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greetings and hallucinations everyone... ive got some good news, and i have
some bad news. the good news is, here we are again, we survived the new year,
and were ready to take our place at the top, where we belong. this pack is
not as big as the last, but we have some awesome new talent.. her name is myste,you might like it, you might not, but as you will see next, i wont be here to
deal with it anymore.. :
which brings me to the bad news. i am quitting horror of reality. yes, i know
i founded this group, its my brainchild and all that, but ive grown tired of
if and i am going to pursue something else right now.. i am handing control
over to violetta kitten, whom in my opinion, is the best poet in this group, andi hope that she just keeps getting better. who knows, you might even see me in
a pack or two in the future, rambling about something, or maybe even writing
something.. well, im not going to get mushy or anything, so dont get your
hopes up.. i just want to say something to the new head of HoR. tina, weve
been through alot these past seven months.. alot more then alot of lit group
founders have been through.. ive said somethings to you i probably shouldnt
have done, maybe done somethings also, and for all that i apologize. maybe
this is not the place to do this, but i figure its as good a place as any.
i love you.. keep up the good writing.. to the other members of HoR, its been
great, keep it up.. to all my fans, supporters, and what not, thanks. its beena wild ride.. any questions, email vk at crush@inthenet.com or bother me at
socialp@inthenet.com. i might reply.. peace out..
social parasite...
Happy Holidays! Greetings, salutations, and all that bull-shit..
Here I am again, and no one has gotten rid of me, yet.. I hope everyone
had a great month, because I did - life is WEIRD. But isnt that why we
are all here??
Another new year as we throw out the old one, only to be remembered by
our harsh memories and demented recollections.. there is no point in
making resolutions for this year, as I never do.. I think its silly.
Besides, I never got to sit on Santas lap, and I am pretty pissed about
that. I dont think Satan counts..
Okay, so I have unknowingly made one new years resolution - not to make
a new years resolution. Actually, I make resolutions all year.. so it
is not confined to just the first of the year. I have dreams and desires,
as any normal person.. if I can be classified as such, and I work hard at
making them real and conventional.
Like, going back to school, writing, meeting Jello Biafra FAT CHANCE, I
know, but I will deal with it.., and ripping out alot of certain
someones hearts. If you dont know who you are, you should definitely
be as worried as I am. I am getting stronger in every sense. Brings to
mind a motto we had on our high school newspaper staff -- dont cross my
path. Seems to work, eh? Just like a black cat, I can fuck some shit
up.. dont forget.. : bye, have a nice god damned year!
violetta kitten
some bad news. the good news is, here we are again, we survived the new year,
and were ready to take our place at the top, where we belong. this pack is
not as big as the last, but we have some awesome new talent.. her name is myste,you might like it, you might not, but as you will see next, i wont be here to
deal with it anymore.. :
which brings me to the bad news. i am quitting horror of reality. yes, i know
i founded this group, its my brainchild and all that, but ive grown tired of
if and i am going to pursue something else right now.. i am handing control
over to violetta kitten, whom in my opinion, is the best poet in this group, andi hope that she just keeps getting better. who knows, you might even see me in
a pack or two in the future, rambling about something, or maybe even writing
something.. well, im not going to get mushy or anything, so dont get your
hopes up.. i just want to say something to the new head of HoR. tina, weve
been through alot these past seven months.. alot more then alot of lit group
founders have been through.. ive said somethings to you i probably shouldnt
have done, maybe done somethings also, and for all that i apologize. maybe
this is not the place to do this, but i figure its as good a place as any.
i love you.. keep up the good writing.. to the other members of HoR, its been
great, keep it up.. to all my fans, supporters, and what not, thanks. its beena wild ride.. any questions, email vk at crush@inthenet.com or bother me at
socialp@inthenet.com. i might reply.. peace out..
social parasite...
Happy Holidays! Greetings, salutations, and all that bull-shit..
Here I am again, and no one has gotten rid of me, yet.. I hope everyone
had a great month, because I did - life is WEIRD. But isnt that why we
are all here??
Another new year as we throw out the old one, only to be remembered by
our harsh memories and demented recollections.. there is no point in
making resolutions for this year, as I never do.. I think its silly.
Besides, I never got to sit on Santas lap, and I am pretty pissed about
that. I dont think Satan counts..
Okay, so I have unknowingly made one new years resolution - not to make
a new years resolution. Actually, I make resolutions all year.. so it
is not confined to just the first of the year. I have dreams and desires,
as any normal person.. if I can be classified as such, and I work hard at
making them real and conventional.
Like, going back to school, writing, meeting Jello Biafra FAT CHANCE, I
know, but I will deal with it.., and ripping out alot of certain
someones hearts. If you dont know who you are, you should definitely
be as worried as I am. I am getting stronger in every sense. Brings to
mind a motto we had on our high school newspaper staff -- dont cross my
path. Seems to work, eh? Just like a black cat, I can fuck some shit
up.. dont forget.. : bye, have a nice god damned year!
violetta kitten
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