this image contains text
humid news, where we j
ust like to babble
hi there neighbors, its spear here, talking in
the 1 spot this time
:. the new thing you might have noticed.. humid has p
hunk. with the current
additions of the rza straight from ac
id, the ever elusive
hannibal lecter who we all know
for his phunk, a great rip artist,
shaolin from fire and u
topia from stab. crime lord
, an ex-acid member
joins the already
powerful ansi
dept, along with
kalani and a
new comer xode. f
inally, in the ascii empty sp
ace empty space empty s dept, we gai
n mass murderer from fire and
ironman from basic. phear us har
ok, so you might think wow, all these big names
in a no-name group? yeah,
well phear it, its the truth. if everyone joined i
ce or acid, this scene
would have no structure. as i see it, the scene ha
s its giants, ie: ice,
acid, fire. and its constant contenders: cia, apat
hy, mop, and this no-name
humid group. with a bit of hard work, and qualit
y control, humid might
break into that giant part. by the way, todays wor
d is . . phear. :P im out
- flame keeps it real. yeah.
yeah, i pretty much pheared the colors up there. t
here are some more
additions to the group. rusty, former pr
esident of the group acme, joins
up this month showing off some ansi skills. great t
o have him in, cause
hes a cool guy too :. san man from rig
or joins up and will have some
stuff in the future packs to come. th
e sandman, a verteran of the scene,
joins up and were very happy to have him in. o
utkast, formerly of saga
studios, joins this month and will have some rip to
show off next month.
king saver joins this month to show some
ansis off, and is in the middle
of a pic. phearsum. necrolyte, a great
logoist, joins this month instead
of going to fire. neato, because he rocks. : and
last, but definately
not least, mortos, formerly of anemia and
cancer, joins this month at the
last second, and will have some stuff next month. :
thats about it for
the new members... no one actually left this month,
but some have been
dropped due to inactivity. if you are not on the me
mberlist, due to this,
contact me ASAP at fl901@iglou.com, find me on irc,
or call rare sOMa at
1-606-277-8324. thanks, have a nice night.
sorry, this newsletter was rushed all to hell. bu
t oh well, live with it,
cause im keepin it real.
- writers: spear, flame
- artists: flame
ust like to babble
hi there neighbors, its spear here, talking in
the 1 spot this time
:. the new thing you might have noticed.. humid has p
hunk. with the current
additions of the rza straight from ac
id, the ever elusive
hannibal lecter who we all know
for his phunk, a great rip artist,
shaolin from fire and u
topia from stab. crime lord
, an ex-acid member
joins the already
powerful ansi
dept, along with
kalani and a
new comer xode. f
inally, in the ascii empty sp
ace empty space empty s dept, we gai
n mass murderer from fire and
ironman from basic. phear us har
ok, so you might think wow, all these big names
in a no-name group? yeah,
well phear it, its the truth. if everyone joined i
ce or acid, this scene
would have no structure. as i see it, the scene ha
s its giants, ie: ice,
acid, fire. and its constant contenders: cia, apat
hy, mop, and this no-name
humid group. with a bit of hard work, and qualit
y control, humid might
break into that giant part. by the way, todays wor
d is . . phear. :P im out
- flame keeps it real. yeah.
yeah, i pretty much pheared the colors up there. t
here are some more
additions to the group. rusty, former pr
esident of the group acme, joins
up this month showing off some ansi skills. great t
o have him in, cause
hes a cool guy too :. san man from rig
or joins up and will have some
stuff in the future packs to come. th
e sandman, a verteran of the scene,
joins up and were very happy to have him in. o
utkast, formerly of saga
studios, joins this month and will have some rip to
show off next month.
king saver joins this month to show some
ansis off, and is in the middle
of a pic. phearsum. necrolyte, a great
logoist, joins this month instead
of going to fire. neato, because he rocks. : and
last, but definately
not least, mortos, formerly of anemia and
cancer, joins this month at the
last second, and will have some stuff next month. :
thats about it for
the new members... no one actually left this month,
but some have been
dropped due to inactivity. if you are not on the me
mberlist, due to this,
contact me ASAP at fl901@iglou.com, find me on irc,
or call rare sOMa at
1-606-277-8324. thanks, have a nice night.
sorry, this newsletter was rushed all to hell. bu
t oh well, live with it,
cause im keepin it real.
- writers: spear, flame
- artists: flame
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