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iCE PACK 11/2002 NFO File by iCE Staff
Converted to ASCII text by RaD Man of ACiD Productions www.acid.org
HTML version available at http://www.ice.org/fullGallery.php?year2002month11
N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 2
1. First off, wed like to welcome two new artists to iCE! Batting first is
Zef, a very original artist whose abstract works reminds us of DaVincis
older works. Zef is a part time hot air balloon folder and he says hes
keen to learn more about zero-light kalleidoscopes.
Up next we have Helm, a pixel artist who joins us from Greece. He likes
smiling, Ewoks, puppies, and works on adventure games. Given the
opportunity to invent a disease, he said he would really like to go with
a slowly degenerative one, maybe something with more of a mauve color.
1a. Wed like to thank everyone who applied to help out with the site last
month! We need to welcome our two new coders to iCE! Silicon Ghost
and Oblius will be helping us out in the coming months as we make some
changes to ice.org. Both of them are very talented coders and we are
deeply indebted that they offered their time and energy to help make
iCE even better! Welcome to the group, guys. We hope you guys have a
lot of fun with us.
2. Speaking of DaVinci, hes back this month after a long haitus. His art
is a bit different from his older works, but still very cool. Stay
tuned for an interview with our master engraver next month!
3. Jamie McCarter has done a fantastic tutorial for beginners wanting to
learn how to do rendering in Maya. Its definitely worth checking out if
you want to learn a bit about Maya or youre not a 3D person and youre
interested in learning.
4. I bet you thought we werent going to mention you this month, eh?
5a. In Jamie-related news, Jamie worked on the effects in the newest Bond
flick, Die Another Day. We must stress that Jamie was NOT involved in
the script. He is an innocent! We look forward to the movie hes
working on now, which is sure to include gratuitous breasts bouncing.
5. Sadly, all we could come up with is an interview with that Slothy guy.
He gets some questions asked to him and responds or something and stuff.
Next month were giving you DaVinci, did we mention that? That should
be much better - we apologize for this months interview. Slothy sucks.
6. No I dont.
7. Bob told us that he has a sinkhole in his yard. And you do too, Slothy.
V.I.C.I. from Small Wonder could kick your ass.
8. Oh.
Root88, Slothy, and Trip
Lord Soth Root88 Trip
Converted to ASCII text by RaD Man of ACiD Productions www.acid.org
HTML version available at http://www.ice.org/fullGallery.php?year2002month11
N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 2
1. First off, wed like to welcome two new artists to iCE! Batting first is
Zef, a very original artist whose abstract works reminds us of DaVincis
older works. Zef is a part time hot air balloon folder and he says hes
keen to learn more about zero-light kalleidoscopes.
Up next we have Helm, a pixel artist who joins us from Greece. He likes
smiling, Ewoks, puppies, and works on adventure games. Given the
opportunity to invent a disease, he said he would really like to go with
a slowly degenerative one, maybe something with more of a mauve color.
1a. Wed like to thank everyone who applied to help out with the site last
month! We need to welcome our two new coders to iCE! Silicon Ghost
and Oblius will be helping us out in the coming months as we make some
changes to ice.org. Both of them are very talented coders and we are
deeply indebted that they offered their time and energy to help make
iCE even better! Welcome to the group, guys. We hope you guys have a
lot of fun with us.
2. Speaking of DaVinci, hes back this month after a long haitus. His art
is a bit different from his older works, but still very cool. Stay
tuned for an interview with our master engraver next month!
3. Jamie McCarter has done a fantastic tutorial for beginners wanting to
learn how to do rendering in Maya. Its definitely worth checking out if
you want to learn a bit about Maya or youre not a 3D person and youre
interested in learning.
4. I bet you thought we werent going to mention you this month, eh?
5a. In Jamie-related news, Jamie worked on the effects in the newest Bond
flick, Die Another Day. We must stress that Jamie was NOT involved in
the script. He is an innocent! We look forward to the movie hes
working on now, which is sure to include gratuitous breasts bouncing.
5. Sadly, all we could come up with is an interview with that Slothy guy.
He gets some questions asked to him and responds or something and stuff.
Next month were giving you DaVinci, did we mention that? That should
be much better - we apologize for this months interview. Slothy sucks.
6. No I dont.
7. Bob told us that he has a sinkhole in his yard. And you do too, Slothy.
V.I.C.I. from Small Wonder could kick your ass.
8. Oh.
Root88, Slothy, and Trip
Lord Soth Root88 Trip
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