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iCE PACK 9/2002 NFO File by iCE Staff
Converted to ASCII text by RaD Man of ACiD Productions www.acid.org
HTML version available at http://www.ice.org/fullGallery.php?year2002month9
S E P T E M B E R 2 0 0 2
Best wishes go to iCE ANSi artist Fever, who was involved in a car accident
recently. Luckily, hes okay and will hopefully be releasing with us again
On a brighter note, the ANSi division was lucky enough to pick up former
ACiD and Teklordz luminary Smooth. Hes crawled out of his mudhut in Hawaii
after departing the ansi scene back 1994. With his return also comes the
reincarnation of his BBS, the newly dubbed Dungeon 3
telnet://dungeon3.darktech.org. Beware of raging Smoothasaurus and
We also have a new hires artist this month that goes by the name J-Tec.
Hes a fantasy artist who enjoys painting fairies, like Peter Pan!
Darkmage barely escaped a grapple with a ferocious serpent! Dawning his
magic shovel the legendary Garden Tool of Doom, +5, +7 vs plants, +9 vs
small animals, special: Fireball 3/day he managed to defend himself
from the cunning reptile. It was a vicious battle to the death, but
Darkmage was victorious. He is currently recuperating in a dark cave with
a PBR http://www.pabst.com and a hottie with a sword.
Sinned discovered that his pinky smells like his bellybutton. Hitman
discovered that Sinneds bellybutton smells funny.
Farmy is now accepting applications for shell accounts. More information
here mailto:blowme@asshole.com.
Only two members did any jailtime this month for a new record low of 28
days in lock up. 27 Mister Mr., 1 Root88 Way to go team! Both members
are on the streets, but without jobs. We can only wait and see if the
record gets broken again next month.
Speaking of serving time and Mister Mr., we would like to congratulate him
on his tenth anniversary with the group this month. This makes him the
most senior active ice member! If you see him on the street give him a
hug and a present. He happily accepts cash, Newport cigarettes, and ACiD
http://www.acid.org/acidgear/ or CiA
http://www.textfiles.com/artscene/acid/PHOTOS/CIAghettobeanie/ gear.
Our artists are clearly better at drawing than your children,
Slothy, Root88, Trip
Lord Soth Root88 Trip
Converted to ASCII text by RaD Man of ACiD Productions www.acid.org
HTML version available at http://www.ice.org/fullGallery.php?year2002month9
S E P T E M B E R 2 0 0 2
Best wishes go to iCE ANSi artist Fever, who was involved in a car accident
recently. Luckily, hes okay and will hopefully be releasing with us again
On a brighter note, the ANSi division was lucky enough to pick up former
ACiD and Teklordz luminary Smooth. Hes crawled out of his mudhut in Hawaii
after departing the ansi scene back 1994. With his return also comes the
reincarnation of his BBS, the newly dubbed Dungeon 3
telnet://dungeon3.darktech.org. Beware of raging Smoothasaurus and
We also have a new hires artist this month that goes by the name J-Tec.
Hes a fantasy artist who enjoys painting fairies, like Peter Pan!
Darkmage barely escaped a grapple with a ferocious serpent! Dawning his
magic shovel the legendary Garden Tool of Doom, +5, +7 vs plants, +9 vs
small animals, special: Fireball 3/day he managed to defend himself
from the cunning reptile. It was a vicious battle to the death, but
Darkmage was victorious. He is currently recuperating in a dark cave with
a PBR http://www.pabst.com and a hottie with a sword.
Sinned discovered that his pinky smells like his bellybutton. Hitman
discovered that Sinneds bellybutton smells funny.
Farmy is now accepting applications for shell accounts. More information
here mailto:blowme@asshole.com.
Only two members did any jailtime this month for a new record low of 28
days in lock up. 27 Mister Mr., 1 Root88 Way to go team! Both members
are on the streets, but without jobs. We can only wait and see if the
record gets broken again next month.
Speaking of serving time and Mister Mr., we would like to congratulate him
on his tenth anniversary with the group this month. This makes him the
most senior active ice member! If you see him on the street give him a
hug and a present. He happily accepts cash, Newport cigarettes, and ACiD
http://www.acid.org/acidgear/ or CiA
http://www.textfiles.com/artscene/acid/PHOTOS/CIAghettobeanie/ gear.
Our artists are clearly better at drawing than your children,
Slothy, Root88, Trip
Lord Soth Root88 Trip
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