this image contains text
,d b,,dy,?b, b, , ?,
j ,db, Pb,b, L ,d ,
, II , b,b, jI jP
?L Ib, b,b, II ,++,I j IZII
,dS jI ,+?b, b, I Lj I IZII
+ ,QL b, L ,J I IZIII
,yQPb,,d ?L ? ?, IZIII
,P ?I P ,yQSSSSb, ?b,
jL b,, ,P ,++, ?b,
y, j ,d,d LJ P+ jb,
, , *,yP , L ,+
L jb,. .,dL ? ?P COLD..
Well, human and female beings, the opening speaker has changed, so
were in for some blood... Fasten your seat belts. This month has been
rather rich on events concerning us, some were good, some bad, some both,
the usual shit, whatever, nevermind, well, weve collected a couple of
artists, we havent let a couple of other artists flee the boat BTW about
fleas, yo lice, weve gained a bit more respect due to some wisely organised
promotion thank our beloved Shere Khan, and a bit more misunderstanding due
to some unwisely organised e-mags hi inazone, I know you wont read this,
you werent able to find the nfo file in the last pack, so youll most
probably fail now - and thats about all. Generally.
Particularly. The new artists are:
Otium man the ascii maker, a guy from Belgium who we dont know much about,
but, as hes officially in the group now, I guess he wont get away with it.
Navigator the VGA collage artist, who just teleported from nowhere and gave
us a heap of works, like a fairy godmother, and the poor little us had to
root through it and pick a little bunch worth showing to the world.
OK, now for the personal part. Cmon guys... ..Shere Khan
This month is full of depressions, shocks and real life, fuck it up.. In a
nutshell, not as many works as wanted.. : I dyed the hair on my body, widened
the pierced zones, drank as much alcohol as my wallet allowed.. Also tried to
push the limits of my imagination by trying tattoo design.. And there will be
more.. By the way, dont forget to check how tight do you sleep at nights.
I wanna kiss your boots..
ps.. Skrut, xcuse me, perhaps I was wrong.
otium man
hello people .. after quitting some local groups and quitting as the
coordinator of triloxy, i finally joined a kewl group, with nice,
ambitious and talented people.. hello guys
they are kewl you know that americans are arrogant and stuuuupid ..
i can tell ya , the people in hrg are not ! .. well... thats it for
now i guess.. just trying to release kewl things
Changes, alterings are beautiful.
Longing for other worlds to create is now more natural than to create things
like yourself..
You begin creating and the time disappears, and there you can find your true
self and your genuine time.
The works you see are only peaces of once disintegrated reality, craving
for merging with its onlooker and its creator.
Thanks to every being who knows what does it mean
new month. new feelings, new impressions, new pain.
generation of images under the influence of hayjobbs and downloads music
images. images are buried in my mind, it takes time to materialise them, sos
they become available to the others. time. needed.
Im helluva tired of drawing for this pack, so Ill be wise and brief.
Please take a moment to look at my works one more time to be sure you
didnt miss anything important :
Im poor in technique, but becoming strong i hope in shapes and harmony.
Thank you for watching our art. Not just THANK you - thank YOU.
Exactly you, the reader...
FIRE lGiOcDe, remission, others, all ansi guys,
HIREZ atom, Menti, tiny3d, mongi, asoap, jNa, others,
HRG everybody
special thanks to catbones for his visit to hrg..
,d b,,dy,?b, b, , ?,
j ,db, Pb,b, L ,d ,
, II , b,b, jI jP
?L Ib, b,b, II ,++,I j IZII
,dS jI ,+?b, b, I Lj I IZII
+ ,QL b, L ,J I IZIII
,yQPb,,d ?L ? ?, IZIII
,P ?I P ,yQSSSSb, ?b,
jL b,, ,P ,++, ?b,
y, j ,d,d LJ P+ jb,
, , *,yP , L ,+
L jb,. .,dL ? ?P COLD..
Well, human and female beings, the opening speaker has changed, so
were in for some blood... Fasten your seat belts. This month has been
rather rich on events concerning us, some were good, some bad, some both,
the usual shit, whatever, nevermind, well, weve collected a couple of
artists, we havent let a couple of other artists flee the boat BTW about
fleas, yo lice, weve gained a bit more respect due to some wisely organised
promotion thank our beloved Shere Khan, and a bit more misunderstanding due
to some unwisely organised e-mags hi inazone, I know you wont read this,
you werent able to find the nfo file in the last pack, so youll most
probably fail now - and thats about all. Generally.
Particularly. The new artists are:
Otium man the ascii maker, a guy from Belgium who we dont know much about,
but, as hes officially in the group now, I guess he wont get away with it.
Navigator the VGA collage artist, who just teleported from nowhere and gave
us a heap of works, like a fairy godmother, and the poor little us had to
root through it and pick a little bunch worth showing to the world.
OK, now for the personal part. Cmon guys... ..Shere Khan
This month is full of depressions, shocks and real life, fuck it up.. In a
nutshell, not as many works as wanted.. : I dyed the hair on my body, widened
the pierced zones, drank as much alcohol as my wallet allowed.. Also tried to
push the limits of my imagination by trying tattoo design.. And there will be
more.. By the way, dont forget to check how tight do you sleep at nights.
I wanna kiss your boots..
ps.. Skrut, xcuse me, perhaps I was wrong.
otium man
hello people .. after quitting some local groups and quitting as the
coordinator of triloxy, i finally joined a kewl group, with nice,
ambitious and talented people.. hello guys
they are kewl you know that americans are arrogant and stuuuupid ..
i can tell ya , the people in hrg are not ! .. well... thats it for
now i guess.. just trying to release kewl things
Changes, alterings are beautiful.
Longing for other worlds to create is now more natural than to create things
like yourself..
You begin creating and the time disappears, and there you can find your true
self and your genuine time.
The works you see are only peaces of once disintegrated reality, craving
for merging with its onlooker and its creator.
Thanks to every being who knows what does it mean
new month. new feelings, new impressions, new pain.
generation of images under the influence of hayjobbs and downloads music
images. images are buried in my mind, it takes time to materialise them, sos
they become available to the others. time. needed.
Im helluva tired of drawing for this pack, so Ill be wise and brief.
Please take a moment to look at my works one more time to be sure you
didnt miss anything important :
Im poor in technique, but becoming strong i hope in shapes and harmony.
Thank you for watching our art. Not just THANK you - thank YOU.
Exactly you, the reader...
FIRE lGiOcDe, remission, others, all ansi guys,
HIREZ atom, Menti, tiny3d, mongi, asoap, jNa, others,
HRG everybody
special thanks to catbones for his visit to hrg..
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