this image contains text
.-------- t h e - h y p e - m u s i c - d i v i s i o n --------.
word. this is grymmjack, the music head at hype music. if you are a
talented musician in the pc music field, and you are interested in
joining up with a new and aspiring group of artists and musicians,
then you need to rush hype. you may contact me via email, or catch me
on the irc efnet in hype. if you send me email, please attach some
of your best songs/works along with your hype application. any format
you track in is fine, as long as you write original, quality music.
if you have comments or suggestions, or would like to request a song
for a project, please contact me via email at grymmy@alliance.net
.-------- t h e - h y p e - m u s i c - d i v i s i o n --------.
word. this is grymmjack, the music head at hype music. if you are a
talented musician in the pc music field, and you are interested in
joining up with a new and aspiring group of artists and musicians,
then you need to rush hype. you may contact me via email, or catch me
on the irc efnet in hype. if you send me email, please attach some
of your best songs/works along with your hype application. any format
you track in is fine, as long as you write original, quality music.
if you have comments or suggestions, or would like to request a song
for a project, please contact me via email at grymmy@alliance.net
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