this image contains text
L b, b, b, L
j j I? j I ,
, d?S P ,d ,I I
L, ,P,y,,d,dPj
? I b, ?P ,d
j , P ,d
jSS j P ,d?I
j , , +Q ?
? ,dQ ,, ?j LL
, ,Jb, , I
jb, ..,yP,jj
,P ? ,? jI
,dQy, ? , ? ..CREED
j, I , I
jP,d ?b,IL,
j, L ?
? ,SI Qb, I
?L I I I ,Pj
,, P ,d
Good evening...
First of all, sorry were late.. But anyway, meet our sixteenth attempt
to tell the world about ourselves.. This month we greet Bonse, a powerful
and crazy pencil master hi dood, as well as our brothers in arms who
supported us this month, Atom, Dr. Jekyll and Mongi.. No more words.. Enjoy..
The only reason this is in the HRG pack is that Shere bribed me with a
plethora of ancient games. You y/g you. The pic is a logo for the evoke98
demo party in germany, if you can get there, go there. Anyway! greetz goto:
Shere y/g, bzzz woah.. I got greated last month from you, everyone in
hirez especially tatharina smoooch, lice, remi, rw, Jekyll, and more im
tired, cant think of anyone else off the top of my head. Also to lion-gv,
who will have a joint release, im not a horney russian guy
Oh god, helluva things happened this month, its a total fuck..
I shaved my head, drank vodka, cut myself, and the final stroke was that
I moved to another city, St. Petersbourg.. Thats the reason why theres
not much art from me this time.
And now Im trying to fuck with the fifth photoshop... Greets Adobe..:
Oh, and dont forget to look above..
Shere Khan
All the necessary info is in small print inside the picture itself.
Greets go to all hrg members, zombies and simple worshippers.
Especially atom - I dont call you names, see? Learn good manners :
Well.. well, well.. Spammer bzzz strikes again. Remember: 3-4 artworks
were even kept for the next pack! : Now its the only time when I can
speak loudly/proudly and no one will laugh about my english, because Shere
will clean it up..
For warhawk..
Armor of the gods. I hate this film, i hate this emag, i hate this pic...
Its a bird, damnit! A bird!!! Turn on the lights the brightness on yer
monitors and enjoy. Devoted to Tatharina.
New breed of Jekyll doctors... You, motherfucker, has joined acid..
Well.. get this devils mark on yer face.
All the followers will be sterlized.
JAzza! Bro! I hope every time you load this pic, youll be stoned
and loud goa/psy trance music will tear your ears apart.
Pleaze SCROLL it down in 800x600 mode. Do not resize!!!
Cromm.. hope you will like it.
2TequilaJazz: note the style, please..
Wanna face me? Face the great Cornholio in ambush first!
special greetz goes to ffffathom.. I hope he understands why.. :
Big thanks to mongi for this joint. It was very interesting for me
to make a font that would fit this little picture. I hope it was a
success. Thats my first, well.. rather strange, joint with non-hrg
member. Id like to make it regular, so if you wanna participate,
please find me at spro@usa.net or bzzzhirez.
Greetz: liceboy.. 33,Oh.. Tell me the rumors are wrong..
remi, ffath and the rest of fire.
Atom, sunrain, hitek, t00f and all the young generation
of design,typographic art and photocollages...
Mr.Hyde and all the new breed of glorysuckers.
Tath, sweety, a portrait of you in the shower will be
my next impact..
Madmoochacho, rw, mongi, blup, kyo, tiny3d and the rest of hirez
All hRG and jUC members especially otium and bonse.
... thank you for looking, thank you for reading..
Good morning human beings! Thanks go to all the people who enjoy my works.
In this pack I present to you the mirror of our souls, or the bug of our
brains. Ive already got one. Unfortunately, thats my only work for this
pack, coz of the death of the monitor of my eyes.
Greets: 2 all.
PS: I recommend you to listen to EDEN HASHISH CENTER 196 in the background
while looking at the pack
L b, b, b, L
j j I? j I ,
, d?S P ,d ,I I
L, ,P,y,,d,dPj
? I b, ?P ,d
j , P ,d
jSS j P ,d?I
j , , +Q ?
? ,dQ ,, ?j LL
, ,Jb, , I
jb, ..,yP,jj
,P ? ,? jI
,dQy, ? , ? ..CREED
j, I , I
jP,d ?b,IL,
j, L ?
? ,SI Qb, I
?L I I I ,Pj
,, P ,d
Good evening...
First of all, sorry were late.. But anyway, meet our sixteenth attempt
to tell the world about ourselves.. This month we greet Bonse, a powerful
and crazy pencil master hi dood, as well as our brothers in arms who
supported us this month, Atom, Dr. Jekyll and Mongi.. No more words.. Enjoy..
The only reason this is in the HRG pack is that Shere bribed me with a
plethora of ancient games. You y/g you. The pic is a logo for the evoke98
demo party in germany, if you can get there, go there. Anyway! greetz goto:
Shere y/g, bzzz woah.. I got greated last month from you, everyone in
hirez especially tatharina smoooch, lice, remi, rw, Jekyll, and more im
tired, cant think of anyone else off the top of my head. Also to lion-gv,
who will have a joint release, im not a horney russian guy
Oh god, helluva things happened this month, its a total fuck..
I shaved my head, drank vodka, cut myself, and the final stroke was that
I moved to another city, St. Petersbourg.. Thats the reason why theres
not much art from me this time.
And now Im trying to fuck with the fifth photoshop... Greets Adobe..:
Oh, and dont forget to look above..
Shere Khan
All the necessary info is in small print inside the picture itself.
Greets go to all hrg members, zombies and simple worshippers.
Especially atom - I dont call you names, see? Learn good manners :
Well.. well, well.. Spammer bzzz strikes again. Remember: 3-4 artworks
were even kept for the next pack! : Now its the only time when I can
speak loudly/proudly and no one will laugh about my english, because Shere
will clean it up..
For warhawk..
Armor of the gods. I hate this film, i hate this emag, i hate this pic...
Its a bird, damnit! A bird!!! Turn on the lights the brightness on yer
monitors and enjoy. Devoted to Tatharina.
New breed of Jekyll doctors... You, motherfucker, has joined acid..
Well.. get this devils mark on yer face.
All the followers will be sterlized.
JAzza! Bro! I hope every time you load this pic, youll be stoned
and loud goa/psy trance music will tear your ears apart.
Pleaze SCROLL it down in 800x600 mode. Do not resize!!!
Cromm.. hope you will like it.
2TequilaJazz: note the style, please..
Wanna face me? Face the great Cornholio in ambush first!
special greetz goes to ffffathom.. I hope he understands why.. :
Big thanks to mongi for this joint. It was very interesting for me
to make a font that would fit this little picture. I hope it was a
success. Thats my first, well.. rather strange, joint with non-hrg
member. Id like to make it regular, so if you wanna participate,
please find me at spro@usa.net or bzzzhirez.
Greetz: liceboy.. 33,Oh.. Tell me the rumors are wrong..
remi, ffath and the rest of fire.
Atom, sunrain, hitek, t00f and all the young generation
of design,typographic art and photocollages...
Mr.Hyde and all the new breed of glorysuckers.
Tath, sweety, a portrait of you in the shower will be
my next impact..
Madmoochacho, rw, mongi, blup, kyo, tiny3d and the rest of hirez
All hRG and jUC members especially otium and bonse.
... thank you for looking, thank you for reading..
Good morning human beings! Thanks go to all the people who enjoy my works.
In this pack I present to you the mirror of our souls, or the bug of our
brains. Ive already got one. Unfortunately, thats my only work for this
pack, coz of the death of the monitor of my eyes.
Greets: 2 all.
PS: I recommend you to listen to EDEN HASHISH CENTER 196 in the background
while looking at the pack
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