this image contains text
I I .,L iL
J L ,
,? P, ?,
,b, ,d, ?L
..,yQ? PQy,.. ,
?b, ,d? , I
?L, L
+, ?? ,+ ,+,u
. ,y,+y,. +*
,, S ?Q,
,* ,yy, *,
j jL L
?, ,?
+ SS + I
jb, ,dL
*+ +* j
?yyyP ,
IZ ,
Spring?? Wtf, spring! So comfortable it was to wrap yourself in your old coat
and sit in the dark corner of a bus and, sulkily listening to a walkman, to
let a couple of frozen ideas cruise between your ice-covered ears, and,
finally home, to melt along with them, reluctantly covering the softened
fantasies in electric bodies. And the frozen time was crawling along just like
a mug of coffee during the consuming of another philosophic tome. And what
now?? Awakening. The neck stretches, the music in the walkman becomes more
aggressive, the hormones tinkle the thawed groin, and the thoughts, like a
bunch of unskilful schoolgirls, attack your forehead and dont let you sit
still. Miriads of them are born and killed in an instant, and their remains
are scrubbed off the walls to sew another fine Frankenstein together. The soul
maladies strenghten..
Theres no changes in the crew at this particular moment. The exterior adds
corrections to the interior. Meet the number 14..
iLs words..
I proved unready for the springs arrival and decided to arrange a little
vacation to open myself for the harmony of the world, its sometimes useful.
One problem is solved, I got myself a new wacom, the only thing thats left to
be found is someone for sex, then the life will flow as it must do. Dont
forget to break some glass.
month greets: Fritzz, McCoy.
bzzz! Spros words:
Well. Im simultaneously happy and sad. Three of my design works didnt make
it into this pack.. Im happy coz it means that weve finally got a crew
strong enough to let us reject the works of the main : artists in the group..
My sadnesss got a more obvious reason: its my hard work were talking about,
and my self-esteem aches. And although the works didnt get into the pack
because of style dissonance and not because of bad quality, it hurts anyway.
Tommmi is one of the few artists having their own style of drawing, set aside
seeing of the outer world. I hope I managed to make this tribute allright.
Happy International Womens Day, dear women..
The power and force of the vector graphics. :
Another social-oriented thing after spro-10z.gif in the hrg-13.zip
I hope the meaning is pretty clear. BTW more will come. Theres a couple of
prospects already.
Just last minute addition. Wacom unlimited pleasure...
hrg, hirez and especially:
lGiOcDe, rw, YoYobee, hitek, atom, asoap, V3n3, Menti, starlord, wildcat...
Shere Khans words:
Im pretty tired of pumping letters outta my keyboard after translating all
the above shit from Russian with mistakes to English with less mistakes :
Lets just proceed to the comment and the greets, OK?
Its not sk-shld, its shouldnt.gif, but who cares. Dunno what bit me when I
created this pic. One moment its I must make something for the pack, the
next moment its how do I turn the bed to make the blood stain visible.
Strange thing, mind. Anyway, lemme dedicate it to our female member from USA,
miss Murder :
General greets:
You couldve guessed. HRg crew, hrg ppl, hirez ppl.
Personal greets:
iL for maintaining this crazy artpack mumbo-jumbo for more than a year
CatBones and Tomppa1 for being so sensitive to my constructive critics :
and you.
J L ,
,? P, ?,
,b, ,d, ?L
..,yQ? PQy,.. ,
?b, ,d? , I
?L, L
+, ?? ,+ ,+,u
. ,y,+y,. +*
,, S ?Q,
,* ,yy, *,
j jL L
?, ,?
+ SS + I
jb, ,dL
*+ +* j
?yyyP ,
IZ ,
Spring?? Wtf, spring! So comfortable it was to wrap yourself in your old coat
and sit in the dark corner of a bus and, sulkily listening to a walkman, to
let a couple of frozen ideas cruise between your ice-covered ears, and,
finally home, to melt along with them, reluctantly covering the softened
fantasies in electric bodies. And the frozen time was crawling along just like
a mug of coffee during the consuming of another philosophic tome. And what
now?? Awakening. The neck stretches, the music in the walkman becomes more
aggressive, the hormones tinkle the thawed groin, and the thoughts, like a
bunch of unskilful schoolgirls, attack your forehead and dont let you sit
still. Miriads of them are born and killed in an instant, and their remains
are scrubbed off the walls to sew another fine Frankenstein together. The soul
maladies strenghten..
Theres no changes in the crew at this particular moment. The exterior adds
corrections to the interior. Meet the number 14..
iLs words..
I proved unready for the springs arrival and decided to arrange a little
vacation to open myself for the harmony of the world, its sometimes useful.
One problem is solved, I got myself a new wacom, the only thing thats left to
be found is someone for sex, then the life will flow as it must do. Dont
forget to break some glass.
month greets: Fritzz, McCoy.
bzzz! Spros words:
Well. Im simultaneously happy and sad. Three of my design works didnt make
it into this pack.. Im happy coz it means that weve finally got a crew
strong enough to let us reject the works of the main : artists in the group..
My sadnesss got a more obvious reason: its my hard work were talking about,
and my self-esteem aches. And although the works didnt get into the pack
because of style dissonance and not because of bad quality, it hurts anyway.
Tommmi is one of the few artists having their own style of drawing, set aside
seeing of the outer world. I hope I managed to make this tribute allright.
Happy International Womens Day, dear women..
The power and force of the vector graphics. :
Another social-oriented thing after spro-10z.gif in the hrg-13.zip
I hope the meaning is pretty clear. BTW more will come. Theres a couple of
prospects already.
Just last minute addition. Wacom unlimited pleasure...
hrg, hirez and especially:
lGiOcDe, rw, YoYobee, hitek, atom, asoap, V3n3, Menti, starlord, wildcat...
Shere Khans words:
Im pretty tired of pumping letters outta my keyboard after translating all
the above shit from Russian with mistakes to English with less mistakes :
Lets just proceed to the comment and the greets, OK?
Its not sk-shld, its shouldnt.gif, but who cares. Dunno what bit me when I
created this pic. One moment its I must make something for the pack, the
next moment its how do I turn the bed to make the blood stain visible.
Strange thing, mind. Anyway, lemme dedicate it to our female member from USA,
miss Murder :
General greets:
You couldve guessed. HRg crew, hrg ppl, hirez ppl.
Personal greets:
iL for maintaining this crazy artpack mumbo-jumbo for more than a year
CatBones and Tomppa1 for being so sensitive to my constructive critics :
and you.
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