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Welcome Back:
Welcome back to another edition of Hype. From last month we have heard many
encouraging comments for us to strive to success. We appreciate all people have
done from donating art to the whq to just giving us tips and suggestions. One
of our rules is to not ever gloat or be cocky if we get quality reviews. I have
noticed some groups do this and to me it doenst appeal. Trident
Bad News:
Hype has bad news for the upcoming month of July, the world headquarters will
be temporarely down due to the fact that Trident will be attending camp up
near Muskoka, Ontario, Canada and will not return until July 20th. Axiom has
also left for camp, therefor the whq alien.encounters will be down and perhaps
even the Hype pack may be postponed next month.
Now the Good News:
Hype has recently released their Home page:
Right now there are no files available, just info on the group and the list of
members, although there is only Hypes e-mail address on there and we would
preferably like you to use it. Hype also has the an official irc channel at
hype on efnet. We hope to see you there, although next month it will not be
that busy.
Busy, Busy:
Hype earlier last month picked up two members by the names of Safety Hazard
and Widowmaker. It was unfortunate they quit due to the fact that there other
affiliations were taking their toll on how they could perform so instead both
opted to leave Hype to increase art for their other affil. Good luck in the
future guys!
New Members:
Most of the members this month have recently joined hype, some having other
affils and some just looking for a group to draw for. At hype we dont usually
turn people down but in the best interests of the group sometimes it is
nessesary. Fresh joins us in the ascii field, he also finds time to draw for
plain and septic. His talents should help increase the over all talent of the
ascii area. Pleeto is an outstanding toon and logo artist with great potential,
hype is lucky to have such an artist. Downset is a coder from the New York area,hes affil was in emic as a senior but since opted to quit emic and join hype
in the coding field. Everything coded in this pack was by him, good job. Kaneda
is another bright futured logo artist, from California he is one of 4 american
members, good luck to him in the future. Farhope is an ascii artist from
southern ontario, he posses an interesting ascii style and can code also. We
hope to have more of his work every month. Nyteglo is similar to kaneda except
that he draws ascii. Unfortunately I couldnt get in touch with him before the
release of this pack, maybe something next month.
New Members: 6 Fresh, Pleeto, Downset, Kaneda, Farhope, Nyteglo
Departing Members: 3 Silent Stalker, Safety Hazard, Widowmaker
Total Members: 9
Everymonth we plan to have 1 guest artist. This month it is Samurai of Dark.
We hope that someone will ask to be a guest artist but if not we will ask
appropriate artists to perhaps do a pic or 2. Last month was The 4th Disciple
and we appriciate what he did for us last month.
Free Fall, The 4th Disciple, Wator, Axiom, Pleeto, Fresh, Downset, Kaneda,
Maxwell, Arzach, Prison Breaker, Armageddon Donut, Sadistic Riddle, phobia,
Silver Spy syringe, and everyone else on IRC and in the local area.
Written By: Trident!
Welcome Back:
Welcome back to another edition of Hype. From last month we have heard many
encouraging comments for us to strive to success. We appreciate all people have
done from donating art to the whq to just giving us tips and suggestions. One
of our rules is to not ever gloat or be cocky if we get quality reviews. I have
noticed some groups do this and to me it doenst appeal. Trident
Bad News:
Hype has bad news for the upcoming month of July, the world headquarters will
be temporarely down due to the fact that Trident will be attending camp up
near Muskoka, Ontario, Canada and will not return until July 20th. Axiom has
also left for camp, therefor the whq alien.encounters will be down and perhaps
even the Hype pack may be postponed next month.
Now the Good News:
Hype has recently released their Home page:
Right now there are no files available, just info on the group and the list of
members, although there is only Hypes e-mail address on there and we would
preferably like you to use it. Hype also has the an official irc channel at
hype on efnet. We hope to see you there, although next month it will not be
that busy.
Busy, Busy:
Hype earlier last month picked up two members by the names of Safety Hazard
and Widowmaker. It was unfortunate they quit due to the fact that there other
affiliations were taking their toll on how they could perform so instead both
opted to leave Hype to increase art for their other affil. Good luck in the
future guys!
New Members:
Most of the members this month have recently joined hype, some having other
affils and some just looking for a group to draw for. At hype we dont usually
turn people down but in the best interests of the group sometimes it is
nessesary. Fresh joins us in the ascii field, he also finds time to draw for
plain and septic. His talents should help increase the over all talent of the
ascii area. Pleeto is an outstanding toon and logo artist with great potential,
hype is lucky to have such an artist. Downset is a coder from the New York area,hes affil was in emic as a senior but since opted to quit emic and join hype
in the coding field. Everything coded in this pack was by him, good job. Kaneda
is another bright futured logo artist, from California he is one of 4 american
members, good luck to him in the future. Farhope is an ascii artist from
southern ontario, he posses an interesting ascii style and can code also. We
hope to have more of his work every month. Nyteglo is similar to kaneda except
that he draws ascii. Unfortunately I couldnt get in touch with him before the
release of this pack, maybe something next month.
New Members: 6 Fresh, Pleeto, Downset, Kaneda, Farhope, Nyteglo
Departing Members: 3 Silent Stalker, Safety Hazard, Widowmaker
Total Members: 9
Everymonth we plan to have 1 guest artist. This month it is Samurai of Dark.
We hope that someone will ask to be a guest artist but if not we will ask
appropriate artists to perhaps do a pic or 2. Last month was The 4th Disciple
and we appriciate what he did for us last month.
Free Fall, The 4th Disciple, Wator, Axiom, Pleeto, Fresh, Downset, Kaneda,
Maxwell, Arzach, Prison Breaker, Armageddon Donut, Sadistic Riddle, phobia,
Silver Spy syringe, and everyone else on IRC and in the local area.
Written By: Trident!
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