just sounds like a bunch of hiss and popping!
4. Owing it all to a terrible fear of Jombogan, Helm accidentally realized
that he was in fact a member of the group and promptly started
submitting art. Hence you see the cool pixel art in this pack. If you
have any complaints, talk to Gecko.
5. We have something special this month! MrMister is releasing a Game Boy
Advance intro he coded, along with the full source code. If youre not
lucky enough to have the equipment to load roms onto your GBA, you can
download one of the Game Boy Advance emulators
http://vboy.emuhq.com/downloads.shtml and check out his intro.
Nice work, MrMister, and its great that youve giving out the code.
6. Farmy, in an astounding move, continued to keep things running smoothly
on our servers. That guy is really cool.
Missing You,
Root88, Slothy, and Trip
Lord Soth Root88 Trip
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