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The Fourth
News Letter 4
In advance, Id like to thank everyone who will spend their time indulging in
this collection. Your interest contributes exponentially to our purpose, and
in turn I hope the pieces contained within increase, to whatever extent, your
personal stride when it comes to endeavours inside and outside the ansi medium.
Id like to make reference to my ever growing pet peeve these days within the
art scene and its IRC channel/WWW/art group extremities - the cynic. Id like
to say that I am infuriated by pessimists who plague the spirit and creativity
of those with true worth. However, anger is much too sincere an emotion to be
wasted on such ignorant knobs. So, Ill tightly wrap this paragraph with a
simple statement of truth: every pack Hieroglyphics or any other group releases
is a testament which deems you plain wrong. And furthermore, anyone that said
its pointless to draw but now reads these words or skims this pack is a
bastardly hypocrite.
Thanks, enjoy the rest of the pack.
Roster Alterations/Member News
Several interested people logged on this month. Propane, whose successful
Fuck Monkey magazine series is turning heads these days, abandoned the sunken
Buttraiderz ship and hopped aboard. Rash, an old friend from my Glue days
is anxious to unleash his unique works. And were certainly anxious to see
them! Slackzor also impressed me with a number of works-in-progress and can
be anticipated to be releasing regularly among us. Finally, not enough good
can be said about Zippy. Hes showcased in and been the highlight of Black
Maiden, Used and Awe Lettering packs. I am more than happy to have him in our
happy little circle.
Knocturnal is in the midst of some soul searching, currently contemplating
a new future in the world of VGA. Although hed surely conquer that realm
as well, Id sorely miss his ansi skills present. If you feel the same way,
maybe toss him a message and let him know hes appreciated.
A single soul has yet to leave Hieroglyphics, however I have to instill a
notice to a couple guys whove been inactive. Attention Klumzee and Toot,
hopefully you still have intentions of drawing alongside us. Please get subs
to me or at least get in contact.
Congratulations if you managed to read to the end, I tried to keep it short.
As always, applications are welcomed. Try to be original.
Hieroglyphics supports expansion and betterment of the underground art scene.
The Fourth
News Letter 4
In advance, Id like to thank everyone who will spend their time indulging in
this collection. Your interest contributes exponentially to our purpose, and
in turn I hope the pieces contained within increase, to whatever extent, your
personal stride when it comes to endeavours inside and outside the ansi medium.
Id like to make reference to my ever growing pet peeve these days within the
art scene and its IRC channel/WWW/art group extremities - the cynic. Id like
to say that I am infuriated by pessimists who plague the spirit and creativity
of those with true worth. However, anger is much too sincere an emotion to be
wasted on such ignorant knobs. So, Ill tightly wrap this paragraph with a
simple statement of truth: every pack Hieroglyphics or any other group releases
is a testament which deems you plain wrong. And furthermore, anyone that said
its pointless to draw but now reads these words or skims this pack is a
bastardly hypocrite.
Thanks, enjoy the rest of the pack.
Roster Alterations/Member News
Several interested people logged on this month. Propane, whose successful
Fuck Monkey magazine series is turning heads these days, abandoned the sunken
Buttraiderz ship and hopped aboard. Rash, an old friend from my Glue days
is anxious to unleash his unique works. And were certainly anxious to see
them! Slackzor also impressed me with a number of works-in-progress and can
be anticipated to be releasing regularly among us. Finally, not enough good
can be said about Zippy. Hes showcased in and been the highlight of Black
Maiden, Used and Awe Lettering packs. I am more than happy to have him in our
happy little circle.
Knocturnal is in the midst of some soul searching, currently contemplating
a new future in the world of VGA. Although hed surely conquer that realm
as well, Id sorely miss his ansi skills present. If you feel the same way,
maybe toss him a message and let him know hes appreciated.
A single soul has yet to leave Hieroglyphics, however I have to instill a
notice to a couple guys whove been inactive. Attention Klumzee and Toot,
hopefully you still have intentions of drawing alongside us. Please get subs
to me or at least get in contact.
Congratulations if you managed to read to the end, I tried to keep it short.
As always, applications are welcomed. Try to be original.
Hieroglyphics supports expansion and betterment of the underground art scene.
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