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This is my entry in the Beat Warblade at ANSi Contest
September 94 High Rezolution Pack
of High Rezolution
o ? T epus . mp
m o? .
. ms .e h ms m .e
h mhp s. os . m
o? w .Tmp.w ..T o?
oTe s .. To ...Tmp wo ? .Tep w . T
wh . es w mpT e wo?.. T p wh?. s
. emh. o w h .. emm w h. e .
em . . epuho .w emuh
ho m whpue Tm o . Te.uo wh
. mo. ho.emhh.e .
e mw. mw
e .eu ? . T ? . T .
o T o . Tmpuo T ? o?. . Tempu
. mpsh T . . u Tmp h
BBS Name The Lightning BBS
Number 619.956.7877
Software Renegade
Hours 247
SysOp The Viking
? . . ANZi Bi hr A High Desert ANSi. Have I gone too far?
Greets :
Living Death - Hello. Hook me upto HR Net ASAP please...
Warblade - Dude, quit thinking you can draw ANSi, youre sad...
Everyone Else - Nine Inch Nails are the best in the world!!!
This Has Been An Nuke Test
September 94 High Rezolution Pack
of High Rezolution
o ? T epus . mp
m o? .
. ms .e h ms m .e
h mhp s. os . m
o? w .Tmp.w ..T o?
oTe s .. To ...Tmp wo ? .Tep w . T
wh . es w mpT e wo?.. T p wh?. s
. emh. o w h .. emm w h. e .
em . . epuho .w emuh
ho m whpue Tm o . Te.uo wh
. mo. ho.emhh.e .
e mw. mw
e .eu ? . T ? . T .
o T o . Tmpuo T ? o?. . Tempu
. mpsh T . . u Tmp h
BBS Name The Lightning BBS
Number 619.956.7877
Software Renegade
Hours 247
SysOp The Viking
? . . ANZi Bi hr A High Desert ANSi. Have I gone too far?
Greets :
Living Death - Hello. Hook me upto HR Net ASAP please...
Warblade - Dude, quit thinking you can draw ANSi, youre sad...
Everyone Else - Nine Inch Nails are the best in the world!!!
This Has Been An Nuke Test
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