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Whats new in iCE recently.
1. We welcome several new members this month:
The big news this month is that Bladerunner, formerly of ACiD Productions,
has become a member of iCE. He is best known for his animations which
deal with perspective, and his incredible artist talent. The majority of
his ansis are entirely his own art.
With him as always is Garth, hehe..j/k.. Eerie Smith, a devoted courier,
and sysop of Korova Milkbar - The South 3o5 iCE Distribution Site.
Spectral Illusion, formerly of ACiD Productions, and one-time member of iCE
during the TNO era, has re-joined iCE recently. Welcome back man, QS cant
wait to talk to you again.
Ultra Vires Vy-rez, a fellow human, became a member of iCE during the
course of this month. His claim to fame could be: The shortest iCE Trial
stint ever. His first iCE Trial ansi Here in the iCEPACK earned him the
status of a full member. Nice to have you aboard!
In the coding/programming area, we welcome Draeden into iCE this month.
A coder whos knowlege and skills in the areas of vector, bitmapping, and
texture mapping earn him a place as one of the top coders at iCE. Soon,
our artists/coders will be able to give Europe a run for its money!
Last, but certainly not least, a belated welcome in to the newest Senior
Staff member, Metal Head. He shouldve been introduced last month, but
umm...uhh..I was struck by alien rays and got sporatic amnesia! Yes.
The former president of a group which merged with MiRAGE, left to restart
another group of his own, many of you know it as Legacy. After running the
very successful group alongside Black Ire for a short time, he left on good
terms to help iCE fill the void left by Lord Mischief. LMs modem expired,
some time ago, but we expect hell be back sometime in the near future.
2. Infinite Darkness, the iCE Southern Headquarters is back up, and CCi is
running at 3/4 steam! Grin... just need that Western Hub!
Korova Milkbar, iCE Distribution Site, is back up and now with 5oo megs!
Sanctuarytm exists! ok, ok..cheap plug..grin
Exodus, is a new Distribution Site located in Luxemborg, Europe.
3. Weve stopped starting the iCE Amiga thing, due to lack of interest.
4. Less artists have been spotted ripping Slums font, but its still alive,
there are several variations on the theme in this months pack.
5. The artwork in this months iCEPACK has collectively reached a new high,
congrats guys, lets keep it like this!
6. Its recently come to our attention here that the artists at ACiD, unlike
the artists at iCE, are into Quality not Quantity. Weve talked to many
of the guys about this, and from all of us to Tank of ACiD Productions,
wed just like to say: Its news to us!
8. A new standard has been adopted for naming the iCEPACKs. Because the old
method would cause ridiculous confusion if it was continued, were naming
it like so: ICE-193.ZIP
The year.
The number of the month.
Represents what the artists of iCE have produced,
and what the group as a whole has officially
released that month.
9. By request of Shihear Kallizad, and the fact that it seems to be a good
idea..grin, wed like to dedicate February 1993 as the iCE- Taking care
of its Own month. What on earth does that mean? Basically, wed like
Its going to be up to the artists in the group to make this happen because
the staff isnt going to be able to coordinate it. If youve got a couple
pictures, or ideas that arent for a board yet, find an iCE Site, Member
board, or HQ and do it for that board. Remember, its up to you, the
artists, to make this work.
This wraps up another great month of artwork, and the start of a new year.
On behalf of the staff of iCE,
- Tempus Thales
iCE Senior Staff Member
Greets to: Icy iCE Baby, Sorry I forgot your name last month, but after
the work this month, who could forget?
Liquid Image, FOUR? Wow! TMT better wake up soon! :
Force Ten, *YAWN* poke,poke You alive?
Metal Head, Thanks for all of your help. Couldnt have
done it without you.
Shihear Kallizad, Your name just HAD to be too long, didnt it?
Heh..whats to say? The best CC yet! Thanks
Captain Kaos, I know you got it from Cannonball...grin. Heres
your ansi.
Quicksilver, I didnt cheat! Justin was just there..I slipped!
Nice ansi...no chest muscles? :
Dreamevil, ID! Whew!
Bladerunner +
Spectral Illusion, Welcome in guys, hope you have fun!
Tormented Soul, Good job on those new guys..keep up on em.
Black Ire, Dont you dare throw in the towel yet!
G. Washinton, Stripes? grin.
Ricochet, Freinds? Have some faith..grin
Leviathan, Thanks a bunch for that rush coding job...it was
a BIG help!
Deadman X, Thanks for the Wizards bud.
The rest of the iCE guys, remember the work this month the next
time we have a month like October, see
what can happen if you stick with it?
1. We welcome several new members this month:
The big news this month is that Bladerunner, formerly of ACiD Productions,
has become a member of iCE. He is best known for his animations which
deal with perspective, and his incredible artist talent. The majority of
his ansis are entirely his own art.
With him as always is Garth, hehe..j/k.. Eerie Smith, a devoted courier,
and sysop of Korova Milkbar - The South 3o5 iCE Distribution Site.
Spectral Illusion, formerly of ACiD Productions, and one-time member of iCE
during the TNO era, has re-joined iCE recently. Welcome back man, QS cant
wait to talk to you again.
Ultra Vires Vy-rez, a fellow human, became a member of iCE during the
course of this month. His claim to fame could be: The shortest iCE Trial
stint ever. His first iCE Trial ansi Here in the iCEPACK earned him the
status of a full member. Nice to have you aboard!
In the coding/programming area, we welcome Draeden into iCE this month.
A coder whos knowlege and skills in the areas of vector, bitmapping, and
texture mapping earn him a place as one of the top coders at iCE. Soon,
our artists/coders will be able to give Europe a run for its money!
Last, but certainly not least, a belated welcome in to the newest Senior
Staff member, Metal Head. He shouldve been introduced last month, but
umm...uhh..I was struck by alien rays and got sporatic amnesia! Yes.
The former president of a group which merged with MiRAGE, left to restart
another group of his own, many of you know it as Legacy. After running the
very successful group alongside Black Ire for a short time, he left on good
terms to help iCE fill the void left by Lord Mischief. LMs modem expired,
some time ago, but we expect hell be back sometime in the near future.
2. Infinite Darkness, the iCE Southern Headquarters is back up, and CCi is
running at 3/4 steam! Grin... just need that Western Hub!
Korova Milkbar, iCE Distribution Site, is back up and now with 5oo megs!
Sanctuarytm exists! ok, ok..cheap plug..grin
Exodus, is a new Distribution Site located in Luxemborg, Europe.
3. Weve stopped starting the iCE Amiga thing, due to lack of interest.
4. Less artists have been spotted ripping Slums font, but its still alive,
there are several variations on the theme in this months pack.
5. The artwork in this months iCEPACK has collectively reached a new high,
congrats guys, lets keep it like this!
6. Its recently come to our attention here that the artists at ACiD, unlike
the artists at iCE, are into Quality not Quantity. Weve talked to many
of the guys about this, and from all of us to Tank of ACiD Productions,
wed just like to say: Its news to us!
8. A new standard has been adopted for naming the iCEPACKs. Because the old
method would cause ridiculous confusion if it was continued, were naming
it like so: ICE-193.ZIP
The year.
The number of the month.
Represents what the artists of iCE have produced,
and what the group as a whole has officially
released that month.
9. By request of Shihear Kallizad, and the fact that it seems to be a good
idea..grin, wed like to dedicate February 1993 as the iCE- Taking care
of its Own month. What on earth does that mean? Basically, wed like
Its going to be up to the artists in the group to make this happen because
the staff isnt going to be able to coordinate it. If youve got a couple
pictures, or ideas that arent for a board yet, find an iCE Site, Member
board, or HQ and do it for that board. Remember, its up to you, the
artists, to make this work.
This wraps up another great month of artwork, and the start of a new year.
On behalf of the staff of iCE,
- Tempus Thales
iCE Senior Staff Member
Greets to: Icy iCE Baby, Sorry I forgot your name last month, but after
the work this month, who could forget?
Liquid Image, FOUR? Wow! TMT better wake up soon! :
Force Ten, *YAWN* poke,poke You alive?
Metal Head, Thanks for all of your help. Couldnt have
done it without you.
Shihear Kallizad, Your name just HAD to be too long, didnt it?
Heh..whats to say? The best CC yet! Thanks
Captain Kaos, I know you got it from Cannonball...grin. Heres
your ansi.
Quicksilver, I didnt cheat! Justin was just there..I slipped!
Nice ansi...no chest muscles? :
Dreamevil, ID! Whew!
Bladerunner +
Spectral Illusion, Welcome in guys, hope you have fun!
Tormented Soul, Good job on those new guys..keep up on em.
Black Ire, Dont you dare throw in the towel yet!
G. Washinton, Stripes? grin.
Ricochet, Freinds? Have some faith..grin
Leviathan, Thanks a bunch for that rush coding job...it was
a BIG help!
Deadman X, Thanks for the Wizards bud.
The rest of the iCE guys, remember the work this month the next
time we have a month like October, see
what can happen if you stick with it?
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