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Finaly this first pack is out. Its a pitty that it is so few pictures,
when you are four members its not so easy.
Ths pack are released this quickly because we want our apply program out
and hopfully some new members.
There are not much to say because were new, so havnt happend that much.
One thing I can say again is that were short of artist so goddamn use the
included apply generator. You wont regret a membership in hoax!
All for now! /hOax Staff
The easiest way to get in contact with us is ofcource the internet where
you can visit our newbuilt hOax page. The URL are:
At this URL youll find all releases from us, some info n facts. The
usual shit stuff.
If you dont like to visit a sucky homepage, feel free to email any of the
abow emails.
If niether that suits you, go and buy a new toung at Bonus.
Greets: tURBO, pOOp, mOSHY, dOGSHiiT!, gOLiAZ, eVOL, mARCUSnAPALM : and
thats about it.
p.s download tha next pack to!
What tha fukk are you doing down here? Hummz, when youre here you shuld know
that www.hotMALE.com, not www.hotMAIL.com dumbass, is a pretty phun page!
Finaly this first pack is out. Its a pitty that it is so few pictures,
when you are four members its not so easy.
Ths pack are released this quickly because we want our apply program out
and hopfully some new members.
There are not much to say because were new, so havnt happend that much.
One thing I can say again is that were short of artist so goddamn use the
included apply generator. You wont regret a membership in hoax!
All for now! /hOax Staff
The easiest way to get in contact with us is ofcource the internet where
you can visit our newbuilt hOax page. The URL are:
At this URL youll find all releases from us, some info n facts. The
usual shit stuff.
If you dont like to visit a sucky homepage, feel free to email any of the
abow emails.
If niether that suits you, go and buy a new toung at Bonus.
Greets: tURBO, pOOp, mOSHY, dOGSHiiT!, gOLiAZ, eVOL, mARCUSnAPALM : and
thats about it.
p.s download tha next pack to!
What tha fukk are you doing down here? Hummz, when youre here you shuld know
that www.hotMALE.com, not www.hotMAIL.com dumbass, is a pretty phun page!
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