this image contains text
,dQQ,. 20 WE ARE HRG.
iL ,P ? ,dQS
jL Q ?P
y,...,db, ?SQL L ,yQ
?Qbu,. ?, ,d?,P ,d
,d?? ?P J ,JP
jS ? ,dSSQ I J
P L ? j ? I I
,db, j L I ?b, II I
I J , ?L ?, I
? ?P ,J I, , ?, ?L
, , ?QQ, , ?, ?b,
,y? I, ?I L ?, j ,
?P P ?Q ?L j ,
?P ?b, j , jb,
Maybe its early to count the checksum for 1998, but its certain that its
much more fertile than the nervous 1997.. The idiots who yelled scenes
dead at any given opportunity and spoiled morale got amputated and
filtered.. Who stayed are the people whos interested, who feels the urge
to create and whos mad enough to continue this strange life we all live..
The crew is set, the force divided between us, all the mechanics checked
and working as fine as ever, and we add our little part to the united
madness called scene. We change the way of life, of thoughts and of all
the space surrounding us, rebuilding it to fit us, and we help each other.
More than twenty months were with you..
More than twenty months youre with us..
More than twenty months we help each other to live..
Oh, and for the crew changes:
Welcome Darkhalo, youre a member now surprised?
And you, GreenDrug, can come in, too guests dont get the level of respect
members have, hehe. And Remission, get your greets.
now let the participants speak.
The comfort of finishing something is almost as great as the feeling of
a great idea. Thats what art is about, i guess, creating something you
enjoy finishing as much as you cant wait to move on to something else.
image notes: denizen logo... for a project of mine, youre welcome to
contribute... When art is created by a person, it is all connected
somewhere, in the mind of the artist, no art is alone in that way.
I want artists to connect their works, write them via fiction, pair them
with images, to make the images complete, citizens of a virtual world.
kodak: joint with spro, note to ffh, 2 of the 3 photos in here are
original, i got access to a scanner :... made merely hours before
the pack deadline... A mad rush :
A lot, huh.. Im back home sweet home, with my loved people, in my home
city.. All the last month I was revising my old diaries, sketches and
memories. All this dark set has its roots buried deep in St. Petersbourg,
in my loneliness and hatred.. Judge..
This work is dedicated to one of my favourite books - Vacuum Flowers
by Michael Swanwick. Its one of the worlds best cyberpunk novels.
Mail me at: greendrug@efnet.org.
Greets to: Jekyll, mreh, jNa, atom, otium, Tier
and guinea pigs all over the world!
Shere Khan
Not much to say, since Ive been mainly working as a shepherd this time,
not as an artist. Still you can enjoy the dragon 20, and get the full size
version if you ask me real hard : greets to you, personally, as always.
I have no words.. Im only proud of this great work we did.
I burn. I rise. I live. I fly. I believe in baka.
And I do my best.
My good friends and nice people, u know, while drawing all these
poor pictures, I have thought only about you:
ter, il, shere, stroger..
bonse, atom, liceboy..
mcfly, corvin, fractallerz..
tequila jazz, jazzrabbit..
kompo, greendrug, heavenz byte..
jetty, yoyo, diti, svetik?..
kati, noob and other hrg inhabitants..
Wish you were here... 8O
iL ,P ? ,dQS
jL Q ?P
y,...,db, ?SQL L ,yQ
?Qbu,. ?, ,d?,P ,d
,d?? ?P J ,JP
jS ? ,dSSQ I J
P L ? j ? I I
,db, j L I ?b, II I
I J , ?L ?, I
? ?P ,J I, , ?, ?L
, , ?QQ, , ?, ?b,
,y? I, ?I L ?, j ,
?P P ?Q ?L j ,
?P ?b, j , jb,
Maybe its early to count the checksum for 1998, but its certain that its
much more fertile than the nervous 1997.. The idiots who yelled scenes
dead at any given opportunity and spoiled morale got amputated and
filtered.. Who stayed are the people whos interested, who feels the urge
to create and whos mad enough to continue this strange life we all live..
The crew is set, the force divided between us, all the mechanics checked
and working as fine as ever, and we add our little part to the united
madness called scene. We change the way of life, of thoughts and of all
the space surrounding us, rebuilding it to fit us, and we help each other.
More than twenty months were with you..
More than twenty months youre with us..
More than twenty months we help each other to live..
Oh, and for the crew changes:
Welcome Darkhalo, youre a member now surprised?
And you, GreenDrug, can come in, too guests dont get the level of respect
members have, hehe. And Remission, get your greets.
now let the participants speak.
The comfort of finishing something is almost as great as the feeling of
a great idea. Thats what art is about, i guess, creating something you
enjoy finishing as much as you cant wait to move on to something else.
image notes: denizen logo... for a project of mine, youre welcome to
contribute... When art is created by a person, it is all connected
somewhere, in the mind of the artist, no art is alone in that way.
I want artists to connect their works, write them via fiction, pair them
with images, to make the images complete, citizens of a virtual world.
kodak: joint with spro, note to ffh, 2 of the 3 photos in here are
original, i got access to a scanner :... made merely hours before
the pack deadline... A mad rush :
A lot, huh.. Im back home sweet home, with my loved people, in my home
city.. All the last month I was revising my old diaries, sketches and
memories. All this dark set has its roots buried deep in St. Petersbourg,
in my loneliness and hatred.. Judge..
This work is dedicated to one of my favourite books - Vacuum Flowers
by Michael Swanwick. Its one of the worlds best cyberpunk novels.
Mail me at: greendrug@efnet.org.
Greets to: Jekyll, mreh, jNa, atom, otium, Tier
and guinea pigs all over the world!
Shere Khan
Not much to say, since Ive been mainly working as a shepherd this time,
not as an artist. Still you can enjoy the dragon 20, and get the full size
version if you ask me real hard : greets to you, personally, as always.
I have no words.. Im only proud of this great work we did.
I burn. I rise. I live. I fly. I believe in baka.
And I do my best.
My good friends and nice people, u know, while drawing all these
poor pictures, I have thought only about you:
ter, il, shere, stroger..
bonse, atom, liceboy..
mcfly, corvin, fractallerz..
tequila jazz, jazzrabbit..
kompo, greendrug, heavenz byte..
jetty, yoyo, diti, svetik?..
kati, noob and other hrg inhabitants..
Wish you were here... 8O
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