this image contains text
P , .,. /yyy P ,,
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lb y, b.by, ? P
l .,*/ / c LiTORIS mp.
cut here-8X-------------------------------------------------------------------
I seriously forgot who this was for, and I ripped off neil on the face, and I
ripped off scott on the font, but I think it looks kind of cool.
P , .,. /yyy P ,,
,P. , ,, ,. P?
, . , b,db,d ?P ?
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y,,ylyP, ,y ?P ?
l * ? *
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lb y, b.by, ? P
l .,*/ / c LiTORIS mp.
cut here-8X-------------------------------------------------------------------
I seriously forgot who this was for, and I ripped off neil on the face, and I
ripped off scott on the font, but I think it looks kind of cool.
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