this image contains text
- 09/09/96
Maybe you can tell Im tired with HN. The fact that there are no headers around,the fileid.diz is shit, and more than 15 of my latest asciis arent in here
might attest to that.
Well, I can make no apologies for that. Everyone changes, and I have a great
deal in my months running HN.
The only regrets I have are that I was lax in collecting work this month, so a
great deal of hard work will go missed by our lovely HN members. Sorry, Xenocideand Primo, Im sure the both of you had much more work to display.
Anyways, its been 10 months since the conception of this group we the very few
of us I might add know as Hallucination was founded. Heres the a recap
Hallucination was taken from the record label that Dj Three, Dj Monk and Rabbit
in the Moon run here in Florida... yes trip, rabbit is from Florida heh.
- Me: Ive gone under some kind of anti-trank religious crusade. Not for
any real reason really... they are the best group and all, and my latin lover
c4 is a member. But, someone has to do it, and it might as well be me since I
have the skeelz to back up my mindless harrassment of tranks value.
- c4nn: well, c4s is my homey supreme, and gets much love.. even with his demonsummoning music bizzness cant really say anymore than Ive already said
about the man behind the little known SuperDave cartoon. C4nn is also gonna
be heading up Cr4ze ascii with me, in much the way he was a founder of HN
hes inspiration and a steady force behind my drawing. I look at his shit and
go damn, hes better than me.. that sucks, i have to draw something now
- Primordial Soup : well Primo has gone crazy on his ascii.. and he remains
one of my best friends from the scene although contact has been limited. Much
luck in Wicked with fellow HN guy Rav.. Maybe you can come to craze someday..I lub ya
- Xenocide : I dont really know whats up with Xenocide... cept hes like a
trank groupie hehe.. well, it seems to float his boats, i was a wicked groupyback in the day, so I can relate.. just wish youd choose someone besides
the machine to tag around
- Rav : My ravin nigga outta 203... This cat is hooked up with rave connects,
and continues to my main man out in Conneticuit with CD that is... Keep in
touch, and call me voice sometime again you fewl
- Erupt : The warez pimp from Miami.. Hopefully, I can meet you when I go down
there for that rave Fatal Errors gonna be throwing i think gotta meet
datapunk too.. Man, Miamis the bomb.. Erupt is also going to Craze ascii with
his oldschool phunk
- Darby Crash : Man, I dont know what the hell happened to you... but you rock
and will always rock. You got out of the scene in a bad time, when the locals
were fixing to kill each other... but its all mended now, so get your damn modemfixed.
- Skyfire : Ben... Ill give you a computer if you pleasure me hehe.. Anyway
hes C4nns main real life nigga, and he has a taste for the cheap ass cigars I
tend to bring over there hehe.. Draw Dj Trik a cover ya VGA ghod you
- Prime Time : You can go by too scoops.. but you know yous always gonna be
PT to me .. Man, you need to swing by Eckerds Express Photo and chill wit the
J-Dawg sometime..
- TSC : havent seen you in forever man.. I must DEFINATLY get back in touch withyour ass. Your phat graf anzees are legendary man hehe need to hang out andthrow bottles at cops and Food Lions heh. You rock
- Dream Thief : my main St Pete homeboy. You need to move within a 100 miles of
me so we can chill again... dammit. Not much to say, everythings been said
- Distorted Silence : You leave for the summer, and the scene completely dies.
Love ya.
- Creed : The kewky y0lk founder comes back to us in Craze. His ascii is the
although I bet he wishes he didnt draw. Oh well.. Phear Craze
and lastly
- Divine Intervention : My nigga outta Ash Art Productions. Hes got heart, hesgot soul... hes got a 4 inch clit!
Keep it real for Ash, sorry I had to drop it.. had to get Craze started and all
Thats it for this nfo file. It was lame and stupid. But its pretty much my
message to all the locals who made my stay in their scene great. From PD lamer,
to warez kiddie to art god, and back again.. remember Ill be back around. The
scene is my home away from home, as pathetic as it sounds... Im not a pathetic
person, just scene oriented, whether it be the rave scene or the art scene I
comes correct.
Keep a look out for me on The Village, and The Netherworlds.. besides that I
wont be calling 813 boards too much anymore. Love to all you 813 kids. I guess
this is pretty much my official departure from the 813 scene... oh well, yall
survive. Its time for the next generation of elitos to come up and take our p
Id like to greet all the people I worshipped when I was on a come up.. gotta
keep your memories alive.
Lazyness, Pak, Garath, Amazed, Roland, Primal Scream no worship anymore, dont
even think it punk he, Steelheart, Ali Baba, Master Ken the best 813 ever
had, Nevermind 2nd best , Yaga, No Fear, all yall..
later on again, sorry for the sorry shit ass nfo, but its time for HN to die.
Lets just hope someone picks up the weight.. local little shitty groups are
what the scenes all about
- spinsane AKA sir piru
- 09/09/96
Maybe you can tell Im tired with HN. The fact that there are no headers around,the fileid.diz is shit, and more than 15 of my latest asciis arent in here
might attest to that.
Well, I can make no apologies for that. Everyone changes, and I have a great
deal in my months running HN.
The only regrets I have are that I was lax in collecting work this month, so a
great deal of hard work will go missed by our lovely HN members. Sorry, Xenocideand Primo, Im sure the both of you had much more work to display.
Anyways, its been 10 months since the conception of this group we the very few
of us I might add know as Hallucination was founded. Heres the a recap
Hallucination was taken from the record label that Dj Three, Dj Monk and Rabbit
in the Moon run here in Florida... yes trip, rabbit is from Florida heh.
- Me: Ive gone under some kind of anti-trank religious crusade. Not for
any real reason really... they are the best group and all, and my latin lover
c4 is a member. But, someone has to do it, and it might as well be me since I
have the skeelz to back up my mindless harrassment of tranks value.
- c4nn: well, c4s is my homey supreme, and gets much love.. even with his demonsummoning music bizzness cant really say anymore than Ive already said
about the man behind the little known SuperDave cartoon. C4nn is also gonna
be heading up Cr4ze ascii with me, in much the way he was a founder of HN
hes inspiration and a steady force behind my drawing. I look at his shit and
go damn, hes better than me.. that sucks, i have to draw something now
- Primordial Soup : well Primo has gone crazy on his ascii.. and he remains
one of my best friends from the scene although contact has been limited. Much
luck in Wicked with fellow HN guy Rav.. Maybe you can come to craze someday..I lub ya
- Xenocide : I dont really know whats up with Xenocide... cept hes like a
trank groupie hehe.. well, it seems to float his boats, i was a wicked groupyback in the day, so I can relate.. just wish youd choose someone besides
the machine to tag around
- Rav : My ravin nigga outta 203... This cat is hooked up with rave connects,
and continues to my main man out in Conneticuit with CD that is... Keep in
touch, and call me voice sometime again you fewl
- Erupt : The warez pimp from Miami.. Hopefully, I can meet you when I go down
there for that rave Fatal Errors gonna be throwing i think gotta meet
datapunk too.. Man, Miamis the bomb.. Erupt is also going to Craze ascii with
his oldschool phunk
- Darby Crash : Man, I dont know what the hell happened to you... but you rock
and will always rock. You got out of the scene in a bad time, when the locals
were fixing to kill each other... but its all mended now, so get your damn modemfixed.
- Skyfire : Ben... Ill give you a computer if you pleasure me hehe.. Anyway
hes C4nns main real life nigga, and he has a taste for the cheap ass cigars I
tend to bring over there hehe.. Draw Dj Trik a cover ya VGA ghod you
- Prime Time : You can go by too scoops.. but you know yous always gonna be
PT to me .. Man, you need to swing by Eckerds Express Photo and chill wit the
J-Dawg sometime..
- TSC : havent seen you in forever man.. I must DEFINATLY get back in touch withyour ass. Your phat graf anzees are legendary man hehe need to hang out andthrow bottles at cops and Food Lions heh. You rock
- Dream Thief : my main St Pete homeboy. You need to move within a 100 miles of
me so we can chill again... dammit. Not much to say, everythings been said
- Distorted Silence : You leave for the summer, and the scene completely dies.
Love ya.
- Creed : The kewky y0lk founder comes back to us in Craze. His ascii is the
although I bet he wishes he didnt draw. Oh well.. Phear Craze
and lastly
- Divine Intervention : My nigga outta Ash Art Productions. Hes got heart, hesgot soul... hes got a 4 inch clit!
Keep it real for Ash, sorry I had to drop it.. had to get Craze started and all
Thats it for this nfo file. It was lame and stupid. But its pretty much my
message to all the locals who made my stay in their scene great. From PD lamer,
to warez kiddie to art god, and back again.. remember Ill be back around. The
scene is my home away from home, as pathetic as it sounds... Im not a pathetic
person, just scene oriented, whether it be the rave scene or the art scene I
comes correct.
Keep a look out for me on The Village, and The Netherworlds.. besides that I
wont be calling 813 boards too much anymore. Love to all you 813 kids. I guess
this is pretty much my official departure from the 813 scene... oh well, yall
survive. Its time for the next generation of elitos to come up and take our p
Id like to greet all the people I worshipped when I was on a come up.. gotta
keep your memories alive.
Lazyness, Pak, Garath, Amazed, Roland, Primal Scream no worship anymore, dont
even think it punk he, Steelheart, Ali Baba, Master Ken the best 813 ever
had, Nevermind 2nd best , Yaga, No Fear, all yall..
later on again, sorry for the sorry shit ass nfo, but its time for HN to die.
Lets just hope someone picks up the weight.. local little shitty groups are
what the scenes all about
- spinsane AKA sir piru
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