this image contains text
. spinsayne/: ..........
oO /:..,.....: :.........:
//: : hALLUCINATIOn: pHEAR uS.. iT
S yOUR rIGHT : . : :
fOunderz: cannibal c4
. spinsane sp
s3niors : skyfire
asCii : primOrdial s
Oup ps . creed cr
. erupt er . xeno
cide xe .
divine intervention d
i . the trend hi
ppie the
anSi : clark ck
muSic : distOrted si
lence ds . rav rav
. dream thief
l1t : spinsane
sp . darby crash dc
coding : barracuda
ba . fatal darkness
alumni : too5co0ps
25 . uninhibited u
n . the exorcist te
the shadow caster tsc
.....:.....................: hN!
note: all new members are in purpl
e. this file was done quickly
, and it sucks. the first person
in each group is the unofficial d
epartment head which does
not really mean anything except that we
appreciate their work in that are
a an
extra amount. peace
oO /:..,.....: :.........:
//: : hALLUCINATIOn: pHEAR uS.. iT
S yOUR rIGHT : . : :
fOunderz: cannibal c4
. spinsane sp
s3niors : skyfire
asCii : primOrdial s
Oup ps . creed cr
. erupt er . xeno
cide xe .
divine intervention d
i . the trend hi
ppie the
anSi : clark ck
muSic : distOrted si
lence ds . rav rav
. dream thief
l1t : spinsane
sp . darby crash dc
coding : barracuda
ba . fatal darkness
alumni : too5co0ps
25 . uninhibited u
n . the exorcist te
the shadow caster tsc
.....:.....................: hN!
note: all new members are in purpl
e. this file was done quickly
, and it sucks. the first person
in each group is the unofficial d
epartment head which does
not really mean anything except that we
appreciate their work in that are
a an
extra amount. peace
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