this image contains text
: : ... - -+hIVEHead .. : + ..:,
+ +:+ ++ ... :.::.. . ...:. .. ... h
Olocaust .:..:: @ ..:: +@ ::..:
. ...:: -++hIVE Artists++. : .yyy,.
: @ ... .:: ::.. .. -Lord Rea
per: !l7 @.@+@y++:.. .,yyy
. : .. :+Megaman -+. : ! !l
!l l! ,@ @, :..-Prodiac
..: i !l 1 .. :@ . .::
Tekn1k -. :.,b, !l !l
l! j@ !i d -++New Artists++:: ::!
l ! @D
Epidemic : :: : ::: .::: : :!l::.!l l
!::@@immmmmmmm@:::..:-+Leaving Artists. :..:::
:.:!l::::::..:::. :::..:::..:: aa!!..:::::
. Inspectah. :::....:::::..: !l:: !l l
!::::: : : :::::::::::::.::.::.:.. Deck
:::: : ::!l ::. :.. y:::..:::: :..: .:::::::::
-+Guest Artists++. ::: :..::. .:::::..::!
!::..::::::::: : :...::::..- Pariah .:: +.
+ Tripulog
.yy. ,
::aLl iN alL::@yy@+@b,
@.y d
/f1rst OFf:: @
i Would like to appologize to Lord Reaper for not having
his work in the
pack and will try avoiding anything of that sort or anythin
g to that extent
happening again.
On to other news a sad part to hIVE, Inspectah Deck has
left hIVE for
Click!ascii on the part that he was invited, and we would l
ike to exted our
thanks for him being in hIVE and doing a good job. Keep up
the good work.
This month has brought me great joy, one of my old frien
ds comes back from
his long extended vacation and has joined up with hIVE, he
has lots of
experience and hope to heed his words of advice, as he and
kaleidas have back
when we ran bASiC. So expect some awesome oldschool from th
is oldschool master.
I would just like to see on the off note that hIVE packs
are located in
the Dark Pack in its own zip under hIVE??.zip as the filen
ame ?? being
the digit of the pack :: .yy.
ex: hIVE00.zip premier pack @y
y@+@b, hIVE01.zip this months p
ack March/98 @@.@! and s
o on. @. @ You may also find
hIVE packs located at ftp.remorse.org in its own
directory as like other ascii groups have thei
r own as well. .,@ @ I would like to
mention that hIVE has 11 spots still open to any asc
ii artist with their unique style, if you are
willing to apply please feel *,@ free to email m
e at mother@yesic.com or find me on irc on efnet: in
dark and ascii as hOlocaust. @
I have taken into account on the quality of th
e pack and i stongly urge ! members to increase t
heir quality for any and all upcoming packs to come.
I want all new and future members to please tell me when
they change groups
so that I can take into account of how many groups your in,
I dont care what
groups you join as long as i know how many yer in.
And one last final note.. i would like to thank serial2n
or now known as
junior and pariah for guesting in this months hIVE pack.
dARk hIVE aSCii head
.yy. ,i
, y@,++-- ---+----
+ @@. .@@--
+ +:+ ++ ... :.::.. . ...:. .. ... h
Olocaust .:..:: @ ..:: +@ ::..:
. ...:: -++hIVE Artists++. : .yyy,.
: @ ... .:: ::.. .. -Lord Rea
per: !l7 @.@+@y++:.. .,yyy
. : .. :+Megaman -+. : ! !l
!l l! ,@ @, :..-Prodiac
..: i !l 1 .. :@ . .::
Tekn1k -. :.,b, !l !l
l! j@ !i d -++New Artists++:: ::!
l ! @D
Epidemic : :: : ::: .::: : :!l::.!l l
!::@@immmmmmmm@:::..:-+Leaving Artists. :..:::
:.:!l::::::..:::. :::..:::..:: aa!!..:::::
. Inspectah. :::....:::::..: !l:: !l l
!::::: : : :::::::::::::.::.::.:.. Deck
:::: : ::!l ::. :.. y:::..:::: :..: .:::::::::
-+Guest Artists++. ::: :..::. .:::::..::!
!::..::::::::: : :...::::..- Pariah .:: +.
+ Tripulog
.yy. ,
::aLl iN alL::@yy@+@b,
@.y d
/f1rst OFf:: @
i Would like to appologize to Lord Reaper for not having
his work in the
pack and will try avoiding anything of that sort or anythin
g to that extent
happening again.
On to other news a sad part to hIVE, Inspectah Deck has
left hIVE for
Click!ascii on the part that he was invited, and we would l
ike to exted our
thanks for him being in hIVE and doing a good job. Keep up
the good work.
This month has brought me great joy, one of my old frien
ds comes back from
his long extended vacation and has joined up with hIVE, he
has lots of
experience and hope to heed his words of advice, as he and
kaleidas have back
when we ran bASiC. So expect some awesome oldschool from th
is oldschool master.
I would just like to see on the off note that hIVE packs
are located in
the Dark Pack in its own zip under hIVE??.zip as the filen
ame ?? being
the digit of the pack :: .yy.
ex: hIVE00.zip premier pack @y
y@+@b, hIVE01.zip this months p
ack March/98 @@.@! and s
o on. @. @ You may also find
hIVE packs located at ftp.remorse.org in its own
directory as like other ascii groups have thei
r own as well. .,@ @ I would like to
mention that hIVE has 11 spots still open to any asc
ii artist with their unique style, if you are
willing to apply please feel *,@ free to email m
e at mother@yesic.com or find me on irc on efnet: in
dark and ascii as hOlocaust. @
I have taken into account on the quality of th
e pack and i stongly urge ! members to increase t
heir quality for any and all upcoming packs to come.
I want all new and future members to please tell me when
they change groups
so that I can take into account of how many groups your in,
I dont care what
groups you join as long as i know how many yer in.
And one last final note.. i would like to thank serial2n
or now known as
junior and pariah for guesting in this months hIVE pack.
dARk hIVE aSCii head
.yy. ,i
, y@,++-- ---+----
+ @@. .@@--
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