WL-HOR3.GIF by: WarLorD
welp, this is my 3rd gif for Horror of Reality.
the first 2 were ok, but this one surpasses them
by a long shot, Ive been messing with raytracing
lately, and this is my first decent raytrace
attempt, i descided id just add in the H.o.R.
part. im completely sorry about the cheezy
font, but i didnt have enough time or energy to
make a ray traced font, or a decent one at that.
other than the font, the gif is fairly good.
i hope to be doing more raytraces in the future.
you can email me your comments on my work at the
following boards:
Denial oF Reality............4o5.XXX.XXXX
Where Shadows Wait...........4o5.354.9857
or any other bbs you see me on...........
and in closeing if you want me to make any VGA
pics for ya, just email and ill see what i can
.. WarLorD ..
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