this image contains text
hypeart 97
memberlist: as of 01/12/96
founder : Free Fall
senior staff : Free Fall, Trident , Pariah, Ansi head is Undecided
doodler: Initials: What they do?:Releases: Email Address:
01. Free Fall ff ansi 00 N/A
02. Trident tr ansi 01 cvalius@sprynet.com03. Kirin ki ansi 01 changing
04. Putrid Carcass pc ansi 02 sbetts@bigwave.ca
05. Pariah pa ascii 00 check home page
06. The Red Death rd ansi/ascii 01 reddeath@cris.com
07. Wintamute wm ansi/ascii 01 check homepage
08. Neon Horse nh ansi 01 check homepage
09. Nacissis nc ansi 01 check homepage
10. Envision en ansi 01 check homepage
11. Bitz bt ansi 00 b1tz@juno.com
12. Venturus vt ansi 00 Check homepage
13. The Cool Guy cg ansi 00 tcg@palmnet.net
14. Dracula da ansi/ascii 01 check homepage
15. Seraphim sr ansi 01 check homepage
Others of Honourable Mention:
1. Private Parts - helped to code HERNIA.EXE our app gen - Head Coder
2. Infinity - always there to help keep the bot up : - I-Net Co-ord
3. Shiv - for coding HALIBUT.EXE our viewer
Grey Letters like this means - That they are new to the hype familia
That the did not release this month
Dark Grey Numbers like this means - Thats the person has not released for 2
months and unless they release will be
removed from hype.
Homepage : http://hypeart.home.ml.org
IRC : Hype
E-Mail : cvalius@sprynet.com
hypeart 97
memberlist: as of 01/12/96
founder : Free Fall
senior staff : Free Fall, Trident , Pariah, Ansi head is Undecided
doodler: Initials: What they do?:Releases: Email Address:
01. Free Fall ff ansi 00 N/A
02. Trident tr ansi 01 cvalius@sprynet.com03. Kirin ki ansi 01 changing
04. Putrid Carcass pc ansi 02 sbetts@bigwave.ca
05. Pariah pa ascii 00 check home page
06. The Red Death rd ansi/ascii 01 reddeath@cris.com
07. Wintamute wm ansi/ascii 01 check homepage
08. Neon Horse nh ansi 01 check homepage
09. Nacissis nc ansi 01 check homepage
10. Envision en ansi 01 check homepage
11. Bitz bt ansi 00 b1tz@juno.com
12. Venturus vt ansi 00 Check homepage
13. The Cool Guy cg ansi 00 tcg@palmnet.net
14. Dracula da ansi/ascii 01 check homepage
15. Seraphim sr ansi 01 check homepage
Others of Honourable Mention:
1. Private Parts - helped to code HERNIA.EXE our app gen - Head Coder
2. Infinity - always there to help keep the bot up : - I-Net Co-ord
3. Shiv - for coding HALIBUT.EXE our viewer
Grey Letters like this means - That they are new to the hype familia
That the did not release this month
Dark Grey Numbers like this means - Thats the person has not released for 2
months and unless they release will be
removed from hype.
Homepage : http://hypeart.home.ml.org
IRC : Hype
E-Mail : cvalius@sprynet.com
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