this image contains text
it may not be a 100 liner or anything, but its a pic, and definately an
improvement in what i cant do, at the moment i really wanna thank a few people
and congratulate some aswell, consider this a dediaction to all artists, active
or inactive.
Catch22 thanks for all your support,it is greatly apreciated, thanks for lookingat the positive side in whatever i drew.
Savagecow You told me once not to stop trying to draw pics and neither should
you, your talent is real, something you shouldnt throw away either, all of us
in the scene really need more people like you to start drawing again. Well as
you can see, i havent stopped trying, so thank you for not telling me to throw
in the towel and all..
Propane dude.. ive seen your stuff from early rca days.. and dude, let me tell
you, you HAVE come along way.. your damn active, and i dont think there is one
artist out there these days, who can draw as much as you can.. keep at it dude..
Zerovision well you rock!, what else can i say.. oh yeah thanks for all the helpand adivce you have given me while iam still trying to draw these damn pics :
without your motivational words i probaly wouldnt have been able to start on
pictures as such : so thanks heaps
Dissonance you have inspired me heaps since your comeback to the scene, im not
talking along the line of pics, but fonting.. ever since you came back all i
ever did was think about expanding my horizons in fonting, not just to draw
tna rip off ansis, i know now that alot of my previous fonts were all boring,
and i do admit that tna has inflenced me alot in my fonting, but i think ive
taken the other road to my own style, and i thank you heaps for this dee,
without you or hieroglyphics, i probaly would have been same old boring me :
thanks for all your advice, ideas, and help.. i owe you heaps..
and to everyone else.. people i know and havent greeted such as: cryogenic,
somber, knocturnal, spear, mr wrong, ansichrist, avenger and others, you
have all influenced me to draw the way i do.. so thanks heaps..
to all inactive artists out there, just do it.. get out and draw, you have
talent, and it shouldnt be wasted on idling in ans, do something with it..
it may not be a 100 liner or anything, but its a pic, and definately an
improvement in what i cant do, at the moment i really wanna thank a few people
and congratulate some aswell, consider this a dediaction to all artists, active
or inactive.
Catch22 thanks for all your support,it is greatly apreciated, thanks for lookingat the positive side in whatever i drew.
Savagecow You told me once not to stop trying to draw pics and neither should
you, your talent is real, something you shouldnt throw away either, all of us
in the scene really need more people like you to start drawing again. Well as
you can see, i havent stopped trying, so thank you for not telling me to throw
in the towel and all..
Propane dude.. ive seen your stuff from early rca days.. and dude, let me tell
you, you HAVE come along way.. your damn active, and i dont think there is one
artist out there these days, who can draw as much as you can.. keep at it dude..
Zerovision well you rock!, what else can i say.. oh yeah thanks for all the helpand adivce you have given me while iam still trying to draw these damn pics :
without your motivational words i probaly wouldnt have been able to start on
pictures as such : so thanks heaps
Dissonance you have inspired me heaps since your comeback to the scene, im not
talking along the line of pics, but fonting.. ever since you came back all i
ever did was think about expanding my horizons in fonting, not just to draw
tna rip off ansis, i know now that alot of my previous fonts were all boring,
and i do admit that tna has inflenced me alot in my fonting, but i think ive
taken the other road to my own style, and i thank you heaps for this dee,
without you or hieroglyphics, i probaly would have been same old boring me :
thanks for all your advice, ideas, and help.. i owe you heaps..
and to everyone else.. people i know and havent greeted such as: cryogenic,
somber, knocturnal, spear, mr wrong, ansichrist, avenger and others, you
have all influenced me to draw the way i do.. so thanks heaps..
to all inactive artists out there, just do it.. get out and draw, you have
talent, and it shouldnt be wasted on idling in ans, do something with it..
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