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--- - H I E R O G L Y P H I C S - --
ns - -- ------- -- T h e F i f t h D i s c o v e r y
- Introduction
Happy New Year! Hopefully the renewed spirit that is typically observed in
people at this time of the Earths rotation is also evident in the world of
ansi. To anyone that has demonstrated the die-hard attitude over the past
two or three months, you are commended. Im sure today was a lazy day for the
majority, it certainly was for me. My sluggishness, however, didnt manage to
thwart the progress of Hieroglyphics. I think we managed to ring in the year
with a solid, if not subtle pack.
- Roster Alterations
It was a quiet month, with most people in the midst of Christmas celebrations
and holiday activities. Much like the fat is trimmed from a turkey, our
member list was shed of inactivity. Klumzee is presumed dead, therefore
he has been removed from the roster. If this is not the case Klumzee, please
get in touch. Toot and Knocturnal were each wept for as they both expressed
their dying interest in the medium. I hope things change, and I hope to see
both their works in our packs or other packs in the future.
- Wish List
Peace on Earth.
Gillian Andersons lips around my dong.
Eternal life.
For every ansi loving soul to enjoy this fine pack.
- Ikea Implications Of Hatred To Entice Competition
Screw you guys. I think youre a bunch of Swedish meatballs and you all suck
and burn in Hell.
I just want to see some good ansi from yall.
Warm regards,
ns - -- ------- -- T h e F i f t h D i s c o v e r y
- Introduction
Happy New Year! Hopefully the renewed spirit that is typically observed in
people at this time of the Earths rotation is also evident in the world of
ansi. To anyone that has demonstrated the die-hard attitude over the past
two or three months, you are commended. Im sure today was a lazy day for the
majority, it certainly was for me. My sluggishness, however, didnt manage to
thwart the progress of Hieroglyphics. I think we managed to ring in the year
with a solid, if not subtle pack.
- Roster Alterations
It was a quiet month, with most people in the midst of Christmas celebrations
and holiday activities. Much like the fat is trimmed from a turkey, our
member list was shed of inactivity. Klumzee is presumed dead, therefore
he has been removed from the roster. If this is not the case Klumzee, please
get in touch. Toot and Knocturnal were each wept for as they both expressed
their dying interest in the medium. I hope things change, and I hope to see
both their works in our packs or other packs in the future.
- Wish List
Peace on Earth.
Gillian Andersons lips around my dong.
Eternal life.
For every ansi loving soul to enjoy this fine pack.
- Ikea Implications Of Hatred To Entice Competition
Screw you guys. I think youre a bunch of Swedish meatballs and you all suck
and burn in Hell.
I just want to see some good ansi from yall.
Warm regards,
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