this image contains text
fOunders: Free Fall + Trident
president: Free Fall
senior staff: Trident + PleetO + Red Star + Grymmjack
NickName: Initials: Releases: E-Mail Address:
1. Free Fall -ff- 01 N/A
2. Trident -tr- 01 cvalius@sprynet.com
3. Kirin -ki- 00 ondymion@elcocomp.com
4. The Cool Guy -cg- 00 tcg@palmnet.net
5. The Red Death -rd- 00 reddeath@cris.com
6. PleetO -9x- 04 pword@freedomnet.com
7. Putrid Carcass -pc- 01 sbetts@bigwave.ca
8. Dracula -da- 04 guars95@ix.netcom.com
9. Venturus -vt- 05 Check Home Page
10 WintaMute -wm- 03 Check Home Page
11 Bitz -bt- 01 b1tz@juno.com
1. Red Star -rs- 03 hypeart@ix.netcom.com
2. Grymmjack -gj- 03 grymmy@alliance.com
3. Sadistic Riddle -sr- 00 ttsgogos@wwonline.com
4. Bitz -bt- 01 b1tz@juno.com
Red Will be deleted after this month unless they release
Cyan A New member to the team at hype
whq: Alien Encounters 416 297-8260
www: http://hypeart.home.ml.org
irc: hype
mail: cvalius@sprynet.com
fOunders: Free Fall + Trident
president: Free Fall
senior staff: Trident + PleetO + Red Star + Grymmjack
NickName: Initials: Releases: E-Mail Address:
1. Free Fall -ff- 01 N/A
2. Trident -tr- 01 cvalius@sprynet.com
3. Kirin -ki- 00 ondymion@elcocomp.com
4. The Cool Guy -cg- 00 tcg@palmnet.net
5. The Red Death -rd- 00 reddeath@cris.com
6. PleetO -9x- 04 pword@freedomnet.com
7. Putrid Carcass -pc- 01 sbetts@bigwave.ca
8. Dracula -da- 04 guars95@ix.netcom.com
9. Venturus -vt- 05 Check Home Page
10 WintaMute -wm- 03 Check Home Page
11 Bitz -bt- 01 b1tz@juno.com
1. Red Star -rs- 03 hypeart@ix.netcom.com
2. Grymmjack -gj- 03 grymmy@alliance.com
3. Sadistic Riddle -sr- 00 ttsgogos@wwonline.com
4. Bitz -bt- 01 b1tz@juno.com
Red Will be deleted after this month unless they release
Cyan A New member to the team at hype
whq: Alien Encounters 416 297-8260
www: http://hypeart.home.ml.org
irc: hype
mail: cvalius@sprynet.com
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